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Documents dont l'auteur est "El Hallaoui, Issmaïl"

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Nombre de documents: 71

Article de revue

Er Raqabi, E. M., Wu, Y., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2024). Towards resilience: Primal large-scale re-optimization. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 192, 103819. Lien externe

Rather, B. A., Aouchiche, M., Imran, M., & El Hallaoui, I. (2024). On distance Laplacian spectral ordering of some graphs. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 70, 867-892. Lien externe

Aziz, M., Dagdougui, H., & El Hallaoui, I. (2023). Game Theoretical Formulation for Residential Community Microgrid Via Mean Field Theory: Proof of Concept. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6 pages. Lien externe

El Mehdi, E. R., Ilyas, H., El Hachemi, N., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2023). Incremental LNS framework for integrated production, inventory, and vessel scheduling: Application to a global supply chain. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 116, 102821 (18 pages). Lien externe

Himmich, I., Er Raqabi, E. M., El Hachemi, N., El Hallaoui, I., Metrane, A., & Soumis, F. (2023). MPILS: An Automatic Tuner for MILP Solvers. Computers & Operations Research, 159, 106344 (18 pages). Lien externe

Himmich, I., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2023). A multiphase dynamic programming algorithm for the shortest path problem with resource constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 14 pages. Lien externe

Hassani, R., Desaulniers, G., & El Hallaoui, I. (2023). A parallel ruin and recreate heuristic for personnel scheduling in a flexible working environment. Journal of Scheduling, 18 pages. Lien externe

Bani, A., El Hallaoui, I., Correa, A. I., & Tahir, A. (2023). Solving a real-world multi-depot multi-period petrol replenishment problem with complex loading constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 311(1), 154-172. Lien externe

Aziz, M., Dagdougui, H., & El Hallaoui, I. (2022). A Decentralized Game Theoretic Approach for Virtual Storage System Aggregation in a Residential Community. IEEE Access, 10, 34846-34857. Lien externe

Foutlane, O., El Hallaoui, I., & Hansen, P. (2022). Distributed Integral Column Generation for Set Partitioning Problems. Operations Research Forum, 3(2), 22 pages. Lien externe

Tahir, A., Desaulniers, G., & El Hallaoui, I. (2022). Integral column generation for set partitioning problems with side constraints. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(4), 2313-2331. Lien externe

Aouchiche, M., & El Hallaoui, I. (2022). Minimum values of the second largest Q-eigenvalue. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 306, 46-51. Lien externe

Tahir, A., Quesnel, F., Desaulniers, G., El Hallaoui, I., & Yaakoubi, Y. (2021). An Improved Integral Column Generation Algorithm Using Machine Learning for Aircrew Pairing. Transportation Science, 55(6), 1411-1429. Lien externe

Er-Rbib, S., Desaulniers, G., El Hallaoui, I., & Bani, A. (2021). Integrated and sequential solution methods for the cyclic bus driver rostering problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(4), 764-779. Lien externe

Aouchiche, M., Rather, B. A., & El Hallaoui, I. (2021). On the gersgorin disks of distance matrices of graphs. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 37, 709-717. Lien externe

Hassani, R., Desaulniers, G., & El Hallaoui, I. (2021). Real-time bi-objective personnel re-scheduling in the retail industry. European Journal of Operational Research, 293(1), 93-108. Lien externe

Belhaiza, S., Baroudi, U., & El Hallaoui, I. (2020). A Game Theoretic Model for the Multiperiodic Smart Grid Demand Response Problem. IEEE Systems Journal, 14(1), 1147-1158. Lien externe

Aouchiche, M., El Hallaoui, I., & Hansen, P. (2020). Geometric-Arithmetic Index and Minimum Degree of Connected Graphs. Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 83(1), 179-188. Lien externe

Zaghrouti, A., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2020). Improving set partitioning problem solutions by zooming around an improving direction. Annals of Operations Research, 284(2), 645-671. Lien externe

Himmich, I., Ben Amor, H., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2020). A Primal Adjacency-Based Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem with Resource Constraints. Transportation Science, 54(5), 1153-1169. Lien externe

Himmich, I., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2020). Primal column generation framework for vehicle and crew scheduling problems. Networks, 75(3), 291-309. Lien externe

Hassani, R., Desaulniers, G., & El Hallaoui, I. (2020). Real-time personnel re-scheduling after a minor disruption in the retail industry. Computers and Operations Research, 120, 14 pages. Lien externe

Tahir, A., Desaulniers, G., & El Hallaoui, I. (2019). Integral column generation for the set partitioning problem. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 8(5), 713-744. Lien externe

Foutlane, O., El Hallaoui, I., & Hansen, P. (2019). Integral Simplex Using Double Decomposition for Set Partitioning Problems. Computers and Operations Research, 111, 243-257. Lien externe

Remli, N., Amrouss, A., El Hallaoui, I., & Rekik, M. (2019). A robust optimization approach for the winner determination problem with uncertainty on shipment volumes and carriers' capacity. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 123, 127-148. Lien externe

