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Documents dont l'auteur est "Silvestri, Vincenzo"

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Nombre de documents: 70

Abou-Samra, G., & Silvestri, V. (2024). Stability of long uniform slopes in cohesionless soils with seepage parallel to slope surface. Results in Engineering, 24, 103155. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juin 2024). Dangerous Height of Deep Soil Deposits [Communication écrite]. 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2024), Rhodes, Greece. Non disponible

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (septembre 2023). Undrained Spherical Expansion Analysis for Clay [Communication écrite]. 15th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2023), Famagusta, North Cyprus. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juin 2023). Determination of Constitutive Properties of Sand and Clay from Expansion of Spherical Cavities [Communication écrite]. 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2023), Ottawa, ON, Canada. Lien externe

Abou-Samra, G., Silvestri, V., Desjardins, S. L., & Labben, R. (2021). Drained-Undrained Shaft Resistance of Piles in Soft Clays. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 19(2), 115-125. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (novembre 2019). Characterization of the Mechanical Properties of Sensitive Clay by Means of Indentation Tests [Communication écrite]. 3rd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition "Sustainable Civil Structure", Egypt (18 pages). Lien externe

Abou-Samra, G., Ewane, M. S., & Silvestri, V. (2020). Physical modeling and arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element analysis of indentation of a sensitive clay by a flat-ended axisymmetrical indenter. International Journal of Geo-Engineering, 11(1), 6 (18 pages). Lien externe

Ghassan, A.-S., Ismail, Z., & Silvestri, V. (2020). Stresses distributions of sand piles on rough rigid plate. Results in Engineering, 5, 6 pages. Lien externe

Ewane, M. S., Silvestri, V., & James, M. (2020). The Use of Laboratory Indentation Testing to Characterize Champlain Sea Clay. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38(6), 6365-6383. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (novembre 2018). An Enhanced Solution for the Expansion of Cylindrical Cavities in Modified Cam Clay [Communication écrite]. 2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures (Egypt 2018), Cairo, Egypt. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juin 2019). Interpretation of indentation tests on a sensitive clay of eastern Canada [Communication écrite]. 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2019), Honolulu, HI, USA. Non disponible

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (2018). Application of cylindrical cavity expansion in MCC model to a sensitive clay under Ko consolidation. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(8), 11 pages. Lien externe

Ewane, M. S., Silvestri, V., & James, M. (2018). Indentation of a Sensitive Clay by a Flat-Ended Axisymmetrical Punch. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 36(6), 3601-3625. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2018). Theoretical DMT Interpretation in Sensitive Clays. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 41(5), 14 pages. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juillet 2017). Analysis of cylindrical cavity expansion in modified cam clay with Ko consolidation [Communication écrite]. 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures (GeoMEast 2017), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juin 2017). Assessment of the stability of an excavation in clay by means of CPTU and VST results [Communication écrite]. 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2017), San Francisco, CA. Non disponible

Silvestri, V., & Abou-Samra, G. (2017). Behavior of a Sensitive Clay in Isotropically Consolidated K̇o-Drained Triaxial Tests. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 40(4), 591-607. Lien externe

Ewane, M. S., Silvestri, V., & James, M. (septembre 2017). Comparison of indentation and conventional geotechnical testing results on a sensitive clay [Communication écrite]. 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE 2017), Seoul, Korea. Non disponible

Silvestri, V., & Ewane, M. S. (2017). Mechanical Properties of an Artificially Cemented Clayey Material. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 6(1), 213-234. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Abou-Samra, G. (septembre 2017). Re-assessment of stability of the experimental excavation in the sensitive clay of Saint-Hilaire (Québec) [Communication écrite]. 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE 2017), Seoul, Korea, Republic of. Non disponible

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (septembre 2016). Analysis of instrumented sharp cone tests performed in a sensitive clay of Québec [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation (ISC 2016), Gold Coast, QLD, Australia. Non disponible

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juin 2016). Comparison of field test results obtained in a lightly overconsolidated clay [Communication écrite]. 26th Annual International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2016), Rhodes, Greece. Non disponible

