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Baris Atakan, H., Alkanat, T., Cornaglia, M., Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2020). Automated phenotyping of Caenorhabditis elegans embryos with a high-throughput-screening microfluidic platform. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 6(1), 24-24. External link
Cornaglia, M., Trouillon, R., Tekin, H. C., Lehnert, T., & Gijs, M. A.M. (2015). Dose-response curve of a microfluidic magnetic bead-based surface coverage sandwich assay. New Biotechnology, 32(5), 433-40. External link
Cornaglia, M., Trouillon, R., Tekin, H. C., Lehnert, T., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2014). Magnetic particle-scanning for ultrasensitive immunodetection on-chip. Analytical Chemistry, 86(16), 8213-23. External link
Harreither, W., Trouillon, R., Poulin, P., Neri, W., Ewing, A. G., & Safina, G. (2016). Cysteine residues reduce the severity of dopamine electrochemical fouling. Electrochimica Acta, 210, 622-629. External link
Harreither, W., Trouillon, R., Poulin, P., Neri, W., Ewing, A. G., & Safina, G. (2013). Carbon nanotube fiber microelectrodes show a higher resistance to dopamine fouling. Analytical Chemistry, 85(15), 7447-53. External link
Knudsen, J. R., Persson, K. W., Henríquez‐Olguín, C., Li, Z., Leo, N. D., Hesselager, S. A., Raun, S. H., Hingst, J. R., Trouillon, R., Wohlwend, M., Wojtaszewski, J. F. P., Gijs, M. A. M., & Jensen, T. E. (2023). Author response: Microtubule-mediated GLUT4 trafficking is disrupted in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle. eLife. External link
Knudsen, J. R., Persson, K. W., Henriquez-Olguin, C., Li, Z., Di Leo, N., Hesselager, S. A., Raun, S. H., Hingst, J. R., Trouillon, R., Wohlwend, M., Wojtaszewski, J. F. P., Gijs, M. A. M., & Jensen, T. E. (2023). Microtubule-mediated GLUT4 trafficking is disrupted in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle. Elife, 12, e83338 (24 pages). External link
Letizia, M. C., Cornaglia, M., Tranchida, G., Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2018). A design of experiment approach for efficient multi-parametric drug testing using a Caenorhabditis elegans model. Integrative Biology, 10(1), 48-56. External link
Letizia, M. C., Cornaglia, M., Trouillon, R., Sorrentino, V., Mouchiroud, L., Bou Sleiman, M. S., Auwerx, J., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2018). Microfluidics-enabled phenotyping of a whole population of C. elegans worms over their embryonic and post-embryonic development at single-organism resolution. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 4(1), 6 pages. External link
Lin, Y., Trouillon, R., Svensson, M. I., Keighron, J. D., Cans, A.-S., & Ewing, A. G. (2012). Carbon-Ring Microelectrode Arrays for Electrochemical Imaging of Single Cell Exocytosis: Fabrication and Characterization. Analytical Chemistry, 84(6), 2949-2954. External link
Lin, Y., Trouillon, R., Safina, G., & Ewing, A. G. (2011). Chemical analysis of single cells. Analytical Chemistry, 83(12), 4369-4392. External link
Mertens, M., Martinic, M., Markovic, T., Trouillon, R., Wu, K., & Schreurs, D. (2024, June). Principal Component Regression for Small-Sample Microwave-Microfluidic Chemometrics Without De-Embedding [Paper]. 2024 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC 2024), Montreal, QC, Canada. External link
Mertens, M., Markovic, T., Trouillon, R., Wu, K., & Schreurs, D. (2023, September). Design of an Interconnect Box for Dielectric Spectroscopy Using Disposable Samples [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC 2023), Leuven, Belgium. External link
Mai, J.-Y., Tissir, H., Zhu, H.-T., Trouillon, R., Schreurs, D., & Wu, K. (2023, September). Free-Space THz Characterization of PC12 Cells [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC 2023), Leuven, Belgium. External link
Mertens, M., Trouillon, R., Wu, K., Nauwelaers, B., Markovic, T., & Schreurs, D. (2023, September). Tapered CPW Transmission Line for Enlarging Dynamic Range of Transmission Spectroscopy [Paper]. 53rd European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2023), Berlin, Germany. External link
Mellander, L. J., Trouillon, R., Svensson, M. I., & Ewing, A. G. (2012). Amperometric post spike feet reveal most exocytosis is via extended kiss-and-run fusion. Scientific Reports, 2(1), 907-907. External link
Nguyen, H. T., Dupont, L. N., Cuttaz, E. A., Jean, A. M., Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2018). Breast cancer HER2 analysis by extra-short incubation microfluidics-assisted fluorescence in situ hybridization (ESIMA FISH). Microelectronic Engineering, 189, 33-38. External link
Nguyen, H. T., Bernier, L. S., Jean, A. M., Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2017). Microfluidic-assisted chromogenic in situ hybridization (MA-CISH) for fast and accurate breast cancer diagnosis. Microelectronic Engineering, 183-184, 52-57. External link
