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Rossi, M., van Schijndel, T. A. J., Lueb, P., Badawy, G., Jung, J., Peeters, W. H. J., Kölling, S., Moutanabbir, O., Verheijen, M. A., & Bakkers, E. P. A. M. (2024). Stemless InSb nanowire networks and nanoflakes grown on InP. Nanotechnology, 35(41), 415602 (11 pages). Available
Badawy, G., Zhang, B., Rauch, T., Momand, J., Koelling, S., Jung, J., Gazibegovic, S., Moutanabbir, O., Kooi, B. J., Botti, S., Verheijen, M. A., Frolov, S. M., & Bakkers, E. P. A. M. (2022). Electronic Structure and Epitaxy of CdTe Shells on InSb Nanowires. Advanced Science, 9(12), 2105722 (8 pages). External link
Schellingerhout, S. G., de Jong, E. J., Gomanko, M., Guan, X., Jiang, Y., Hoskam, M. S. M., Jung, J., Koelling, S., Moutanabbir, O., Verheijen, M. A., Frolov, S. M., & Bakkers, E. P. A. M. (2022). Growth of PbTe nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy. Materials for Quantum Technology, 2(1), 015001. External link
Bergamaschini, R., Plantenga, R. C., Albani, M., Scalise, E., Ren, Y., Hauge, H. I. T., Kölling, S., Montalenti, F., Bakkers, E. P. A. M., Verheijen, M. A., & Miglio, L. (2021). Prismatic Ge-rich inclusions in the hexagonal SiGe shell of GaP-Si-SiGe nanowires by controlled faceting. Nanoscale, 13(20), 9436-9445. External link
Fadaly, E. M. T., Dijkstra, A., Suckert, J. R., Ziss, D., van Tilburg, M. A. J., Mao, C., Ren, Y., van Lange, V. T., Korzun, K., Kölling, S., Verheijen, M. A., Busse, D., Rödl, C., Furthmüller, J., Bechstedt, F., Stangl, J., Finley, J. J., Botti, S., Haverkort, J. E. M., & Bakkers, E. P. A. M. (2020). Direct-bandgap emission from hexagonal Ge and SiGe alloys. Nature, 580(7802), 205-209. External link
Assali, S., Bergamaschini, R., Scalise, E., Verheijen, M. A., Albani, M., Dijkstra, A., Li, A., Koelling, S., Bakkers, E. P. A. M., Montalenti, F., & Miglio, L. (2020). Kinetic Control of Morphology and Composition in Ge/GeSn Core/Shell Nanowires. ACS Nano, 14(2), 2445-2455. External link
Kölling, S., Plantenga, R. C., Hauge, H. I. T., Ren, Y., Li, A., Verheijen, M. A., Conesa Boj, S., Assali, S., Koenraad, P. M., & Bakkers, E. P. A. M. (2016, October). Impurity and defect monitoring in hexagonal Si and SiGe nanocrystals [Paper]. Symposium on SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 7 (PRiME 2016)/230th ECS Meeting, Honolulu, HI. Published in ECS Transactions, 75(8). External link