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juin 2016). Failure of a shear pile wall used for the stabilization of a long landslide [Communication écrite]. 12th International Symposium on Landslides, Napoli, Italy. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2013). Author's reply [on comments to Shape factors of cylindrical piezometers in uniform soil] [Commentaire ou lettre]. Ground Water, 51(2), 169-169. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Bravo-Jonard, C., & Abou-Samra, G. (2013). A Note on the Validity of Hvorslev's Shape Factors for Well Points and Piezometers. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 36(1), 138-145. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Abou-Samra, G. (2012). Analytical solution for undrained plane strain expansion of a cylindrical cavity in modified Cam clay. Geomechanics and Engineering, 4(1), 19-37. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Abou-Samra, G., & Bravo-Jonard, C. (2012). Shape factors of cylindrical piezometers in uniform soil. Ground Water, 50(2), 279-284. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Abou-Samra, G. (2011). Application of the exact constitutive relationship of modified Cam clay to the undrained expansion of a spherical cavity. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 35(1), 53-66. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Jonard, C. B., & Abou-Samra, G. (2011). A note on Hvorslev's shape factor for a flush bottom piezometer in uniform soil. Geomechanics and Engineering, 3(2), 109-116. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Samra, G. A., & Bravo-Jonard, C. (2011). Shape factors of cylindrical permeameters. Geomechanics and Engineering, 3(1), 17-28. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Diab, R., Abou Samra, G., & Bravo-Jonard, C. (2011). Undrained Response of Clay in Hollow Cylinder Expansion Tests. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 34(1), GTJ102749-GTJ102749. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Abou-Samra, G. (2009). Analytical solution of stress-strain relationship of modified Cam clay in undrained shear. Geomechanics and Engineering, 1(4), 263-274. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Abou-Samra, G., & Bravo-Jonard, C. (2009). Effect of Flow Rules and Elastic Strains on Pressuremeter Test Results in Dense Sand. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Abou-Samra, G. (2008). Analysis of Instrumented Sharp Cone and Pressuremeter Tests in Stiff Sensitive Clay. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2006). Discussion of "Active earth thrust by backfills subject to a line surcharge". Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2006). Erratum: A three-dimensional slope stability problem in clay. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2006). Limitations of the Theorem of Corresponding States in Active Pressure Problems. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2006). Strain-rate effects in self-boring pressuremeter tests in clay. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2006). A three-dimensional slope stability problem in clay. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2004). Disturbance effects in pressuremeter tests in clay. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2003). Assessment of Self-Boring Pressuremeter Tests in Sensitive Clay. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. Interpretation of Stress Paths From Pressuremeter Tests in Sand [Communication écrite]. 13th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2003). A limit equilibrium solution for bearing capacity of strip foundations on sand. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. Interpretation Problems of Water Contents and Densities Measured by Nuclear Devices in Field Monitoring Programmes [Communication écrite]. Computational Methods in Water Resources. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2001). Active Earth Pressure in Cohesive Soils With an Inclined Ground Surface: Discussion. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2001). Interpretation of Pressuremeter Tests in Sand. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Diab, R. (2001). Stress Distributions and Paths in Clays During Pressuremeter Tests. Lien externe

Ladanyi, B., & Silvestri, V. (2000). Discussion of paper by M.D. Bolton and R.W. Whittle on " a non-linear elastic/perfectly plastic analysis for plane strain undrained expansion tests". Géotechnique, 50(2), 199-199. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (2000). Performance of Shallow Foundations on Clay Deposits in Montréal Island. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (juin 1998). Field measurement of water contents and densities by nuclear methods in clay deposits [Communication écrite]. 1998 Field Instrumentation for Soil and Rock, Atlanta, GA, USA. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (1999). Lateral Earth Pressure Problem of Cohesive Backfill With Inclined Surface - Discussion. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 125(6), 536-537. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Murias, F., & Tabib, C. Tension pile foundation analyses for offshore structures : a comparison [Communication écrite]. International Offshore and Polar Engineering conference. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juin 1998). Modelling groundwater extraction by trees in clay deposits: A case study [Communication écrite]. Computational Methods in Water Resources XII : 12th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. Vol 1. Computational methods in contamination and remediation of water resources, Crete, Greece. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (1998). On the Determination of the Stress-Strain Curve of Clay From the Undrained Plane-Strain Expansion of Hollow Cylinders: a Long-Forgotten Method. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Dakroub, H., & Fahmy, Y. (1997). Analysis of cone penetration and indentation tests in clayey soils. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Mikhail, N., & Soulié, M. (janvier 1997). Permeability response of oil-contaminated compacted clays [Communication écrite]. Symposium on Testing Soil Mixed with Waste or Recycled Materials, New Orleans, Louisiana. Lien externe

Tabib, C., & Silvestri, V. (juillet 1995). Determination of gravitational stresses around notches in elastic half-planes [Communication écrite]. ICIAM / GAMM 95. Part V, Hamburg, Germany. Publié dans Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 76(SUP5). Non disponible

Montes, P., Silvestri, V., & Soulié, M. (juin 1996). Slope stability analysis and charts for non-circular slip surface [Communication écrite]. ISL '96 : Seventh International Symposium on landslides, Trondheim NOR. Non disponible

Silvestri, V., & Fahmy, Y. (1995). Influence of apex angle on cone penetration factors in clay. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 18(3), 315-323. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Bouhemhem, D. (1995). Performance of irrigation systems for control of moisture changes. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 9(1), 34-48. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Tabib, C., & Behidj, F. (1994). Observations and modelling of soil water content changes around trees. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 21(6), 980-989. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (1994). Re-examination of the strain field around a simple pile. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Tabib, C. (juin 1994). Settlement of building foundations on clay soil caused by evapotranspiration [Communication écrite]. Conference on Vertical and Horizontal Deformations of Foundations and Embankments, College Station, TX, USA. Non disponible

Silvestri, V. (1994). Water content relationships of a sensitive clay subjected to cycles of capillary pressures. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 17(1), 57-65. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., & Aubertin, M. (janvier 1987). Anisotropy and In-Situ Vane Tests [Communication écrite]. 1987 International Symposium on Laboratory and Field Vane Shear Strength Testing, Tampa, FL, USA. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Soulié, M., Touchan, Z., & Fay, B. (juin 1986). Triaxial Relaxation Tests on a Soft Clay [Communication écrite]. Symposium on Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, Louisville, KY, USA. Lien externe

Silvestri, V., Yong, R. N., & Mohamed, A. M. O. (juin 1986). A True Triaxial Testing Cell [Communication écrite]. Symposium on Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock, Louisville, KY, USA. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (1984). Discussion of “Earth Pressures Against Rigid Retaining Walls” by Mehmet A. Sherif, Isao Ishibashi, and Chong Do Lee (May, 1982). Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 110(1), 115-116. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (1981). The long term stability of a cutting slope in an overconsolidated sensitive clay: Reply [Commentaire ou lettre]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 18(2), 323-324. Lien externe

Silvestri, V. (1980). The long-term stability of a cutting slope in an overconsolidated sensitive clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 17(3), 337-351. Lien externe

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