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Lu, X., Moeini, M., Li, B., Thorin, E., & Lesage, F. (2020). Hypertension accelerates cerebral tissue PO₂ disruption in Alzheimer's disease. Neuroscience Letters, 715, 134626 (7 pages). External link
Lu, X., Moeini, M., Li, B., de Montgolfier, O., Lu, Y., Belanger, S., Thorin, E., & Lesage, F. (2020). Voluntary exercise increases brain tissue oxygenation and spatially homogenizes oxygen delivery in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 88, 11-23. External link
Lu, Y., Zhang, C., Lu, X., Moeini, M., Thorin, E., & Lesage, F. (2019). Impact of atherosclerotic disease on cerebral microvasculature and tissue oxygenation in awake LDLR-/-hApoB+/+ transgenic mice. Neurophotonics, 6(4), 045003 (10 pages). Available
Li, B., Lu, X., Moeini, M., Sakadzic, S., Thorin, E., & Lesage, F. (2019). Atherosclerosis is associated with a decrease in cerebral microvascular blood flow and tissue oxygenation. PLOS One, 14(8), e0221547 (13 pages). Available
de Montgolfier, O., Pinçon, A., Pouliot, P., Gillis, M.-A., Bishop, J., Sled, J. G., Villeneuve, L., Ferland, G., Levy, B. I., Lesage, F., Thorin-Trescases, N., & Thorin, E. (2019). High systolic blood pressure induces cerebral microvascular endothelial dysfunction, neurovascular unit damage, and cognitive decline in mice. Hypertension, 73(1), 217-228. External link
Lu, X., Moeini, M., Li, B., Lu, Y., Damseh, R., Pouliot, P., Thorin, E., & Lesage, F. (2019). A Pilot Study Investigating Changes in Capillary Hemodynamics and Its Modulation by Exercise in the APP-PS1 Alzheimer Mouse Model. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 1261 (12 pages). External link
de Montgolfier, O., Pouliot, P., Gillis, M.-A., Ferland, G., Lesage, F., Thorin-Trescases, N., & Thorin, E. (2019). Systolic hypertension-induced neurovascular unit disruption magnifies vascular cognitive impairment in middle-age atherosclerotic LDLr-/-:hApoB(+/+) mice. Geroscience, 41(5), 511-532. External link
Pouliot, P., Gagnon, L., Lam, T., Avti, P. K., Bowen, C., Desjardins, M., Kakkar, A. K., Thorin, E., Sakadzic, S., Boas, D. A., & Lesage, F. (2017). Magnetic resonance fingerprinting based on realistic vasculature in mice. NeuroImage, 149, 436-445. External link
Raignault, A., Bolduc, V., Lesage, F., & Thorin, E. (2017). Pulse pressure-dependent cerebrovascular eNOS regulation in mice. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 37(2), 413-424. External link
Raignault, A., Bolduc, V., Lesage, F., & Thorin, E. (2015). Pulse Pressure Reveals Shear Stress-Dependent eNOS Activity in Mice Cerebral Arteries. Faseb Journal, 29(1S), 2 pages. External link
Thorin, E., Bolduc, V., Cole, W., Lesage, F., & Raignault, A. (2014, September). Pulse pressure increases shear stress sensitivity of isolated mouse cerebral arteries [Abstract]. 11th International Symposium on Resistance Arteries: From Molecular Machinery to Clinical Challenges, Banff, Alberta. Published in Journal of Vascular Research, 51(S2). External link
Bolduc, V., Baraghis, E., Duquette, N., Thorin-Trescases, N., Lambert, J., Lesage, F., & Thorin, E. (2012). Catechin Prevents Severe Dyslipidemia-Associated Changes in Wall Biomechanics of Cerebral Arteries in Ldlr-/-:Hapob(+/+) Mice and Improves Cerebral Blood Flow. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 302(6), H1330-H1339. External link
Drouin, A., Bolduc, V., Thorin-Trescases, N., Bélanger, É., Fernandes, P., Baraghis, E., Lesage, F., Gillis, M.-A., Villeneuve, L., Hamel, E., Ferland, G., & Thorin, E. (2011). Catechin treatment improves cerebrovascular flow-mediated dilation and learning abilities in atherosclerotic mice. American Journal of Physiology : Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 300(3), H1032-H1043. External link
Baraghis, E., Bolduc, V., Gillis, M.-A., Srinivasan, V. J., Thorin, E., Boudoux, C., & Lesage, F. (2011, January). Synthetic reconstruction of dynamic blood flow in cortical arteries using optical coherence tomography for the evaluation of vessel compliance [Paper]. Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VII, San Francisco, CA, United states. External link