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Nombre de documents: 32


Arsenault, A., Sirois, F., & Grilli, F. (2021). Efficient modeling of high temperature superconductors surrounded by magnetic components using a reduced H-phi formulation. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(4), 1-9. Lien externe

Arsenault, A., Sirois, F., & Grilli, F. (2021). Implementation of the H-ϕ formulation in COMSOL Multiphysics for simulating the magnetization of bulk superconductors and comparison with the H-formulation. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(2), 1-11. Lien externe


Brambilla, R., Grilli, F., Nguyen, D. N., Martini, L., & Sirois, F. (2009). AC losses in thin superconductors: The integral equation method applied to stacks and windings. Superconductor Science and Technology, 22(7). Lien externe

Brambilla, R., Grilli, F., Martinu, L., & Sirois, F. (2008). Integral Equations for the Current Density in Thin Conductors and Their Solution by the Finite-Element Method. Superconductor Science and Technology, 21(10), 105008-105008. Lien externe


Dutoit, B., Grilli, F., & Sirois, F. (2022). Numerical Modeling of Superconducting Applications : simulation of Electromagnetics, Thermal Stability, Thermo-Hydraulics and Mechanical Effects in Large-Scale Superconducting Devices. Lien externe

Dione, M., Sirois, F., Grilli, F., & Mahseredjian, J. (2009). New EMTP-RV equivalent circuit model of core-shielding superconducting fault current limiter taking into account the flux diffusion phenomenon. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19(3), 1913-1917. Lien externe


Gyuráki, R., Sirois, F., & Grilli, F. (2018). High-speed fluorescent thermal imaging of quench propagation in high temperature superconductor tapes. Superconductor Science and Technology, 31(3), 034003 (7 pages). Lien externe

Grilli, F., & Sirois, F. (2016). AC Losses and Numerical Modeling of Superconductors. Dans Encycolpedia of applied physics (p. 1-11). Lien externe

Grilli, F., Sirois, F., Zermeno, V. M. R., & Vojenciak, M. (2014). Self-consistent modeling of the IC of HTS devices: How accurate do models really need to be? IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 24(6), 8-8. Lien externe

Grilli, F., Brambilla, R., Martini, L. F., Sirois, F., Nguyen, D. N., & Ashworth, S. P. (2009). Current density distribution in multiple YBCO coated conductors by coupled integral equations. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19(3), 2859-62. Lien externe

Grilli, F., Sirois, F., Laforest, M., & Ashworth, S. P. (2009). Periodic space-time formulation for numerical AC loss computation in superconductors. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19(3), 3565-3568. Lien externe

Grilli, F., Sirois, F., Laforest, M., & Ashworth, S. P. (octobre 2008). Space-time formulation for finite-element modeling of superconductors [Communication écrite]. COMSOL Conference 2008, Boston. Lien externe


Kleiner, R., Hott, R., Wolf, T., Zwicknagl, G., Belogolovskii, M., Ruggiero, S. T., Wimbush, S. C., Grilli, F., & Sirois, F. (2015). Fundamentals : AC Losses and Numerical Modeling of Superconductors. Dans Applied Superconductivity : Handbook on Devices and Applications (p. 1-104). Lien externe


Lucarelli, A., Yang, R., Grilli, F., Haugan, T., Barnes, P., & Lüpke, G. (2009). Dynamic field and current distributions in multifilamentary YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋δ thin films with magnetic coupling. Journal of Applied Physics, 106(6), 063904-063904. Lien externe

Lucarelli, A., Grilli, F., Lüpke, G., Haugan, T. J., & Barnes, P. N. (2009). Finite-element simulations of field and current distributions in multifilamentary superconducting films. Superconductor Science and Technology, 22(10), 105015-105015. Lien externe


Morandi, A., Fabbri, M., Gholizad, B., Grilli, F., Sirois, F., & Zermeño, V. M. R. (2016). Design and Comparison of a 1-MW/5-s HTS SMES With Toroidal and Solenoidal Geometry. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(4), 1-6. Lien externe


Nguyen, D. N., Ashworth, S. P., Willis, J. O., Sirois, F., & Grilli, F. (2010). A new finite-element method simulation model for computing AC loss in roll assisted biaxially textured substrate YBCO tapes. Superconductor Science and Technology, 23(2), 025001-025001. Lien externe

Nguyen, D. N., Grilli, F., Ashworth, S. P., & Willis, J. O. (2009). AC loss study of antiparallel connected YBCO coated conductors. Superconductor Science and Technology, 22(5). Lien externe


Riva, N., Grilli, F., Sirois, F., Lacroix, C., Akbar, A., & Dutoit, B. (2021). Optimization Method for Extracting Stabilizer Geometry and Properties of REBCO Tapes. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(5), 1-5. Lien externe

Riva, N., Sirois, F., Lacroix, C., Pellerin, F., Giguere, J., Grilli, F., & Dutoit, B. (2021). A wide range E-J constitutive law for simulating REBCO tapes above their critical current. Superconductor Science and Technology, 34(11), 11 pages. Lien externe

Riva, N., Sirois, F., Lacroix, C., de Sousa, W. T. B., Dutoit, B., & Grilli, F. (2020). Resistivity of REBCO tapes in overcritical current regime: impact on superconducting fault current limiter modeling. Superconductor Science and Technology, 33(11), 114008 (14 pages). Lien externe

Roy, F., Dutoit, B., Grilli, F., & Sirois, F. (2008). Magneto-Thermal Modeling of Second-Generation HTS for Resistive Fault Current Limiter Design Purposes. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 18(1), 29-35. Lien externe

Roy, F., Dutoit, B., Grilli, F., & Sirois, F. (septembre 2007). Magneto-thermal finite element modeling of 2nd generation HTS for FCL design purposes [Communication écrite]. 8th European Conference On Applied Superconductivity, Brussels, Belgium (6 pages). Lien externe

Roy, F., Dutoit, B., Sirois, F., & Grilli, F. (octobre 2007). Magneto-Thermal modeling of 2nd generation HTS wires using COMSOL multiphysics [Communication écrite]. COMSOL Conference 2007, Grenoble France. Non disponible


Sirois, F., Grilli, F., & Morandi, A. (2023). Addendum to "Comparison of constitutive laws for modeling high-temperature surperconductors". IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33(8), 3318573 (2 pages). Lien externe

Santos, B. M. O., Santos, G. , Sirois, F., Brambilla, R., De Andrade Junior, R., Sass, F., Sotelo, G. G., & Grilli, F. (2022). 2-D Modeling of HTS Coils With T-A Formulation: How to Handle Different Coupling Scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32(5), 1-4. Lien externe

Sirois, F., Grilli, F., & Morandi, A. (2019). Comparison of Constitutive Laws for Modeling High-Temperature Superconductors. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29(1), 1-10. Lien externe

Siahrang, M., Sirois, F., Grilli, F., Babic, S. I., & Brault, S. (septembre 2009). A new numerical approach to find current distribution and AC losses in coaxial assembly of twisted HTS tapes in single layer arrangement [Communication écrite]. 9th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2009), Dresden, Germany. Publié dans Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 234. Lien externe

Sirois, F., & Grilli, F. (2008). Numerical Considerations About Using Finite-Element Methods to Compute AC Losses in HTS. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 18(3), 1733-1742. Lien externe

Sirois, F., Dione, M., Roy, F., Grilli, F., & Dutoit, B. (septembre 2007). Evaluation of two commercial finite element packages for calculating AC losses in 2-D high temperature superconducting strips [Communication écrite]. 8th European Conference On Applied Superconductivity, Brussels, Belgium. Lien externe


Trillaud, F., Berrospe-Juarez, E., Zermeño, V. M. R., & Grilli, F. (2022). Electromagneto-mechanical model of high temperature superconductor insert magnets in ultra high magnetic fields. Superconductor Science & Technology, 35(5), 054002 (19 pages). Lien externe


Zermeno, V. M. R., Grilli, F., & Sirois, F. (2013). A full 3D time-dependent electromagnetic model for Roebel cables. Superconductor Science and Technology, 26(5). Lien externe

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