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Buschmann, M. D., Hoemann, C. D., Shive, M. S., Rossomacha, E., Chevrier, A., & Hurtig, M. B. (2006, September). Hybrid Biomaterials Composed of Chitosan and Blood Improve Cartilage Repair in Animal Models [Paper]. Transactions 10th International Conference on Chitin and Chitosan, Montpellier, France. Unavailable
Changoor, A., Nelea, M., Tran-Khanh, N., Methot, S., Fereydoonzad, L., Rossomacha, E., Tremblay, J., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (2009, July). Assessment of collagen orientation in repair cartilage by polarized light and scanning electron microscopies [Paper]. 15th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, Calgary, Canada. Unavailable
Changoor, A., Nelea, M., Tran-Khanh, N., Methot, S., Fereydoonzad, L., Rossomacha, E., Tremblay, J., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (2009, September). Assessment of collagen orientation in repair cartilage by polarized light and scanning electron microscopies [Paper]. Segal North American Osteoarthritis Workshop, Chicago. Unavailable
Changoor, A., Nelea, M., Fereydoonzad, L., Rossomacha, E., Shive, M., & Buschmann, M. D. (2008, October). Assessment of collagen orientation in repair cartilage by polarized light and scanning electron microscopies [Paper]. Canadian Arthritis Network Annual Scientific Meeting, Toronto. Unavailable
Chen, H., Sun, J., Hoemann, C. D., Lascau-Coman, V., Chevrier, A., Rossomacha, E., McKee, M. D., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (2007, September). A comparative study of microfracture vs drilling in a rabbit cartilage repair model [Paper]. 7th World Congress International Society for Cartilage Repair, Warsaw, Poland. External link
Chevrier, A., Rossomacha, E., Buschmann, M. D., & Hoemann, C. D. (2005). Optimization of Histoprocessing Methods to Detect Glycosaminoglycan, Collagen Type II, and Collagen Type I in Decalcified Rabbit Osteochondral Sections. Journal of Histotechnology, 28(3), 165-175. External link
Hoemann, C. D., Sun, J., McKee, M. D., Chevrier, A., Rossomacha, E., Rivard, G. E., Hurtig, M., & Buschmann, M. D. (2007). Chitosan-Glycerol Phosphate/Blood Implants Elicit Hyaline Cartilage Repair Integrated With Porous Subchondral Bone in Microdrilled Rabbit Defects. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 15(1), 78-89. External link
Hoemann, C. D., Chenite, A., Sun, J., Hurtig, M., Serreqi, A., Lu, Z., Rossomacha, E., & Buschmann, M. D. (2007). Cytocompatible Gel Formation of Chitosan-Glycerol Phosphate Solutions Supplemented With Hydroxyl Ethyl Cellulose Is Due to the Presence of Glyoxal. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A, 83A(2), 521-529. External link
Hoemann, C. D., Hurtig, M., Rossomacha, E., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (2006, January). Chitosan-glycerol phosphate/blood clots adhere more than marrow-dervide clots to ovine microfracture defects [Paper]. Transactions International Society for Cartilage Repair, San Diego, USA. Unavailable
Hoemann, C. D., Chenite, A., Sun, J., Hurtig, M., Serreqi, A., Zhan, L., Rossomacha, E., & Buschmann, M. D. (2006, November). Cytocompatible gel formation of chitosan-glycerol phosphate solutions supplemented with hydroxyl ethyl cellulose is due to the presence of glyoxal [Paper]. Canadian Arthritis Network Annual Meeting, Winnipeg. Unavailable
Hoemann, C. D., Sun, J., McKee, M., Hurtig, M., Rivard, G. E., Rossomacha, E., Chevrier, A., & Buschmann, M. D. (2005, July). Rabbit hyaline cartilage repair after marrow stimulation depends on the surgical approach together with an in situ stabilized chitosan-GP blood clot [Paper]. Transactions 11th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Hoemann, C. D., Hurtig, M., Sun, J., Rossomacha, E., Shive, M. S., McKee, M. D., Chevrier, A., & Buschmann, M. D. (2004, January). Hybrid clots of whole autologous blood mixed with physiological liquid chitosan improve cartilage repair in sheep defects with microfracture [Paper]. Transactions international society for cartilage repair, Gent, Belgique. Unavailable
Hoemann, C. D., Hurtig, M., Sun, J., Rossomacha, E., Shive, M. S., McKee, M. D., Chevrier, A., & Buschmann, M. D. (2004, February). Improved cartilage repair with CarGel, an injectable chitosan device [Paper]. Transactions orthopedic research society, San Francisco, Californie, USA. Unavailable
Hoemann, C. D., Hurtig, M., Sun, J., McWade, D., Rossomacha, E., Shive, M., McKee, M. D., & Buschmann, M. D. (2003, January). Full-thickness cartilage repair using an injectable chitosan scaffold [Paper]. Transactions 9th canadian connective tissue conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Hoemann, C. D., Akens, M., Jun, S., Rossomacha, E., Shive, M. S., Buschmann, M. D., & Hurtig, M. B. (2003, January). Thermogelling chitosan formulation suppresses subchondral cyst formation in a cartilage repair model in sheep [Paper]. American college of veterinary surgeons, Washington DC. Unavailable
Methot, S., Hoemann, C. D., Rossomacha, E., Restrepo, A., Stanish, W. D., MacDonald, P., Mohtadi, N., Marks, P., Malo, M., McCormack, R., Desnoyers, J., Pelet, S., Lopez-Olivia, F., Vaquero, J., Macule, F., Shive, M., & Buschmann, M. D. (2010, September). ICRS histology scores of biopsies from an interim analysis of a randomized controlled clinical trial show significant improvement in tissue quality at 13 months for BST-CarGelTM versus microfracture [Paper]. Transaction International Society for Cartilage Repair, Barcelona, Spain. Unavailable
Methot, S., Hoemann, C. D., Rossomacha, E., Garon, M., Shive, M. S., Tremblay, J., & Buschmann, M. D. (2009, May). ICRS I and ICRS II scoring of human osteochondral biopsies : readervariability and sensitivity to staining method [Paper]. 8th World Congress of the International for Cartilage Repair Society, Miami, Florida. Unavailable
Rossomacha, E., Hoemann, C. D., Chevrier, A., & Shive, M. S. (2005). Microwave histoprocessing : one-step dehydration and clearing of articular cartilage and synovial tissue. Histologic, 38(2), 25-25. External link
Rossomacha, E., Hoemann, C. D., & Shive, M. S. (2004). Simple Methods for Staining Chitosan in Biotechnological Applications. Journal of Histotechnology, 27(1), 31-36. External link