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Nombre de documents: 6


Murgia, A., Ortu, M., Tourani, P., Adams, B., & Demeyer, S. (2018). An exploratory qualitative and quantitative analysis of emotions in issue report comments of open source systems. Empirical Software Engineering, 23(1), 521-564. Lien externe


Ortu, M., Murgia, A., Destefanis, G., Tourani, P., Tonelli, R., Marchesi, M., & Adams, B. (mai 2016). The emotional side of software developers in JIRA [Communication écrite]. 13th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2016), Austin, TX, United states. Lien externe

Mantyla, M., Adams, B., Destefanis, G., Graziotin, D., & Ortu, M. (mai 2016). Mining Valence, arousal, and Dominance - Possibilities for detecting burnout and productivity? [Communication écrite]. 13th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2016), Austin, TX, United states. Lien externe


Ortu, M., Adams, B., Destefanis, G., Tourani, P., Marchesi, M., & Tonelli, R. (mai 2015). Are bullies more productive? Empirical study of affectiveness vs. issue fixing time [Communication écrite]. 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2015), Florence, Italy. Lien externe

Ortu, M., Destefanis, G., Adams, B., Murgia, A., Marchesi, M., & Tonelli, R. (octobre 2015). The JIRA repository dataset: Understanding social aspects of software development [Communication écrite]. 11th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering (PROMISE 2015), Beijing, China. Lien externe


Murgia, A., Tourani, P., Adams, B., & Ortu, M. (mai 2014). Do developers feel emotions? An exploratory analysis of emotions in software artifacts [Communication écrite]. 11th International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2014), Hyderabad, India. Lien externe

Liste produite: 22 janvier 2025 à 15 h 30.