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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Chioukh, L., Boutayeb, H., Li, L., Yahia, L., & Wu, K. (2009, December). Integrated radar systems for precision monitoring of heartbeat and respiratory status [Paper]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore. External link
Chen, X.-P., Li, L., & Wu, K. (2009, September). Multi-antenna system based on substrate integrated waveguide for Ka-band traffic-monitoring radar applications [Paper]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. External link
Delprat, S. L., Oh, J.H., Xu, F., Li, L., Djoumessi, E. E., Ismail, M., Chaker, M., & Wu, K. (2011). Fully distributed tunable bandpass filter based on Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin-film slow-wave structure. International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology, 2011, 468074 (10 pages). Available
Han, L., Wu, K., Hong, W., Li, L., & Chen, X. (2006, December). Embedding of short-open calibration technique in commercial MoM simulators for parameter extraction of planar integrated circuits [Paper]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2006), Yokohama, Japan. External link
Li, L., Chen, X., Khazaka, R., & Wu, K. (2009, December). A transition from substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) to rectangular waveguide [Paper]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore. External link
Li, L., & Wu, K. (2008). Via-Hole Coupled Oversized Microstrip Line and Its Band-Pass Filter Application. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 18(5), 436-444. External link
Li, L., & Wu, K. (2006). Integrated planar spatial power combiner. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 54(4), 1470-1476. External link
Li, L., & Wu, K. (2005). Multiport through-resistor (TR) numerical calibration. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 15(12), 883-885. External link
Li, L. (2005). Numerical calibration techniques and applications of planar integrated microwave structures [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Li, L., Xu, F., Wu, K., Delprat, S., & Chaker, M. (2005, October). Slow-wave line filter design using full-wave circuit model of interdigital capacitor [Paper]. 35th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2005), Paris, France. External link
Li, L., & Wu, K. (2004). Numerical through-resistor (TR) calibration technique for modeling of microwave integrated circuits. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 14(4), 139-141. External link
Li, L., Wu, K., & Russer, P. (2004, October). Improved numerical TRL calibration technique in a deterministic MoM algorithm [Paper]. 34th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2004), Amsterdam, Netherlands. External link
Li, L., Wu, K., & Zhu, L. (2002). Numerical TRL calibration technique for parameter extraction of planar integrated discontinuities in a deterministic MoM algorithm. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 12(12), 485-487. External link
Xu, F., Li, L., Wu, K., Delprat, S., & Chaker, M. (2008). Parameter Extraction of Interdigital Slow-Wave Coplanar Waveguide Circuits Using Finite Difference Frequency Domain Algorithm. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 18(3), 250-259. External link
Xu, F., Li, L., Wu, K., Delprat, S., & Chaker, M. (2006, June). Application of FDFD algorithm combined with shift-and-invert Arnoldi technique in bilateral interdigital coplanar waveguide slow wave structure [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2006). External link
Zhang, H., Li, L., & Wu, K. (2008). Software-Defined Six-Port Radar Technique for Precision Range Measurements. IEEE Sensors Journal, 8(9-10), 1745-1751. External link