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Impact of atherosclerotic disease on cerebral microvasculature and tissue oxygenation in awake LDLR-/-hApoB+/+ transgenic mice

Yuankang Lu, Cong Zhang, Xuecong Lu, Mohammad Moeini, Eric Thorin and Frédéric Lesage

Article (2019)

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We explore cortical microvasculature changes during the progression of atherosclerosis using young and old transgenic atherosclerotic (ATX) mice with thinned-skull cranial window. In awake animals, exploiting intrinsic signal optical imaging, Doppler optical coherence tomography, and two-photon microscopy, we investigate how the progression of atherosclerotic disease affects the morphology and function of cortical microvasculature as well as baseline cerebral tissue oxygenation. Results show that aged ATX mice exhibited weaker hemodynamic response in the somatosensory cortex to whisker stimulation and that the diameter of their descending arterioles and associated mean blood flow decreased significantly compared with the young ATX group. Data from two-photon phosphorescence lifetime microscopy indicate that old ATX mice had lower and more heterogeneous partial pressure of oxygen ( PO 2 ) in cortical tissue than young ATX mice. In addition, hypoxic micropockets in cortical tissue were found in old, but not young, ATX mice. Capillary red blood cell (RBC) flux, RBC velocity, RBC velocity heterogeneity, hematocrit, and diameter were also measured using line scans with two-photon fluorescence microscopy. When compared with the young group, RBC flux, velocity, and hematocrit decreased and RBC velocity heterogeneity increased in old ATX mice, presumably due to disturbed blood supply from arterioles that were affected by atherosclerosis. Finally, dilation of capillaries in old ATX mice was observed, which suggests that capillaries play an active role in compensating for an oxygen deficit in brain tissue.

Uncontrolled Keywords

Doppler optical coherence tomography; cortical microvasculature; intrinsic signal optical imaging; two-photon microscopy

Subjects: 1900 Biomedical engineering > 1900 Biomedical engineering
1900 Biomedical engineering > 1901 Biomedical technology
Department: Department of Electrical Engineering
Funders: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
PolyPublie URL: https://publications.polymtl.ca/5011/
Journal Title: Neurophotonics (vol. 6, no. 4)
Publisher: SPIE
DOI: 10.1117/1.nph.6.4.045003
Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1117/1.nph.6.4.045003
Date Deposited: 19 Jan 2022 15:48
Last Modified: 26 Sep 2024 11:06
Cite in APA 7: Lu, Y., Zhang, C., Lu, X., Moeini, M., Thorin, E., & Lesage, F. (2019). Impact of atherosclerotic disease on cerebral microvasculature and tissue oxygenation in awake LDLR-/-hApoB+/+ transgenic mice. Neurophotonics, 6(4), 045003 (10 pages). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.nph.6.4.045003


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