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Alloui, Z., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (2010). Density Maximum Effect on Soret-Induced Natural Convection in a Square Porous Cavity. Fluid Dynamics Research, 42(5). Lien externe
Alloui, Z., Vasseur, P., Robillard, L., & Bahloul, A. (2010). Onset of double-diffusive convection in a horizontal Brinkman cavity. Chemical Engineering Communications, 197(3), 387-399. Lien externe
Aboubi, K., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (1998). Natural Convection in Horizontal Annulus Filled With an Anisotropic Porous Medium. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 8(6), 689-702. Lien externe
Aboubi, K., Robillard, L., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1995). Convective heat transfer in an annular fluid layer with centrifugal force field. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 5(7), 601-614. Lien externe
Aboubi, K., Robillard, L., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Convective heat transfer in an annular porous layer with centrifugal force field. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications, 28(3), 375-388. Lien externe
Bahloul, A., Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (2007). Convection of a Binary Fluid Saturating a Shallow Porous Cavity Subjected to Cross Heat Fluxes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 574, 317-342. Lien externe
Bahloul, A., Yahiaoui, M. A., Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (2004). Thermogravitational Separation in a Vertical Annular Porous Layer. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 31(6), 783-794. Lien externe
Bahloul, A., Delahaye, R., Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (2003). Effect of Surface Tension on Convection in a Binary Fluid Layer Under a Zero Gravity Environment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(10), 1759-1771. Lien externe
Benhadji, K., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (2002). Convection in a porous cavity saturated with water near 4°C and subject to Dirichlet-Neumann thermal boundary conditions. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 29(7), 897-906. Lien externe
Bian, W., Robillard, L., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (novembre 1995). Gravity flow and freezing of non-Newtonian fluids on an inclined plane [Communication écrite]. 1995 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA. Non disponible
Bilgen, E., Wang, X., Vasseur, P., Meng, F., & Robillard, L. (1995). On the periodic conditions to simulate mixed convection heat transfer in horizontal channels. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications, 27(4), 461-472. Lien externe
Bian, W., Robillard, L., Bilgen, E., Vasseur, P., & Boluk, Y. (novembre 1994). Gravity flow of non-Newtonian fluids on an inclined plane [Communication écrite]. 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, USA. Non disponible
Degan, G., Beji, H., Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (1998). Effect of Anisotropy on the Development of Convective Boundary Layer Flow in Porous Media. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 25(8), 1159-1168. Lien externe
Hasnaoui, M., Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Robillard, L. (1995). Analytical and numerical study of natural convection heat transfer in a vertical porous annulus. Chemical Engineering Communications, 131(1), 141-159. Lien externe
Kalla, L., Mamou, M., Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (2001). Multiple Solutions for Double Diffusive Convection in a Shallow Porous Cavity With Vertical Fluxes of Heat and Mass. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44(23), 4493-4504. Lien externe
Kalla, L., Mamou, M., Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (1999). Multiple Steady States for Natural, Convection in a Shallow Porous Cavity Subject to Uniform Heat Fluxes. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 26(6), 761-770. Lien externe
Mahidjiba, A., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (2006). Onset of penetrative convection of cold water in a porous layer under mixed boundary conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49(17-18), 2820-2828. Lien externe
Mahidjiba, A., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (2003). Linear Stability of Cold Water Layer Saturating an Anisotropic Porous Medium - Effect of Confinement. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(2), 323-332. Lien externe
Mahidjiba, A., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (2000). Onset of Convection in a Horizontal Anisotropic Porous Layer Saturated With Water Near 4 Degrees C. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 27(6), 765-774. Lien externe
Mahidjiba, A., Robillard, L., Vasseur, P., & Mamou, M. (2000). Onset of Convection in an Anisotropic Porous Layer of Finite Lateral Extent. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 27(3), 333-342. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (1999). Thermoconvective Instability in a Horizontal Porous Cavity Saturated With Cold Water. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 42(24), 4487-4500. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Mahidjiba, A., Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (1998). Onset of Convection in an Anisotropic Porous Medium Heated From Below by a Constant Heat Flux. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 25(6), 799-808. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Robillard, L., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1996). Effects of a moving thermal wave on Benard convection in a horizontal saturated porous layer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(2), 347-354. Lien externe
Ouriemi, M., Vasseur, P., Bahloul, A., & Robillard, L. (2006). Natural Convection in a Horizontal Layer of a Binary Mixture. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 45(8), 752-759. Lien externe
Paraschivoiu, I., Prud'homme, M., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (2003). Mécanique des fluides. Lien externe
Robillard, L., Bahloul, A., & Vasseur, P. (2006). Hydromagnetic natural convection of a binary fluid in a vertical porous enclosure. Chemical Engineering Communications, 193(11), 1431-1444. Lien externe
Robillard, L. (2003). Contrôle automatisé de la fréquence d'une corde de clavecin. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2003-07). Disponible
Rousse, D. R., & Robillard, L. (1990). Convection naturelle dans un anneau poreux saturé. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-90-07). Accès restreint
Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (1981). Convective response of a mass of water to a constant cooling rate applied on its boundaries. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-81-21). Disponible
Robillard, L. (1977). Jet submergé dans un écoulement quelconque : application a un rejet thermique dans une eau ambiante de basse température. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-77-39). Accès restreint
Robillard, L. (1977). Jet submergé dans une eau ambiante de basse température. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-77-31). Accès restreint
Robillard, L., & Ramamurthy, A. S. (1972). Investigation of the plane jet in a counterflowing stream. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-73-09). Accès restreint
Robillard, L. (1971). On a Series Solution for the Laminar Boundary Layer Along a Moving Wall. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 38(2), 550-552. Lien externe
Vasseur, P., Hasnaoui, M., Bilgen, E., & Robillard, L. (1995). Natural convection in an inclined fluid layer with a transverse magnetic field. Analogy with a porous medium. Journal of Heat Transfer, 117(1), 121-129. Lien externe
Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (1981). Natural convection in a rectangular cavity with wall temperature decreasing at a uniform rate. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-81-01). Disponible
Vasseur, P., Robillard, L., & Chandra Shekar, B. (1981). A numerical study on natural convention heat transfer with density inversion of water within a horizontal cylindrical annulus. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-81-04). Disponible
Xiao, W., & Robillard, L. (1995). Mixed convection in an inclined channel with localized heat sources. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications, 28(3), 355-373. Lien externe
Yahiaoui, M. A., Bahloul, A., Vasseur, P., & Robillard, L. (2007). Natural Convection of a Binary Mixture in a Vertical Closed Annulus. Chemical Engineering Communications, 194(7), 924-937. Lien externe
Zheng, W., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (2001). Convection in a square cavity filled with an anisotropic porous medium saturated with water near 4degreesc. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44(18), 3463-3470. Lien externe
Zhao, M., Robillard, L., & Vasseur, P. (1998). Mixed Convection in a Low Rotation Horizontal Cylinder. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 25(7), 1031-1040. Lien externe
Zhao, M., Robillard, L., & Prud'homme, M. (1996). Effect of weak rotation on natural convection in a horizontal porous cylinder. [Einfluß schwacher Rotation auf die natürliche Konvektion in einem horizontalen, porösen Zylinder]. Heat and Mass Transfer, 31(6), 403-409. Lien externe