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Tuning a variational autoencoder for data accountability problem in the Mars Science Laboratory ground data system

Dounia Lakhmiri, Ryan Alimo and Sébastien Le Digabel

Technical Report (2020)

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The Mars Curiosity rover is frequently sending back engineering and science data that goes through a pipeline of systems before reaching its final destination at the mission operations center making it prone to volume loss and data corruption. A ground data system analysis (GDSA) team is charged with the monitoring of this flow of information and the detection of anomalies in that data in order to request a re-transmission when necessary. This work presents Δ -MADS, a derivative-free optimization method applied for tuning the architecture and hyperparameters of a variational autoencoder trained to detect the data with missing patches in order to assist the GDSA team in their mission.

Uncontrolled Keywords

anomaly detection; variational autoencoder; hyperparameter optimization; architecture search; derivative-free optimization

Department: Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering
Research Center: GERAD - Research Group in Decision Analysis
Funders: GRSNG / NSERC, MITACS Globalink, Polytechnique Montréal - Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Industrial Engineering - BFSD grant, InnovÉE, Hydro-Québec, Rio Tinto
Grant number: 490744-15
PolyPublie URL: https://publications.polymtl.ca/49110/
Report number: 2020-31
Official URL: https://www.gerad.ca/fr/papers/G-2020-31
Date Deposited: 18 Apr 2023 15:01
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2024 16:38
Cite in APA 7: Lakhmiri, D., Alimo, R., & Le Digabel, S. (2020). Tuning a variational autoencoder for data accountability problem in the Mars Science Laboratory ground data system. (Technical Report n° 2020-31). https://www.gerad.ca/fr/papers/G-2020-31


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