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Blanc, I., Friot, D., Margni, M., & Jolliet, O. (2008). Life cycle assessment of two baby food packaging alternatives: glass jars vs. plastic pots. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 14(2), 95-106. Lien externe
Blanc, I., Friot, D., Margni, M., & Jolliet, O. (2008). Towards a New Index for Environmental Sustainability Based on a Daly Weighting Approach. Sustainable Development, 16(4), 251-260. Lien externe
Copin, P. J., Chèvre, N., Charles, R., Klein, A., & Margni, M. (novembre 2008). Comparative assessment of the potential impact of pesticides used in the catchment of Lake Geneva [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector (LCA), Zurich, Suisse. Non disponible
Fréchette-Marleau, S., Bécaert, V., Margni, M., Samson, R., & Deschênes, L. (2008). Evaluating the Variability of Aquatic Acidification and Photochemical Ozone Formation Characterization Factors for Canadian Emissions. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13(7), 593-604. Lien externe
Hauschild, M. Z., Goedkoop, M., Guinée, J., Heijungs, R., Huijbregts, M., Jolliet, O., Margni, M., & De Schryver, A. (novembre 2008). Development of a recommended Life Cycle Impact Assessment methodology: a European step towards a worldwide method [Résumé]. 29th Annual Meeting of SETAC North America, 2008, Tampa, Fl.. Non disponible
Hauschild, M. Z., Goedkoop, M., Guinée, J., Heijungs, R., Huijbregts, M., Jolliet, O., Margni, M., & De Schryver, A. (septembre 2008). Identification of best practice : Development of basis for a recommended LCIA methodology for the European Commission [Résumé]. InLCA Seattle, Seattle, WA. Non disponible
Hauschild, M. Z., Huijbregts, M., Jolliet, O., Macleod, M., Margni, M., van de Meent, D., Rosenbaum, R. K., & McKone, T. E. (2008). Building a Model Based on Scientific Consensus for Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Chemicals: the Search for Harmony and Parsimony. Environmental Science & Technology, 42(19), 7032-7037. Lien externe
Hauschild, M., Bachmann, T. M., Huijbregts, M., Jolliet, O., Köhler, A., Larsen, H. F., Margni, M., McKone, T., MacLeod, M., Meent, D. , Schuhmacher, M., & Rosenbaum, R. K. (2008). International consensus model for comparative assessment of chemical emissions in LCA. (Rapport technique n° LBNL-512E). Lien externe
Hauschild, M., Goedkoop, M., Guinée, J., Heijungs, R., Huijbregts, M., Jolliet, O., Margni, M., De Schryver, A., & Bersani, R. (mai 2008). Identification of best practice : Development of basis for a recommended LCIA methodology for the European Commission [Résumé]. SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland. Non disponible
Jolliet, O., Shaked, S., Humbert, S., Nishioka, Y., Guinée, J., Heijungs, R., Goedkoop, M., Huijbregts, M. A. J., Preis, P., Marshall, J., Margni, M., & Hauschild, M. Z. (novembre 2008). Development of recommended characterisation factors for primary and secondary particulate matter [Résumé]. SETAC North America 29th Annual Meeting, Tampa, Fl.. Non disponible
Jolliet, O., Soucy, G., Dettling, J., Humbert, S., Manneh, R., Deschênes, L., & Margni, M. (octobre 2008). Use of intake fractions and blood half-lives in combination with toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) to evaluate multi-compound emissions and blood concentrations [Résumé]. ISEE 20th Annual Conference, Pasadena, California. Publié dans Epidemiology, 19(6). Lien externe
Koehler, A., Aoustin, E., Bayart, J.-B., Bulle, C., Margni, M., Pfister, S., & Vince, F. (octobre 2008). A framework for assessing (fresh) water use within LCA: First results from the related project under the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (Phase 2) [Résumé]. LCA VIII Conference, Seattle, WA. Non disponible
Lesage, P., Reid, C., Margni, M., Aubertin, M., & Deschênes, L. (novembre 2008). Use of LCA in the mining industry and research challenges [Communication écrite]. Symposium 2008 sur l'environnement et les mines, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. Non disponible
Margni, M., Gloria, T., Bare, J., Seppälä, J., Steen, B., Struijs, J., Toffoletto, L., & Jolliet, O. (2008). Guidance on how to move from current practice to recommended practice in Life Cycle Impact Assessment. (Rapport technique). Lien externe
Posch, M., Seppälä, J., Hettelingh, J.-P., Johansson, M., Margni, M., & Jolliet, O. (2008). The Role of Atmospheric Dispersion Models and Ecosystem Sensitivity in the Determination of Characterisation Factors for Acidifying and Eutrophying Emissions in Lcia. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13(6), 477-486. Lien externe
Rosenbaum, R. K., Bachmann, T. M., Gold, L. S., Huijbregts, M. A. J., Jolliet, O., Juraske, R., Koehler, A., Larsen, H. F., MacLeod, M., Margni, M., McKone, T. E., Payet, J., Schuhmacher, M., Van De Meent, D., & Hauschild, M. Z. (2008). Usetox-the Unep-Setac Toxicity Model: Recommended Characterisation Factors for Human Toxicity and Freshwater Ecotoxicity in Life Cycle Impact Assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13(7), 532-546. Lien externe
Shaked, S., Friot, D., Humbert, S., Margni, M., Schwarzer, S., Wannaz, C., & Jolliet, O. (octobre 2008). Health impacts of trade: Integration of multimedia multi-continental model and a global input-output trade model [Résumé]. ISEE 20th Annual Conference, Pasadena, California. Publié dans Epidemiology, 19(6). Lien externe