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Li, X., van Sluijs, R., & Kennedy, G. G. (2021). Measurement of k0 values for europium, lutetium and iridium at FRM II with a very well thermalized neutron spectrum. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 327(1), 533-542. Available

Chilian, C., Cimpan, C., & Kennedy, G. G. (2016). Contribution of detection efficiency to the uncertainty budget in NAA. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 309(1), 249-255. External link

Cimpan, C., & Kennedy, G. G. (2016). Measurement of k (0) and Q (0) values for lutetium and europium. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 309(1), 173-178. External link

Jaćimović, R., De Corte, F., Kennedy, G. G., Vermaercke, P., & Revay, Z. (2014). The 2012 Recommended k₀ Database. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(2), 589-592. External link

Normandin, L., Ayotte, P., Levallois, P., Ibanez, Y., Courteau, M., Kennedy, G. G., Chen, L., Le, X. C., & Bouchard, M. (2014). Biomarkers of arsenic exposure and effects in a Canadian rural population exposed through groundwater consumption. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 24(2), 127-134. External link

Chilian, C., Sneyers, L., Vermaercke, P., & Kennedy, G. G. (2014). Measurement of K (0) and Q (0) Values for Iridium Isotopes. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(2), 609-613. External link

Chilian, C., & Kennedy, G. G. (2014). The NAA method at Polytechnique Montréal: an efficient alternative way to use the k0 NAA models. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(2), 533-538. External link

van Sluijs, R., Jacimovic, R., & Kennedy, G. G. (2014). A simplified method to replace the Westcott formalism in k (0)-NAA using non-1/v nuclides. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(2), 539-545. External link

Révay, Z., & Kennedy, G. G. (2012). Application of the k0 method in neutron activation analysis and in prompt gamma activation analysis. Radiochimica Acta, 100(8-9), 687-698. Available

Chilian, C., & Kennedy, G. G. (2012). Enhancement of Thermal Neutron Self-Shielding in Materials Surrounded by Reflectors. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 293(1), 179-183. External link

Kennedy, G. G., Chilian, C., Jacimovic, R., Zerovnik, G., Snoj, L., & Trkov, A. (2012). Neutron Self-Shielding in Irradiation Channels of Small Reactors Is Isotropic. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291(2), 555-559. External link

Joly, A., Lambert, J., Gagnon, C., Kennedy, G. G., Mergler, D., Adam-Poupart, A., & Zayed, J. (2011). Reduced atmospheric manganese in montreal following removal of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 219(1-4), 263-270. External link

Muller, C., Audusseau, S., Salehi, F., Truchon, G., Chevalier, G., Mazer, B., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (2010). Beryllium Contamination and Exposure Monitoring in an Inhalation Laboratory Setting. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 26(1), 39-45. External link

Chilian, C., Chambon, R., & Kennedy, G. G. (2010). Neutron self-shielding with k0-NAA irradiations. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 622(2), 429-432. External link

Kotsopoulos, J., Chen, Z., Vallis, K. A., Poll, A., Ghadirian, P., Kennedy, G. G., Ainsworth, P., & Narod, S. A. (2010). Toenail Selenium Status and DNA Repair Capacity Among Female Brca1 Mutation Carriers. Cancer Causes & Control, 21(5), 679-687. External link

Muller, C., L'Espérance, G., Plamondon, P., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (2008). Characterization of Beryllium Particles From Calsifrit. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues, 71(16), 1091-1099. External link

Chilian, C., St-Pierre, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (2008). Complete Thermal and Epithermal Neutron Self-Shielding Corrections for Naa Using a Spreadsheet. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 278(3), 745-749. External link

St-Pierre, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (2007). Corrections for Neutron Activation Analysis With Non-1/V Nuclides Using Reactor Moderator Temperature Readings. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 271(2), 283-287. External link

Hazell, A. S., Normandin, L., Norenberg, M. D., Kennedy, G. G., & Yi, J. H. (2006). Alzheimer Type II Astrocytic Changes Following Sub-Acute Exposure to Manganese and Its Prevention by Antioxidant Treatment. Neuroscience Letters, 396(3), 167-171. External link