Nguyen, H. T., Trouillon, R., Matsuoka, S., Fiche, M., de Leval, L., Bisig, B., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2017). Microfluidics-assisted fluorescence in situ hybridization for advantageous human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 assessment in breast cancer. Laboratory Investigation, 97(1), 93-103. External link
Pelletier, J., & Trouillon, R. (2024). Tuning the properties of paper-based electrodes for neurochemical analysis. Electrochimica Acta, 475, 143528 (9 pages). External link
Passarelli, M. K., Wang, J., Mohammadi, A. S., Trouillon, R., Gilmore, I., & Ewing, A. G. (2014). Development of an Organic Lateral Resolution Test Device for Imaging Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 86(19), 9473-9480. External link
Sawires, A., & Trouillon, R. (2024, June). Flexible Electrodes for the Electroanalysis of Neurotransmitters [Paper]. 22nd IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS 2024), Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. External link
Simonsson, L., Kurczy, M. E., Trouillon, R., Hook, F., & Cans, A. S. (2012). A functioning artificial secretory cell. Scientific Reports, 2(1), 824-824. External link
Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2023). Cells-on-electrode-on-paper: Analytical platforms for the chemical study of cellular secretion. Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, 14, 8 pages. External link
Trouillon, R., Kang, D.-K., Chang, S.-I., & O'Hare, D. (2022). Neomycin, but Not Neamine, Blocks Angiogenic Factor Induced Nitric Oxide Release through Inhibition of Akt Phosphorylation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(23), 15277 (12 pages). External link
Trouillon, R. (2018, February). A Multiscale Study of the Role of Dynamin in Exocytosis [Presentation]. In Pittcon 2018, Orlando FL, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2018). Paper-Based Polymer Electrodes for Bioanalysis and Electrochemistry of Neurotransmitters. Chemphyschem, 19(10), 1164-1172. External link
Trouillon, R. Electroanalytical detection for life sciences [Presentation]. In Section of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. Measuring biological dynamics- a case for electrochemistry [Presentation]. In Rice University, Houston TX, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2017, November). A microfluidic/electrochemical system for the dynamic analysis of exocytosis [Presentation]. In Neurofluidics 2017, Grenoble, France. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., Letizia, M. C., Menzies, K. J., Mouchiroud, L., Auwerx, J., Schoonjans, K., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2017). A multiscale study of the role of dynamin in the regulation of glucose uptake. Integrative Biology, 9(10), 810-819. External link
Trouillon, R. (2017, July). Quantitative analysis of chemical release and uptake incells-on-paper samples [Presentation]. In EMBC 2017, Jeju, Republic of Korea. External link
Trouillon, R. The role of dynamin in exocytosis- a case for electrochemistry in life sciences [Presentation]. In Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, London, UK. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2016, October). Assessing electrochemically the chemical activity of cells in a cells-on-paper system [Poster]. MicroTAS 2016, Dublin, Ireland. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2016, May). Cells-on-paper as an opportunity for exocytotic tissue measurement studies [Presentation]. In Monitoring Molecules in Neurosciences 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2016). Dynamic electrochemical quantitation of dopamine release from a cells-on-paper system. RSC Advances, 6(37), 31069-31073. External link
Trouillon, R. Electrochemical Tools in Neurochemistry, and Monitoring Exocytosis [Presentation]. In Neurochemistry Summer School, Öckerö, Sweden.. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2016, May). An electrochemical/microfluidic device for the quantitative detection of glucose uptake in myoblasts grown on paper patches [Poster]. Biosensors 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. Opportunities for electrochemical sensing in cellular biology [Presentation]. In Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University, Netherlands. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2015, October). A cell-on-paper system for the study of dopamine secretion [Poster]. MicroTAS 2015, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2015, December). Diffusive relaxation hinders the time response of electrochemical detection in microchannels [Presentation]. In Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2015). Interplay between the potential waveform and diffusion layer dynamics determines the time-response of voltammetric detection in microchannels. Electrochimica Acta, 166, 223-231. External link
Trouillon, R. (2015, December). Stability of BDD electrodes in biological conditions [Presentation]. In Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2014, August). Actin contributes to the regulation of quantal release during exocytosis [Presentation]. In ISE annual meeting 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., & Ewing, A. G. (2014). Actin Controls the Vesicular Fraction of Dopamine Released During Extended Kiss and Run Exocytosis. ACS Chemical Biology, 9(3), 812-820. External link