Zaghrouti, A., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2018). Improved integral simplex using decomposition for the set partitioning problem. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 6(2), 185-206. Lien externe

Ouzineb, M., Mhada, F. Z., Pellerin, R., & El Hallaoui, I. (2018). Optimal planning of buffer sizes and inspection station positions. Production & Manufacturing Research, 6(1), 90-112. Lien externe

Bouarab, H., El Hallaoui, I., Metrane, A., & Soumis, F. (2017). Dynamic constraint and variable aggregation in column generation. European Journal of Operational Research, 262(3), 835-850. Lien externe

Rosat, S., Quesnel, F., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2017). Dynamic penalization of fractional directions in the integral simplex using decomposition: Application to aircrew scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 263(3), 1007-1018. Lien externe

Rosat, S., El Hallaoui, I., Soumis, F., & Chakour, D. (2017). Influence of the normalization constraint on the integral simplex using decomposition. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 217, 53-70. Lien externe

Rosat, S., El Hallaoui, I., Soumis, F., & Lodi, A. (2017). Integral simplex using decomposition with primal cutting planes. Mathematical Programming, 166(1-2), 327-367. Lien externe

Mhada, F. Z., Ouzineb, M., Pellerin, R., & El Hallaoui, I. (2016). Multilevel hybrid method for optimal buffer sizing and inspection stations positioning. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1-21. Disponible

El Hachemi, N., El Hallaoui, I., Gendreau, M., & Rousseau, L.-M. (2015). Flow-based integer linear programs to solve the weekly log-truck scheduling problem. Annals of Operations Research, 232(1), 87-97. Lien externe

Zaghrouti, Z., Soumis, F., & El Hallaoui, I. (2014). Integral simplex using decomposition for the set partitioning problem. Operations Research, 62(2), 435-449. Lien externe

Ouzineb, M., Mhada, F., & El Hallaoui, I. (2013). Buffer dimensioning and control stations positioning with a space partitioning-tabu search approach. INFOR, 51(1), 15-22. Lien externe

Saddoune, M., Desaulniers, G., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2012). Integrated airline crew pairing and crew assignment by dynamic constraint aggregation. Transportation Science, 46(1), 39-55. Lien externe

El Hallaoui, I., Metrane, A., Desaulniers, G., & Soumis, F. (2011). An Improved Primal Simplex Algorithm for Degenerate Linear Programs. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 23(4), 569-577. Lien externe

Saddoune, M., Desaulniers, G., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2011). Integrated airline crew scheduling: A bi-dynamic constraint aggregation method using neighborhoods. European Journal of Operational Research, 212(3), 445-454. Lien externe

Boubaker, K., Desaulniers, G., & El Hallaoui, I. (2010). Bidline scheduling with equity by heuristic dynamic constraint aggregation. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 44(1), 50-61. Lien externe

Metrane, A., Soumis, F., & El Hallaoui, I. (2010). Column generation decomposition with the degenerate constraints in the subproblem. European Journal of Operational Research, 207(1), 37-44. Lien externe

El Hallaoui, I., Metrane, A., Soumis, F., & Desaulniers, G. (2010). Multi-phase dynamic constraint aggregation for set partitioning type problems. Mathematical Programming, 123(2), 345-370. Lien externe

El Hallaoui, I., Desaulniers, G., Metrane, A., & Soumis, F. (2008). Bi-dynamic constraint aggregation and subproblem reduction. Computers & Operations Research, 35(5), 1713-1724. Lien externe

El Hallaoui, I., Villeneuve, D., Soumis, F., & Desaulniers, G. (2005). Dynamic aggregation of set-partitioning constraints in column generation. Operations Research, 53(4), 632-645. Lien externe

Rapport technique

Amiri, E., Legrain, A., & El Hallaoui, I. (2024). Accelerated column generation: Application in real-time dial-a-ride problem. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-72). Lien externe

Barry, A.-S., Quesnel, F., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2024). Algorithme primal ajoutant des variables pour le problème du partitionnement d'ensemble généralisé. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-11). Lien externe

Bani, A., Er Raqabi, E. M., El Hallaoui, I., & Corréa, A. I. (2024). Combining benders decomposition and column generation for the petrol station replenishment problem with inventory management. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-18). Lien externe

Er Raqabi, E. M., Bani, A., Morabit, M., Blondin Massé, A., Besner, A., Fournier, J., & El Hallaoui, I. (2024). An efficient decomposition matheuristic for the transient stability constrained unit commitment at Hydro-Quebec. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-38). Lien externe

Bani, A., Er Raqabi, E. M., El Hallaoui, I., & Corréa, A. I. (2024). The petrol replenishment problem : a case study from West Africa. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-19). Lien externe

Abdellaoui, A., Benabbou, L., & El Hallaoui, I. (2024). Towards a connection between the capacitated vehicle routing problem and the constrained centroid-based clustering. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-24). Lien externe

Aziz, M., Dagdougui, H., & El Hallaoui, I. (2023). Computational investigation of residential users through load aggregator smart grid power optimization problem via mean field game theory. (Rapport technique n° G-2023-56). Lien externe