Tapin, D., Kennedy, G. G., Lambert, J., & Zayed, J. (2006). Bioaccumulation and Locomotor Effects of Manganese Sulfate in Sprague-Dawley Rats Following Subchronic (90 Days) Inhalation Exposure. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 211(2), 166-174. External link

Vermaercke, P., Robouch, P., Eguskiza, M., De Corte, F., Kennedy, G. G., Smodiš, B., Jaćimović, R., Yonezawa, C., Matsue, H., Lin, X., Blaauw, M., & Kucera, J. (2006). Characterisation of Synthetic Multi-Element Standards (SMELS) Used for the Validation of K₀-NAA. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 564(2), 675-682. External link

Chilian, C., St-Pierre, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (2006). Dependence of thermal and epithermal neutron self-shielding on sample size and irradiation site. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 564(2), 629-635. External link

Chilian, C., Kassakov, M., St-Pierre, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (2006). Extending Naa to Materials With High Concentrations of Neutron Absorbing Elements. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 270(2), 417-423. External link

Boudia, N., Halley, R., Kennedy, G. G., Lambert, J., Gareau, L., & Zayed, J. (2006). Manganese Concentrations in the Air of the Montréal (Canada) Subway in Relation to Surface Automobile Traffic Density. Science of The Total Environment, 366(1), 143-147. External link

Salehi, F., Normandin, L., Krewski, D., Kennedy, G. G., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2006). Neuropathology, Tremor and Electromyogram in Rats Exposed to Manganese Phosphate/Sulfate Mixture. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 26(5), 419-426. External link

St-Pierre, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (2006). Re-measurement of Q₀ and k₀ values for 14 nuclides. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 564(2), 669-674. External link

St.-Pierre, J., Kada, R., Kennedy, G. G., Zayed, J., & Ghadirian, P. (2006). Variation of selenium concentration in toenails following long-term storage, washing and reactor irradiation. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 269(2), 347-349. External link

Rouleau, M., Dion, C., Plamondon, P., Kennedy, G. G., L'Espérance, G., & Zayed, J. (2005). Physical and Chemical Characterization of Beryllium Particles From Several Workplaces in Québec, Canada - Part A: Determining Methods for the Analysis of Low Levels of Beryllium. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues, 68(21), 1889-1905. External link

Bolte, S., Normandin, L., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (2004). Human Exposure to Respirable Manganese in Outdoor and Indoor Air in Urban and Rural Areas. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues, 67(6), 459-467. External link

Normandin, L., Beaupre, L. A., Salehi, F., St-Pierre, A., Kennedy, G. G., Mergler, D., Butterworth, R. E., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2004). Manganese Distribution in the Brain and Neurobehavioral Changes Following Inhalation Exposure of Rats to Three Chemical Forms of Manganese. Neurotoxicology, 25(3), 433-441. External link

St.-Pierre, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (2004). Standardizing NAA of biological samples of varying size, shape and composition. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 259(3), 431-434. External link

Mostoufi, N., Kennedy, G. G., & Chaouki, J. (2003). Decreasing the Sampling Time Interval in Radioactive Particle Tracking. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 81(1), 129-133. External link

Kennedy, G. G., & St-Pierre, J. (2003). Is the K(0) Method Accurate for Elements With High Q(0) Values? Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 257(3), 475-480. External link

Bankovitch, V., Carrier, G., Gagnon, C., Normandin, L., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (2003). Total Suspended Particulate Manganese in Ambient Air in Montréal 1981-2000. Science of The Total Environment, 308(1-3), 185-193. External link

Hazell, A. S., Normandin, L., Nguyen, B., & Kennedy, G. G. (2003). Upregulation of 'peripheral-Type' Benzodiazepine Receptors in the Globus Pallidus in a Sub-Acute Rat Model of Manganese Neurotoxicity. Neuroscience Letters, 349(1), 13-16. External link

Normandin, L., