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Dimech, A., Bussière, B., Cheng, L., Chouteau, M., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Chevé, N., Isabelle, A., Wilkinson, P., Meldrum, P., & Chambers, J. (2024). Monitoring moisture dynamics in multi-layer cover systems for mine tailings reclamation using autonomous and remote time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Lien externe
Mardan, A., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (juin 2024). Physics-Informed Attention-Based Neural Network for Full-Waveform Inversion [Communication écrite]. 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Oslo, Norway. Lien externe
Bustamante, J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Duchesne, M. J., & Ibrahim, A. (2024). Deep-learning viscoelastic seismic inversion for mapping subsea permafrost. GEOPHYSICS, 89(4), R339-R353. Lien externe
Mardan, A., Blouin, M., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Giroux, B., Vergniault, C., & Gendreau, J. (2024). A fine-tuning workflow for automatic first-break picking with deep learning. Near Surface Geophysics, 12316 (14 pages). Lien externe
Tavares Rodrigues, C., Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Braga, M. (2024). Microseismic monitoring of tailings dams - signal and noise evaluation [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe
Simon, J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Gloaguen, E. (2024). Quality control in deep learning and confidence quantification: Seismic velocity regression through classification. Computers & Geosciences, 184, 105534 (9 pages). Lien externe
Duchesne, M. J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Bustamante, J. (2023). Detecting subsea permafrost layers on marine seismic data: An appraisal from forward modeling. Near Surface Geophysics, 21(1), 3-20. Lien externe
Bustamante Restrepo, J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Duchesne, M. J., & Ibrahim, A. (juin 2023). Velocity model building with deep learning: application to subsea permafros characterization [Communication écrite]. 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Vienna, Austria. Publié dans 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2023. Lien externe
Shariatinik, B., Gloaguen, E., Raymond, J., Boutin, L.-C., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (2023). ERT Data Assimilation to Characterize Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity Heterogeneity through a Heat-tracing Experiment. Near Surface Geophysics, 26 pages. Lien externe
Simon, J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Khurjekar, I. (2023). Hierarchical transfer learning for deep learning velocity model building. Geophysics, 88(1), R79-R93. Lien externe
Mardan, A., Giroux, B., Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Saberi, M. R. (2023). Monitoring fluid saturation in reservoirs using time‐lapse full‐waveform inversion. Geophysical Prospecting, 71(6), 1012-1029. Lien externe
Dimech, A., Isabelle, A., Sylvain, K., Liu, C., Cheng, L.Z., Bussière, B., Chouteau, M. C., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Bérubé, C., Wilkinson, P., Meldrum, P., & Chambers, J. (2023). A multiscale accuracy assessment of moisture content predictions using time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography in mine tailings. Scientific Reports, 13, 20922 (25 pages). Lien externe
Mardan, A., Giroux, B., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (2023). PyFWI: A Python package for full-waveform inversion and reservoir monitoring. SoftwareX, 22, 6 pages. Lien externe
Grob, H., Riedel, M., Duchesne, M. J., Krastel, S., Bustamante, J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Jin, Y. K., & Hong, J. K. (2023). Revealing the Extent of Submarine Permafrost and Gas Hydrates in the Canadian Arctic Beaufort Sea Using Seismic Reflection Indicators. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 24(5), e2023GC010 (22 pages). Lien externe
Nasr, M., Giroux, B., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Vergniault, C., & Simon, C. (2023). Robust quantitative estimation of the seismic attenuation from shallow geotechnical borehole VSP data. Geophysics. Lien externe
Bustamante, J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Duchesne, M. J., & Ibrahim, A. (2023). Understanding seismic velocity variations of subsea permafrost: A sensitivity study. Geophysics, 88(5), R655-R669. Lien externe
Mardan, A., Giroux, B., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (2023). Weighted-average time-lapse seismic full-waveform inversion. GEOPHYSICS, 88(1), R25-R38. Lien externe
Dimech, A., Cheng, L. Z., Chouteau, M. C., Chambers, J., Uhlemann, S., Wilkinson, P., Meldrum, P., Mary, B., Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Isabelle, A. (2022). A review on applications of time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography over the last 30 years : Perspectives for mining waste monitoring. Surveys in Geophysics, 43(6), 1699-1759. Lien externe
Mardan, A., Giroux, B., Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Reza Saberi, M. (août 2022). Direct monitoring of fluid saturation using time-lapse full-waveform inversion [Communication écrite]. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2022), Houston, TX, USA. Lien externe
Mardan, A., Giroux, B., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (juin 2022). Effects of nonrepeatability on time-lapse full-waveform [Communication écrite]. 83rd EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2022. Lien externe
Mardan, A., Giroux, B., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (juin 2022). Time-lapse full-waveform inversion for monitoring the fluid saturation [Communication écrite]. 83rd EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2022, Madrid, Spain. Lien externe
Mardan, A., Giroux, B., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (février 2022). Time-Lapse Seismic Full Waveform Inversion Using Improved Cascaded Method [Communication écrite]. Second EAGE Conference on Seismic Inversion, Porto, Portugal. Lien externe
Grob, H., Riedel, M., Duchesne, M. J., Krastel, S., Bustamante Restrepo, J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Kläschen, D., Preine, J., Jin, Y. K., & Kuk Hong, J. (mai 2022). Using different seismic approaches to detect submarine permafrost and gas hydrates on the continental Beaufort shelf of the Canadian Arctic [Résumé]. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. Lien externe
