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Katsarava, R., Tugushi, D., Beridze, V., & Tawil, N. (2020). Composition comprising a polymer and a bioactive agent and method of preparing thereof. (Patent no. US10772964). External link
Lefebvre, È., Tawil, N., & Yahia, L. (2024). Transdermal delivery of cannabidiol for the management of acute inflammatory pain : a comprehensive review of the literature. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(11), 5858 (20 pages). Available
Rahman, M., Laurent, S., Tawil, N., Yahia, L., & Mahmoudi, M. (2013). Analytical Methods for Corona Evaluations. In Protein-nanoparticles interactions (Vol. 15, pp. 65-82). External link
Rahman, M., Laurent, S., Tawil, N., Yahia, L., & Morteza, M. (2013). Protein-nanoparticle interactions : the bio-nano interface. External link
Tawil, N. (2020). Disinfection of bacteriophages products using supercritical carbon dioxide. [Désinfection de produits bactériophages à l'aide de dioxyde de carbone supercritique]. (Patent no. CA3096783). External link
Tawil, N., Arnold, E. C. R., Katsarava, R., Tugushi, D., & Beridze, V. (2020). Microencapsulation of bacteriophages and related products. (Patent no. US10849944). External link
Tawil, N. (2018). Plasma immobilization of bacteriophages and applications thereof. (Patent Application no. WO2018198051). External link
Tawil, N., Sacher, E., Rioux, D., Mandeville, R., & Meunier, M. (2015). Surface chemistry of bacteriophage and laser ablated nanoparticle complexes for pathogen detection. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(25), 14375-14382. External link
Tawil, N., Sacher, E., Mandeville, R., & Meunier, M. (2014). Bacteriophages : biosensing tools for multi-drug resistant pathogens. Analyst, 139(6), 1224-1236. External link
Tawil, N. (2013). Phage-Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Strategies for the Detection of Pathogens [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Tawil, N., Mouawad, F., Levesque, S., Sacher, E., Mandeville, R., & Meunier, M. (2013). The differential detection of methicillin-resistant, methicillin-susceptible and borderline oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by surface plasmon resonance. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 49, 334-340. External link
Tawil, N., Sacher, E., Mandeville, R., & Meunier, M. (2013). Strategies for the immobilization of bacteriophages on gold surfaces monitored by surface plasmon resonance and surface morphology. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(13), 6686-6691. External link
Tawil, N., Hatef, A., Sacher, E., Maisonneuve, M., Gervais, T., Mandeville, R., & Meunier, M. (2013). Surface plasmon resonance determination of the binding mechanisms of l-cysteine and mercaptoundecanoic acid on gold. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(13), 6712-6718. External link
Tawil, N., Sacher, E., Boulais, E., Mandeville, R., & Meunier, M. (2013). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic and transmission electron microscopic characterizations of bacteriophage-nanoparticle complexes for pathogen detection. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(40), 20656-20665. External link
Tawil, N., Sacher, E., Mandeville, R., & Meunier, M. (2012). Surface Plasmon Resonance Detection of E. Coli and Methicillin-Resistant S. Aureus Using Bacteriophages. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 37(1), 24-29. External link
Yao, L., Lamarche, P., Tawil, N., Khan, R., Aliakbar, A. M., Hassan, M. H., Chodavarapu, V. P., & Mandeville, R. (2011). CMOS Conductometric System for Growth Monitoring and Sensing of Bacteria. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 5(3), 223-230. External link