Trouillon, R. (2014, March). Biological applications of BDD electrodes: resistance to biological and chemical foulings [Presentation]. In International Symposium on Diamond Electrochemistry, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., Einaga, Y., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2014). Cathodic pretreatment improves the resistance of boron-doped diamond electrodes to dopamine fouling. Electrochemistry Communications, 47, 92-95. External link
Trouillon, R. (2014, October). Delayed electrochemical response of voltammetry, in comparison to amperometry, to variations of analyte concentration in microchannels [Poster]. MicroTAS 2014, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2021, October). Delayed electrochemical response of voltammetry, in comparison to amperometry, to variations of analyte concentration in microchannels [Poster]. ISE annual meeting 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2014). Delayed voltammetric with respect to amperometric electrochemical detection of concentration changes in microchannels. Lab on a Chip, 14(16), 2929-40. External link
Trouillon, R., & Ewing, A. G. (2013). Amperometric measurements at cells support a role for dynamin in the dilation of the fusion pore during exocytosis. Chemphyschem, 14(10), 2295-301. External link
Trouillon, R. (2013). Biological applications of the electrochemical sensing of nitric oxide: fundamentals and recent developments. Biological Chemistry, 394(1), 17-33. External link
Trouillon, R., Lin, Y., Mellander, L. J., Keighron, J. D., & Ewing, A. G. (2013). Evaluating the diffusion coefficient of dopamine at the cell surface during amperometric detection: disk vs ring microelectrodes. Analytical Chemistry, 85(13), 6421-6428. External link
Trouillon, R. (2013, March). The release kinetics of neurotransmitters is hindered by the microenvironment during exocytosis: a single cell study [Presentation]. In Pittcon 2013, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., & Ewing, A. G. (2013). Single cell amperometry reveals glycocalyx hinders the release of neurotransmitters during exocytosis. Analytical Chemistry, 85(9), 4822-4828. External link
Trouillon, R. (2012, September). Disk vs. Ring Microelectrodes: Evaluation of the Diffusion Coefficient of Dopamine at the surface of a single PC12 cell [Poster]. Monitoring Molecules 2012, London, UK. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., Williamson, E. D., Saint, R. J., & O'Hare, D. (2012). Electrochemical detection of the binding of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA) to the membrane receptor on macrophages through release of nitric oxide. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 38(1), 138-144. External link
Trouillon, R. (2012, March). Electrochemistry of neurotransmitters at boron doped diamond surfaces, resistance to fouling and influence of the boron content [Presentation]. In Pittcon 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2012, June). Evaluating the diffusion coefficient of dopamine at the cell surface during amperometric detection [Presentation]. In Analysdagarna, Uppsala, Sweden. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. Evaluation of the diffusion coefficient of dopamine during exocytosis at the surface of PC12 cells [Presentation]. In Chalmers Scheme Division Conference, Sweden. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., Svensson, M. I., Berglund, E. C., Cans, A.-S., & Ewing, A. G. (2012). Highlights of selected recent electrochemical measurements in living systems. Electrochimica Acta, 84, 84-95. External link
Trouillon, R. (2012, March). Ring vs. disk microelectrodes: increased diffusion lengths due to different electrode geometry can change the shape of exocytotic peaks during single cell release [Presentation]. In Pittcon 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA.. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., Kang, D. K., Chang, S. I., & O'Hare, D. (2011). Angiogenin induces nitric oxide release independently from its RNase activity. Chemical Communications, 47(12), 3421-3. External link
Trouillon, R., O'Hare, D., & Einaga, Y. (2011). Effect of the doping level on the biological stability of hydrogenated boron doped diamond electrodes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(12), 5422-5429. External link
Trouillon, R., O'Hare, D., & Chang, S. I. (2011). An electrochemical functional assay for the sensing of nitric oxide release induced by angiogenic factors. BMB Rep, 44(11), 699-704. External link
Trouillon, R. (2011, March). An electrochemical study of the effect of neomycin on angiogenic factor induced nitric oxide release [Presentation]. In Pittcon 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., Kang, D.-K., Park, H., Chang, S.-I., & O'Hare, D. (2010). Angiogenin Induces Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Endothelial Cells through PI-3 and Akt Kinases. Biochemistry, 49(15), 3282-3288. External link