Ibrahim, A., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (septembre 2021). Imaging dispersion curves using sparse hybrid Radon transform [Résumé]. 1st International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2021), Denver, Colorado, USA and Online. Lien externe
Shariatinik, B., Bouchedda, A., Gloaguen, E., Raymond, J., & Fabien-Ouellet, G. (août 2021). A heat tracing experiment using cross-borehole time-lapse ERT [Communication écrite]. 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Publié dans NSG2021 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Lien externe
Restrepo, J. B., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Duchesne, M. J., & Ibrahim, A. (septembre 2021). Filtering guided waves for characterizing subsea permafrost [Communication écrite]. 1st International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, Denver, CO, USA. Lien externe
Simon, J., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., Khurjekar, I., & Araya-Polo, M. (septembre 2021). Velocity model building using transfer learning [Communication écrite]. 1st International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE 2021). Publié dans SEG technical program expanded abstracts. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G. (octobre 2020). Generating seismic low frequencies with a deep recurrent neural network for full waveform inversion [Communication écrite]. 1st EAGE Conference on Seismic Inversion (2 pages). Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G. (octobre 2020). Low frequency generation and denoising with recursive convolutional neural networks [Résumé]. 90th annual meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2020). Publié dans SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Duchesne, M. J., & Restrepo, J. B. (octobre 2020). Seismic characterization of subsea permafrost: Insights from viscoelastic modeling [Résumé]. 90th annual meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2020). Publié dans SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G. (2020). Seismic modeling and inversion using half-precision floating-point numbers. Geophysics, 85(3), F65-F76. Disponible
Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Sarkar, R. (2020). Seismic velocity estimation: A deep recurrent neural-network approach. Geophysics, 85(1), U21-U29. Disponible
Biondi, B. L., Graham Clapp, R., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Huot, F., & Yuan, S. (décembre 2018). Impact of machine-learning algorithms and hardware on computational seismology [Résumé]. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C.. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (juin 2018). Seismic modeling with half precision floating point numbers [Communication écrite]. 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Plassart, G. (mars 2017). Integrating geophysical measurements with soil sampling for site characterization using kernel estimation [Communication écrite]. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2017), Denver, Colorado. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Plassart, G. (2017). Integrating geophysics and soil sampling for site characterization: a kernel approach. Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 22(3), 305-308. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (septembre 2017). A stochastic L-BFGS approach for full-waveform inversion [Communication écrite]. Society of Exploration Geophysicists' International Exposition and 87th Annual Meeting (SEG 2017), Houston, Texas. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (2017). Time domain viscoelastic full waveform inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 209(3), 1718-1734. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (2017). Time-domain seismic modeling in viscoelastic media for full waveform inversion on heterogeneous computing platforms with OpenCL. Computers & Geosciences, 100, 142-155. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (mai 2016). The adjoint state method for the viscoelastic wave equation in the velocity-stress formulation [Communication écrite]. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016, Vienna, Austria. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (décembre 2017). CO₂ Injection monitoring by viscoelastic full waveform inversion [Communication écrite]. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. Non disponible
Duchesne, M. J., Pugin, A. J. M., Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Sauvageau, M. (2016). Detection of near-surface hydrocarbon seeps using P- and S-wave reflections. Interpretation, 4(3), SH21-SH37. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (mai 2016). Viscoelastic forward and adjoint modeling with OpenCL on heterogeneous clusters [Communication écrite]. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016, Vienna, Austria. Lien externe
Paradis, D., Tremblay, L., Ruggeri, P., Brunet, P., Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., Holliger, K., Irving, J., Molson, J., & Lefebvre, R. (avril 2015). Changing the scale of hydrogeophysical aquifer heterogeneity characterization [Communication écrite]. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Gloaguen, E. (mars 2014). Geostatistical integration of geophysical measurements for hydrogeological investigations [Résumé]. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2014), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Fortier, R., & Giroux, B. (2014). Joint acquisition and processing of seismic reflections and surface waves in a sensitive clay deposit in the Outaouais Region (Québec), Canada. Dans L'Heureux, J.-S., Locat, A., Leroueil, S., Demers, D., & Locat, J. (édit.), Landslides in Sensitive Clays : From Geosciences to Risk Management (Vol. 36, p. 241-252). Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Fortier, R. (2014). Using all seismic arrivals in shallow seismic investigations. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 103, 31-42. Lien externe
Fabien-Ouellet, G., Gloaguen, E., & Giroux, B. (décembre 2014). Viscoelastic finite difference modeling using graphics processing units [Communication écrite]. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. Non disponible