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Nombre de documents: 71


Fortin, M., Gill, D., Ladanyi, B., Aubertin, M., & Archambault, G. (2020). Simulating the effect of a variable normal stiffness on shear behavior of discontinuities. Dans Rossmanith, H. P. (édit.), Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock (1ère éd., p. 381-388). Lien externe

Ladanyi, B. (2020). Geotechnical microzonation in the Arctic related to climate warming. Dans Geotechnical Hazards (p. 215-221). Lien externe


Ladanyi, B. (2006). Creep of frozen slopes and ice-filled rock joints under temperature variation. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33(6), 719-725. Lien externe

Haeberli, W., Hallet, B., Arenson, L., Elconin, R., Humlun, O., Kääb, A., Kaufmann, V., Ladanyi, B., Matsuoka, N., Springman, S., & Vonder Mühll, D. (2006). Permafrost Creep and Rock Glacier Dynamics. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 17(3), 189-214. Lien externe


Foriero, A., St-Laurent, N., & Ladanyi, B. (2005). Laterally Loaded Pile Study in Permafrost of Northern Québec, Canada. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 19(3), 61-84. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., & Longtin, H. (2005). Short- and Long-Term Sharp Cone Tests in Clay. Lien externe


Andersland, O. B., & Ladanyi, B. (2003). Frozen ground engineering. (2e éd.). Lien externe

Dégué, K. M., Soulié, M., & Ladanyi, B. (2003). Extension of the Griffith's fracture criteria to saturated clays. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 27(4), 275-288. Lien externe

Andersland, O. B., & Ladanyi, B. (2003). An introduction to frozen ground engineering. (2e éd.). Non disponible

Ladanyi, B. Rheology of Ice/Rock Systems and Interfaces [Communication écrite]. Permafrost, Vols 1 and 2. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., & Archambault, G. Shear strength and creep of ice-filled indented rock joints [Communication écrite]. 12th Panamerican Conference on Soil Mech. & Geotech. Engrg, Cambridge, Mass.. Non disponible

Longtin, H., & Ladanyi, B. (septembre 2003). Short- and long-term sharp cone tests in clay [Communication écrite]. 56th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. Non disponible


Ladanyi, B. (janvier 2002). Behaviour of ice/rock mixtures on slopes [Communication écrite]. 11th international conference on cold regions Engrg., Anchorage, Alaska. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B. (2002). Discussion of paper by M.E. Chang, C.I. Teh, and L.F. Cao on " Undrained cavity expansion in modified Cam clay II: application to the interpretation of the piezocone test". Géotechnique, 52(4), 307-307. Lien externe


Ladanyi, B., & Silvestri, V. (2000). Discussion of paper by M.D. Bolton and R.W. Whittle on " a non-linear elastic/perfectly plastic analysis for plane strain undrained expansion tests". Géotechnique, 50(2), 199-199. Lien externe

Dégué, K. M., & Ladanyi, B. (janvier 2000). Effect of fluid penetration and pressurizing rate on hydraulic fracturing [Communication écrite]. Pacific Rocks 2000, Balkema, Rotterdam. Non disponible

Ladanyi, B., & Foriero, A. (2000). A Numerical Solution of Cavity Expansion Problem in Sand Based Directly on Experimental Stress-Strain Curves: Reply. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B. (janvier 2000). Performance of field tests in permafrost and their use in design [Communication écrite]. International workshop on permafrost engineering, Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Non disponible

Ladanyi, B., Longtin, H., & Ducharme, A. (août 2000). Use of the Sharp Cone Test for in situ determination of undrained shear strength of clay [Communication écrite]. 2000 Geotechnical Specialty Conference 'Innovations and Applications in Geotechnical Site Characterization', Denver, CO. Lien externe


Ladanyi, B. Creep behavior of frozen and unfrozen soils - a comparison [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering. Non disponible

Ladanyi, B., & Dégué, K. M. (juin 1999). Effect of confinement on the bursting of thick-walled rock cylinders under internal pressure [Communication écrite]. Rock mechanics for industry : 37th U.S. Rock mechanics symposium, Vail, Col, USA. Lien externe


Foriero, A., & Ladanyi, B. (janvier 1998). Effect of tension-fractured and compression-crushed zones on pipe uplift resistance in frozen soil [Communication écrite]. 8th international offshore and polar Engrg conference, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., Fukuda, M., & Instanes, A. (octobre 1998). Effects of climate warming on engineering structures in permafrost regions. Discussion [Communication écrite]. Pergelisol et actions du froid naturel ou artificiel, Orsay, France. Publié dans Science et technique du froid, (7). Non disponible