Barhdadi, M., Benyacoub, B., Ouzineb, M., & El Hallaoui, I. (2023). An efficient algorithm to solve credit scoring problem. (Rapport technique n° G-2023-33). Lien externe

Ouzineb, M., El Hallaoui, I., & Gendreau, M. (2023). Integer linear programming for a constant demand in redundancy allocation multistate series-parallel problem. (Rapport technique n° G-2023-32). Lien externe

Er Raqabi, E. M., Beljadid, A., Bennouna, M. A., Bennouna, R., Boussaadi, L., El Hachemi, N., El Hallaoui, I., Fender, M., Jamali, M. A., Si Hammou, N., & Soumis, F. (2023). OCP optimized its supply chain for Africa. (Rapport technique n° G-2023-29). Lien externe

Er Raqabi, E. M., Wu, Y., El Hallaoui, I., & Soumis, F. (2023). Towards resilience: Primal large-scale re-optimization. (Rapport technique n° G-2023-28). Lien externe

Himmich, I., Er Raqabi, E. M., El Hachemi, N., El Hallaoui, I., Metrane, A., & Soumis, F. (2022). MPILS: an automatic tuner for MILP solvers. (Rapport technique n° 2022-53). Lien externe

Communication écrite

Siwane, O., Pellerin, R., & El Hallaoui, I. (août 2024). New visual resource-oriented margins for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem [Communication écrite]. 18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2024), Vienna, Austria. Lien externe

Amiri, E., Legrain, A., & El Hallaoui, I. (mai 2024). Online Optimization of a Dial-a-Ride Problem with the Integral Primal Simplex [Communication écrite]. 21st International Conference on Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research (CPAIOR 2024), Uppsala, Sweden (16 pages). Lien externe

Ghosal, S. S., Sarkar, I., & El Hallaoui, I. (février 2020). Lung nodule classification using Convolutional Autoencoder and Clustering Augmented Learning Method (CALM) [Communication écrite]. ACM WSDM Health Search and Data Mining Workshop (HSDM 2020), Houston, TX, USA. Lien externe

Messaoudi, M., El Hallaoui, I., Rousseau, L.-M., & Tahir, A. (mai 2020). Solving a real-world multi-attribute vrp using a primal-based approach [Communication écrite]. 6th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2020), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Ghosal, S. S., Bani, A., Amrouss, A., & El Hallaoui, I. (novembre 2019). A Deep Learning Approach to Predict Parking Occupancy using Cluster Augmented Learning Method [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW 2019), Beijing, China. Lien externe

Rosat, S., Quesnel, F., Soumis, F., & El Hallaoui, I. (février 2016). Pénaliser les directions fractionnaires dans le simplexe en nombres entiers. Application au transport aérien [Communication écrite]. 17e Congrès de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision (ROADEF 2016), Compiègne, France. Non disponible

Ouzineb, M., Mhada, F.-Z., Pellerin, R., & El Hallaoui, I. (septembre 2014). A Hybrid Method for Solving Buffer Sizing and Inspection Stations Allocation [Communication écrite]. IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2014), Ajaccio, France. Lien externe

Rosat, I., El Hallaoui, I., Soumis, F., & Lodi, A. (juin 2014). Integral simplex using decomposition with primal cuts [Communication écrite]. 13th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark. Lien externe

Ouzineb, M., Mhada, F., El Hallaoui, I., & Pellerin, R. (octobre 2013). An exact method for solving the buffer sizing and inspection stations allocations problem [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2013), Rabat, Maroc. Lien externe

El Hachemi, N., Saddoune, M., El Hallaoui, I., & Rousseau, L.-M. (octobre 2013). Production scheduling and routing problem in textile industry [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2013), Rabat, Maroc. Lien externe

Mhada, F., Ouzineb, M., & El Hallaoui, I. (octobre 2012). An efficient heuristic forbuffer sizing and inspection stations allocation [Communication écrite]. 1st IEEE International Conference on Logistics and Operations Management, Le Havre, France. Non disponible

Soumis, F., Saddoune, M., El Hallaoui, I., & Desaulniers, G. (juin 2010). Crew pairing and assignment problem solved with dynamic constraint aggregation [Communication écrite]. 7th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN 2010), Tromso, Norway. Non disponible

EL Hachemi, N., El Hallaoui, I., Gendreau, M., & Rousseau, L.-M. (juin 2010). Solving the weekly log-truck scheduling problem by integer programming [Communication écrite]. 7th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN 2010), Tromso, Norway. Lien externe

Soumis, F., Saddoune, M., El Hallaoui, I., & Desaulniers, G. (août 2009). Simultaneous optimization of crew pairing and rostering [Communication écrite]. AGIFORS 2009, Las Vegas, USA. Non disponible


Rosat, S., El Hallaoui, I., Soumis, F., & Lodi, A. (juin 2015). Integral simplex using decomposition with primal cutting planes [Affiche]. Mixed Integer Programming Workshop, Chicago, IL. Non disponible

Thèse de doctorat

El Hallaoui, I. (2006). Agrégation dynamique des contraintes de partitionnement en génération de colonnes [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Non disponible

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