Trouillon, R. (2010, February). Comparison of glassy carbon and boron doped diamond electrodes: resistance to biofouling [Poster]. Pittcon 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., & O'Hare, D. (2010). Comparison of glassy carbon and boron doped diamond electrodes: Resistance to biofouling. Electrochimica Acta, 55(22), 6586-6595. External link
Trouillon, R., Cheung, C., Patel, B. A., & O'Hare, D. (2010). Electrochemical study of the intracellular transduction of vascular endothelial growth factor induced nitric oxide synthase activity using a multi-channel biocompatible microelectrode array. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1800(9), 929-36. External link
Trouillon, R. (2010, February). Electrode coatings for biomeasurements [Presentation]. In Pittcon 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2010, September). Neomycin, an anti-neoplastic drug, inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor induced nitric oxide release [Poster]. Monitoring Molecules 2010, Brussels, Belgium. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2010, February). Study of angiogenin induced nitric oxide synthesis pathway using a multiple microelectrode array [Presentation]. In Pittcon 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2010, September). Vascular endothelial growth factor, nitric oxide synthase and intracellular interactions: an electrochemical study using a biocompatible microelectrode array [Presentation]. In ISE annual meeting 2014, Nice, France. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. Biocompatibility and biomeasurements [Presentation]. In Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea.. Unavailable
Trouillon, R., Cheung, C., Patel, B. A., & O'Hare, D. (2009). Comparative study of poly(styrene-sulfonate)/poly(L-lysine) and fibronectin as biofouling-preventing layers in dissolved oxygen electrochemical measurements. Analyst, 134(4), 784-93. External link
Trouillon, R., Combs, Z., Patel, B. A., & O'Hare, D. (2009). Comparative study of the effect of various electrode membranes on biofouling and electrochemical measurements. Electrochemistry Communications, 11(7), 1409-1413. External link
Trouillon, R. (2009, March). Comparative study of various membrane coatings as biofouling-preventing layers in electrochemical measurements [Poster]. Pittcon 2009, Chicago, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2009, September). Electrochemical sensing of angiogenin induced nitric oxide synthase activity [Presentation]. In MNF 2009, London, UK. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2009, August). Electrochemical sensing of angiogenin induced nitric oxide synthase activity using a biocompatible microelectrode array [Presentation]. In ISE Meeting 2009, Beijing, China. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2009, September). Electrochemical sensing of the effect of angiogenin on nitric oxide release in endothelial cells using a biocompatible microelectrode array [Presentation]. In Bioengineering 2009, Oxford, UK. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2009, May). Electrochemical sensing of the effect of angiogenin on nitric oxide release in endothelial cells using a biocompatible microelectrode array [Poster]. 20th IC ME&D 2009, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. (2009, March). Real-time measurements of nitric oxide release from aortic endothelial cells using a multichannel microelectrode array [Poster]. Pittcon 2009, Chicago, USA. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. Comparative study of poly(styrene-sulfonate)/poly(L-lysine) and fibronectin as biofouling preventing layers in dissolved oxygen electrochemical measurements [Poster]. Bioengineering 2008, London, UK. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. Comparative study of poly(styrene-sulfonate)/poly(L-lysine) and fibronectin as biofouling preventing layers in dissolved oxygen electrochemical measurements [Poster]. ISE Conference 2008, Seville, Spain. Unavailable
Trouillon, R. Electrochemical biosensors [Presentation]. In Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea. Unavailable
Wang, J., Trouillon, R., Dunevall, J., & Ewing, A. G. (2014). Spatial Resolution of Single-Cell Exocytosis by Microwell-Based Individually Addressable Thin Film Ultramicroelectrode Arrays. Analytical Chemistry, 86(9), 4515-4520. External link
Wang, J., Trouillon, R., Lin, Y., Svensson, M. I., & Ewing, A. G. (2013). Individually Addressable Thin-Film Ultramicroelectrode Array for Spatial Measurements of Single Vesicle Release. Analytical Chemistry, 85(11), 5600-5608. External link
Yang, H., Trouillon, R., Huszka, G., & Gijs, M. A. M. (2016). Super-Resolution Imaging of a Dielectric Microsphere Is Governed by the Waist of Its Photonic Nanojet. Nano Letters, 16(8), 4862-4870. External link
Yang, H., Cornaglia, M., Trouillon, R., Lehnert, T., & Gijs, M. (2015, February). Study of constrained Brownian motion of nanoparticles near an interface using optical tweezers [Paper]. SPIE OPTO 2015, San Francisco, California, United States. External link