Ladanyi, B. (1998). Liquefaction and Residual Strength of Sands From Drained Triaxial Tests. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 124(11), 1145-1145. Lien externe

Foriero, A., Ladanyi, B., Dallimore, S. R., Egginton, P. A., & Nixon, F. M. (1998). Modelling of Deep Seated Hill Slope Creep in Permafrost. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., & Foriero, A. (1998). A Numerical Solution of Cavity Expansion Problem in Sand Based Directly on Experimental Stress-Strain Curves. Lien externe


Ladanyi, B. (1997). Determination of drained friction angle of sand from cpt - discussion. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 123(7), 680-681. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B. (avril 1997). Mechanical properties data base for ground freezing applications [Communication écrite]. International symposium on ground freezing and frost action in soils, Lulea, SWE. Non disponible

Ladanyi, B., Lunne, T., Vergobbi, P., & Lhuillier, B. (1997). Predicting creep settlements for foundations in permafrost based on the results of in situ tests at svea, svalbard. Publikasjon - Norges Geotekniske Institutt, 201, 91-100. Non disponible


Ladanyi, B. (1996). Borehole penetration and expansion devices for ice testing. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 23(1), 157-164. Lien externe

Fortier, R., Ladanyi, B., & Allard, M. (août 1996). CPT in cold regions engineering: a logging and design tool [Communication écrite]. 1996 8th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, Fairbanks, AL, USA. Non disponible

Ladanyi, B., Lunne, T., Vergobbi, P., & Lhuillier, B. (1996). Predicting creep settlements of foundations in permafrost from the results of cone penetration tests. Publikasjon - Norges Geotekniske Institutt (196). Non disponible

Ladanyi, B. (août 1996). Strength sensitivity index for assessing climate warming effects on permafrost [Communication écrite]. 1996 8th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, Fairbanks, AL, USA. Non disponible


Leite, M.-H., Ladanyi, B., & Gill, D. An extension of the interpretation model for the sharp cone test for the determination of deformability parameters of rock-like materials [Communication écrite]. 4e Symposium international sur le pressiomètre, Sherbrooke, Québec. Non disponible

Foriero, A., & Ladanyi, B. (1995). FEM assessment of large-strain thaw consolidation. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 121(2), 126-138. Lien externe

Foriero, A., & Ladanyi, B. (1995). FEM simulation of interface problem for laterally loaded piles in permafrost. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 23(2), 121-136. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., Lunne, T., Vergobbi, P., & Lhuillier, B. (1995). Predicting creep settlements of foundations in permafrost from the results of cone penetration tests. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., & Benyamina, M. B. (1995). Triaxial relaxation testing of a frozen sand. Lien externe


Fortier, R., Ladanyi, B., & Allard, M. (mars 1994). Cone penetration strength of saline silty permafrost at Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik (Québec) [Communication écrite]. 7. International cold regions engineering specialty conference, Edmonton (Canada). Non disponible

Aubertin, M., Gill, D., & Ladanyi, B. (1994). Constitutive equations with internal state variables for the inelastic behavior of soft rocks. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 47(6S), S97-S101. Lien externe

Leite, M.-H., Ladanyi, B., & Gill, D. (1994). Deformability of rock-like materials using a sharp cone test. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 17(2), 195-206. Lien externe

Andersland, O. B., & Ladanyi, B. (1994). Foundations In Frozen Soils. Dans An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering (p. 182-224). Lien externe

Andersland, O. B., & Ladanyi, B. (1994). Frozen Ground. Dans An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering (22 pages). Lien externe

Andersland, O. B., & Ladanyi, B. (1994). Heat Flow in Soils. Dans An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering (p. 64-101). Lien externe

Andersland, O. B., & Ladanyi, B. (1994). An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering. Lien externe

Fortier, R., & Ladanyi, B. (octobre 1994). Links between in situ determined mechanical and electrical properties of a silty frozen ground [Communication écrite]. 7th International Symposium on Ground Freezing, Nancy, France. Non disponible

Andersland, O. B., & Ladanyi, B. (1994). Mechanical Properties of Frozen Soils. Dans An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering (p. 121-150). Lien externe

