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Beyond advertising: New infrastructures for publishing integrated research objects

Elizabeth DuPre, Chris Holdgraf, Agah Karakuzu, Loïc Tetrel, Pierre Bellec, Nikola Stikov et Jean-Baptiste Poline

Article de revue (2022)

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Moving beyond static text and illustrations is a central challenge for scientific publishing in the 21st century. As early as 1995, Donoho and Buckheit paraphrased John Claerbout that “an article about [a] computational result is advertising, not scholarship. The actual scholarship is the full software environment, code and data, that produced the result” [1]. Awareness of this problem has only grown over the last 25 years; nonetheless, scientific publishing infrastructures remain remarkably resistant to change [2]. Even as these infrastructures have largely stagnated, the internet has ushered in a transition “from the wet lab to the web lab” [3]. New expectations have emerged in this shift, but these expectations must play against the reality of currently available infrastructures and associated sociological pressures. Here, we compare current scientific publishing norms against those associated with online content more broadly, and we argue that meeting the “Claerbout challenge” of providing the full software environment, code, and data supporting a scientific result will require open infrastructure development to create environments for authoring, reviewing, and accessing interactive research objects.

Mots clés

Advertising; Biomedical Research; Computational Biology; Data Curation; Humans; Internet; Publishing;

Sujet(s): 2500 Génie électrique et électronique > 2500 Génie électrique et électronique
Département: Département de génie électrique
Centre de recherche: NeuroPoly - Laboratoire de Recherche en Neuroimagerie
Organismes subventionnaires: National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Mental Health, Canada First Research Excellence Fund, awarded to McGill University for the Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives initiative and the Brain Canada Foundation with support from Health Canada (NeuroHub, Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform)
Numéro de subvention: (NIH) NIH-NIBIB P41 EB019936 (ReproNim), NIH-NIMH R01 MH083320 (CANDIShare), NIH RF1 MH120021 (NIDM), R01MH096906 (Neurosynth)
URL de PolyPublie: https://publications.polymtl.ca/51280/
Titre de la revue: PLOS Computational Biology (vol. 18, no 1)
Maison d'édition: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009651
URL officielle: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009651
Date du dépôt: 18 avr. 2023 14:58
Dernière modification: 06 mai 2024 12:18
Citer en APA 7: DuPre, E., Holdgraf, C., Karakuzu, A., Tetrel, L., Bellec, P., Stikov, N., & Poline, J.-B. (2022). Beyond advertising: New infrastructures for publishing integrated research objects. PLOS Computational Biology, 18(1), e1009651 (7 pages). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009651


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