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Nombre de documents: 7


Zhang, L., & Boukas, E.-K. (juin 2008). Discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems with partly unknown transition probabilities: H infinity filtering problem [Communication écrite]. American Control Conference (ACC 2008), Seattle, WA, United states. Lien externe

Zhang, L., Boukas, E.-K., & Baron, L. (décembre 2008). Fault detection for discrete-time Markov jump linear systems with partially known transition probabilities [Communication écrite]. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2008). Lien externe

Zhang, L., Boukas, E.-K., & Haidar, A. (décembre 2008). New results on control synthesis for time-varying delay systems with actuator saturation [Communication écrite]. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Lien externe

Zhang, L., Shi, P., & Basin, M. (juin 2008). Model reduction for switched linear parameter varying systems with average dwell time [Communication écrite]. American Control Conference 2008, Seattle, Wash.. Lien externe

Zhang, L., Shi, P., & Basin, M. (2008). Robust Stability and Stabilisation of Uncertain Switched Linear Discrete Time-Delay Systems. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2(7), 606-614. Lien externe

Zhang, L., Shi, P., & Basin, M. (décembre 2008). Robust stabilization for arbitrarily switched linear systems with time-varying delays and uncertainties [Communication écrite]. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Lien externe

Zhang, L., Shi, P., Boukas, E.-K., & Wang, C. (2008). H-Infinity Model Reduction for Uncertain Switched Linear Discrete-Time Systems. Automatica, 44(11), 2944-2949. Lien externe

Liste produite: Thu Mar 13 01:46:03 2025 EDT.