Foriero, A., & Ladanyi, B. (1994). Pipe uplift resistance in frozen soil and comparison with measurements. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 8(3), 93-111. Lien externe


Archambault, G., Rouleau, A., & Ladanyi, B. (septembre 1992). Comportement anisotrope de la déformabilité-dilatance-perméabilité des massifs rocheux fracturés [Anisotropic behavior of the deformability-dilatancy-permeability in fractured rock masses]. [Communication écrite]. Colloque René-Houpert, Nancy, France. Non disponible


Aubertin, M., Gill, D. E., & Ladanyi, B. (1991). A unified viscoplastic model for the inelastic flow of alkali halides. Mechanics of Materials, 11(1), 63-82. Lien externe

Aubertin, M., Gill, D., Ladanyi, B., & Chapuis, R. P. (août 1991). Elastoplastic Modeling for Soft Rocks and Ceramics in the Ductile Regime [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications (PLASTICITY 1991), Grenoble, France. Lien externe


Shen, M., & Ladanyi, B. (1987). Modelling of coupled heat, moisture and stress field in freezing soil. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 14(3), 237-246. Lien externe

Aubertin, M., Gill, D. E., & Ladanyi, B. (1987). Le comportement rhéologique du sel: revue bibliographique. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-87-31). Disponible

Gill, D., & Ladanyi, B. (août 1987). Time-dependent ground response curves for tunnel lining design [Communication écrite]. 6th International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Congress (ISRM 1987), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe


Soulié, M., Ladanyi, B., & Degenne, P. (mai 1986). Expansion of a cylindrical cavity in a very deformable medium : a theroretical study [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Symposium on the Pressuremeter and Its Marine Applications, College Station, TX, USA. Lien externe


Brown, E. T., Bray, J. W., Ladanyi, B., & Hoek, E. (1984). Closure to “Ground Response Curves for Rock Tunnels” by Edwin T. Brown, John W. Bray, Branko Ladanyi, and Evert Hoek (January, 1983). Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 110(1), 140-141. Lien externe


Brown, E. T., Bray, J. W., Ladanyi, B., & Hoek, E. (1983). Ground Response Curves for Rock Tunnels. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 109(1), 15-39. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., & Gill, D. (avril 1983). In-situ determination of creep properties of rock salt [Communication écrite]. 5th International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Congress (ISRM 1983), Melbourne, Australia. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B. (1983). Shallow Foundations on Frozen Soil: Creep Settlement. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 109(11), 1434-1448. Lien externe


Gill, D., Beauchamp, Y., & Ladanyi, B. (juin 1981). A non-deterministic aspect of the simulation of rock mass failure [Communication écrite]. 22nd U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS 1981), Cambridge, MA. Lien externe


Ladanyi, B. (1977). Discussion of “Cavity Expansion in Sands with Curved Envelopes”. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 103(8), 931-932. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B. (1977). Discussion of “Undrained Stress-Strain-Time Behavior of Clays”. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 103(8), 933-934. Lien externe


Ladanyi, B. (1976). Discussion of “Quasi-Static Deep Penetration in Clays”. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 102(7), 821-823. Lien externe


Yu, T. R., & Ladanyi, B. (1975). Application of induction logging for delineating permafrost formations. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-75-34). Accès restreint

Ladanyi, B., & Archambault, G. (1975). Shear strength and deformability of filled indented joints. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-75-33). Accès restreint


Ladanyi, B. (1973). Results of pressuremeter tests at the Dawson City test site : report of investigation for MacKenzie Valley Pipe Line Research Limited, Calgary, Alberta. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-73-31). Accès restreint

Ladanyi, B. (1973). Results of pressuremeter tests at the Inuvik test site : report of investigation for MacKenzie Valley Pipe Line Research Limited, Calgary, Alberta. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-73-29). Accès restreint


Ladanyi, B. (1969). Discussion of “Undrained Strength Characteristics of Cohesionless Soils”. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, 95(1), 392-397. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B. (1969). Discussion of “Volume Changes in Triaxial and Plane Strain Tests”. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, 95(1), 378-379. Lien externe

Hoyaux, B., & Ladanyi, B. (juin 1969). Rock failure around a circular opening in a gravity field with tectonic forces [Communication écrite]. 11th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS 1969), Berkeley, CA. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., & Archambault, G. (juin 1969). Simulation of shear behavior of a jointed rock mass [Communication écrite]. 11th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS 1969), Berkeley, CA. Lien externe

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