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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Audet, C., Le Digabel, S., Rochon Montplaisir, V., & Tribes, C. (2022). Algorithm 1027: NOMAD Version 4: Nonlinear Optimization with the MADS Algorithm. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 48(3), 1-22. External link
Audet, C., Le Digabel, S., Salomon, L., & Tribes, C. (2022, June). Constrained blackbox optimization with the NOMAD solver on the COCO constrained test suite [Paper]. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO 2022), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. External link
Audet, C., Côté, P., Poissant, C., & Tribes, C. (2020). Monotonic grey box direct search optimization. Optimization Letters, 14(1), 3-18. External link
Audet, C., Le Digabel, S., & Tribes, C. (2019). The mesh adaptive direct search algorithm for granular and discrete variables. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 29(2), 1164-1189. External link
Audet, C., & Tribes, C. (2018). Mesh-based Nelder-Mead algorithm for inequality constrained optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, 71(2), 331-352. External link
Audet, C., Ihaddadene, A., Le Digabel, S., & Tribes, C. (2018). Robust optimization of noisy blackbox problems using the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm. Optimization Letters, 12(4), 675-689. External link
Audet, C., Le Digabel, S., & Tribes, C. (2016). Dynamic scaling in the mesh adaptive direct search algorithm for blackbox optimization. Optimization and Engineering, 17(2), 333-358. External link
Audet, C., Ianni, A., Le Digabel, S., & Tribes, C. (2014). Reducing the number of function evaluations in mesh adaptive direct search algorithms. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24(2), 621-642. External link
Bahrami, S., Khelghatibana, M., Tribes, C., Yi Lo, S., von Fellenberg, S., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Guibault, F. (2017). Application of a territorial-based filtering algorithm in turbomachinery blade design optimization. Engineering Optimization, 49(2), 216-234. External link
Bahrami, S., Tribes, C., Fellenberg, S. , Vu, T. C., & Guibault, F. (2015). Physics-based Surrogate Optimization of Francis Turbine Runner Blades, Using Mesh Adaptive Direct Search and Evolutionary Algorithms. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 8(3), 209-219. External link
Bahrami, S., Tribes, C., Devals, C., Vu, T. C., & Guibault, F. (2013, July). Multi-Objective optimization of runner blades using a multi-fidelity algorithm [Paper]. ASME Power Conference, Boston, MA. External link
Brenner, M. W., Trépanier, J.-Y., Tribes, C., & Petro, E. (2012, September). Conceptual Design Framework for Blended Wing Body Aircraft [Paper]. 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations Conference (ATIO 2012) and 14th AIAA/ISSM, Indianapolis, Indiana. External link
Bourgeois, J., Trépanier, J.-Y., Guibault, F., & Tribes, C. (2007, January). Characterizing global behaviour of approximation functions [Paper]. 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, United States. External link
Couturier, P. J., Tribes, C., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2015). Framework for the Robust Design Optimization of an Airframe and its Engines. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 28(2), 04014071 (10 pages). External link
Demers, É., Tribes, C., & Guibault, F. (2015). A selective eraser of curvature extrema for B-spline curves. Computers and Graphics (Pergamon), 51, 35-42. External link
Demers, É., Guibault, F., & Tribes, C. (2014, June). Symbolic computation of equi-affine evolute for plane B-spline curves [Paper]. 8th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Paris, France. External link
Dominique, S., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Tribes, C. (2012). GATE: A genetic algorithm designed for expensive cost functions. International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, 3(1-2), 5-29. External link
Dallaire, J., Tribes, C., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2007, April). Flexible transonic wing design optimization with discipline-oriented decompositions [Paper]. 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Waikiki, HI, United States. External link
Gariépy, M., Malouin, B., Tribes, C., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2015, January). Direct Search Airfoil Optimization Using Far-Field Drag Decomposition Results [Paper]. 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, Florida (21 pages). External link
Giammichele, N., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Tribes, C. (2007, April). Airfoil generation and optimization using multiresolution B-spline control with geometrical constraints [Paper]. 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Waikiki, HI, United States. External link
Gloukhov, R., Tribes, C., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Ozell, B. (2007, January). Towards web standards-based MDA and MDO [Paper]. 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, United States. External link
Khelghatibana, M., Trépanier, J.-Y., Tribes, C., & Nichols, J. (2014, November). Multi-objective and multi-point aerodynamic optimization of transonic fan blades [Paper]. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2014), Montréal, Québec (10 pages). External link
Lakhmiri, D., Le Digabel, S., & Tribes, C. (2021). HyperNOMAD: Hyperparameter Optimization of Deep Neural Networks Using Mesh Adaptive Direct Search. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 47(3), 1-27. External link
Labbé, P., Guibault, F., Dompierre, J., Tribes, C., Vallet, M.-G., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2002, January). Pirate - Towards a STEP compliant MDO environnement [Paper]. 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, NV, USA. External link
Marduel, X., Tribes, C., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2006). Variable-fidelity optimization: Efficiency and robustness. Optimization and Engineering, 7(4), 479-500. External link
Naz, S., Tribes, C., Trépanier, J.-Y., Nichols, J., & Petro, E. (2014, November). Multi-disciplinary design optimization of transonic fan blade design using analytical target cascading [Paper]. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2014), Montréal, Québec (11 pages). External link
Painchaud-Ouellet, S., Tribes, C., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Pelletier, D. (2006). Airfoil shape optimization using a nonuniform rational B-splines parameterization under thickness constraint. AIAA Journal, 44(10), 2170-2178. External link
Poueymirou-Bouchet, D., Tribes, C., & Trépanier, J.-Y. A Nurbs-Based Shape Optimization Method for Hydraulic Turbine Stay Vane [Paper]. Computational Fluid Dynamics. External link
Prado, P., Panchenko, Y., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Tribes, C. (2005, June). Preliminary multidisciplinary design optimization system : A software solution for early gas turbine conception [Paper]. ASME Turbo Expo, Reno-Tahoe, NV. External link
Painchaud-Ouellet, S., Tribes, C., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Pelletier, D. (2004, January). Airfoil Shape Optimization Using NURBS Representation Under Thickness Constraint [Paper]. 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. External link
Thio, N. A., Audet, C., Diago Martinez, M., Gheribi, A. E., Le Digabel, S., Lebeuf, X., Lemyre-Garneau, M., & Tribes, C. (2024). solar: A solar thermal power plant simulator for blackbox optimization benchmarking. (Technical Report n° G-2024-37). External link
Tribes, C., Benarroch-Lelong, S., Peng, L., & Kobyzev, I. (2024). Hyperparameter optimization for Large Language Model instruction-tuning. (Technical Report n° G-2023-62). External link
Tribes, C., Guibault, F., Farinas, M.-I., Dubé, J.-F., Murry, N., Vu, T. C., & Demers, É. (2008, October). Combining optimization techniques and conventional engineering practices to design francis runners [Paper]. 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. Unavailable
Tribes, C., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2006, September). Distributed optimizations using optimal solution sensitivity [Paper]. 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Portsmouth, VA, United States. External link
Tribes, C., Dube, J.-F., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2005). Decomposition of multidisciplinary optimization problems: Formulations and application to a simplified wing design. Engineering Optimization, 37(8), 775-796. External link
Tribes, C., Dubé, J.-F., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2004, August). Decomposition of Multidisciplinary Optimization Problem: Formulations and Application to a Simplified Wing Design [Paper]. 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Albany, New York, USA. External link
Walch, D., Trépanier, J.-Y., Tribes, C., & Turcotte, J. (2007, May). A variable selection based on sensitivity analysis for MDO [Paper]. ASME Gas Turbine Technical Congress & Exposition (GT 2007), Montréal, Québec (9 pages). Unavailable