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Amiri, A. M., Boukadoum, M., & Khouas, A. (2009). A multihit time-to-digital converter architecture on FPGA. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 58(3), 530-540. External link
Amiri, A. M., Khouas, A., & Boukadoum, M. (2006, April). Pseudorandom stimuli generation for testing time-to-digital converters on an FPGA [Paper]. 1st IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Minori, Italy. Published in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 58(7). External link
Abderrahman, A., Savaria, Y., Khouas, A., & Sawan, M. (2007, August). Accurate testability analysis based-on multi-frequency test generation and a new testability metric [Paper]. IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems (NEWCAS 2007), Montréal, Québec. External link
Abderrahman, A., Savaria, Y., Khouas, A., & Sawan, M. (2007, December). New Analog Test Metrics Based on Probabilistic and Deterministic Combination Approaches [Paper]. 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Marrakech, Morocco. External link
Amiri, A. M., Khouas, A., & Boukadoum, M. (2007, May). On the timing uncertainty in delay-line-based time measurement applications targeting FPGAs [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007), New Orleans, Louisiana. External link
Amiri, A. M., Boukadoum, M., & Khouas, A. (2006, June). Low dead time, multi-hit FPGA-based time-to digital converter [Paper]. 4th IEEE International Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems (NEWCAS 2006), Gatineau, Que., Canada. External link
Izouggaghen, B., Khouas, A., & Savaria, Y. (2004, May). Spurs modeling in direct digital period synthesizers related to phase accumulator truncation [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2004), Vancouver, BC, Canada. External link
Kassem, A., Wang, J., Khouas, A., Sawan, M., & Boukadoum, M. (2003, June). Pipelined sampled-delay focusing CMOS implementation for ultrasonic digital beamforming [Paper]. 3rd IEEE International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications. External link
Kassem, A., Wang, J., Khouas, A., Sawan, M., Tabikh, S., & Boukadoum, M. (2002, December). Variable delay CMOS implementation for ultrasonic beamforming [Paper]. 14th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Beirut, Lebanon. External link
Khouas, A., & Derieux, A. (2001, January). FDP: Fault detection probability function for analog circuits [Paper]. IEEE symposium on circuits and systems ISCAS'01, Sydney, Australia. External link
Larab, A., & Khouas, A. (2005, May). New P1500 wrapper incorporating a BIST structure to test IP and SoC interconnections [Paper]. 2005 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. Unavailable
Larab, A., & Khouas, A. (2005, May). Nouveau wrapper P1500 incorporant une structure BIST pour le test des IP et des interconnexions des systèmes sur puce [Paper]. CCGÉEI/CCECE, Saskatoon. External link
Morneau, M., & Khouas, A. (2006). TBSA: Threshold-Based Simulation Accuracy Method for Fast Analog Dc Fault Simulation. Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications, 22(4-6), 425-436. External link
Morneau, M., & Khouas, A. (2005, May). Analysis of DC simulation convergence of nonlinear analog circuits with initial solution [Paper]. CCGÉEI/CCECE, Saskatoon. External link
Sawan, M., Hashemi, S., Sehil, M., Awwad, F., Hajj-Hassan, M., & Khouas, A. (2009). Multicoils-based inductive links dedicated to power up implantable medical devices: Modeling, design and experimental results. Biomedical Microdevices, 11(5), 1059-1070. External link
Salomon, M.-É., Izouggaghen, B., Khouas, A., & Savaria, Y. (2008). Spur Model for a Fixed-Frequency Signal Subject to Periodic Jitter. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 57(10), 2320-2328. External link
Salomon, M. E., Khouas, A., & Savaria, Y. (2005, May). A Complete Spurs Distribution Model for Direct Digital Period Synthesizers [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), Kobe, Japan. External link
Sehil, M., Sawan, M., & Khouas, A. (2005, July). Modeling efficient inductive power transfer required to supply implantable devices [Paper]. Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS 2005), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Sehil, M., Khouas, A., & Sawan, M. (2005, April). Modeling Inductive Power Transfer Required to Supply Implantable Devices [Paper]. International Symposium on Advanced Biomaterials/Biomechanics, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Zhou, B., Amir Mohammad, A., & Khouas, A. (2006). Characterizing delay mismatch in ring oscillator based test structure. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 5(7), 903-910. Unavailable
Zhou, B., & Khouas, A. (2005, May). Measurement of Delay Mismatch Due to Process Variations by Means of Modified Ring Oscillators [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), Kobe, Japan. External link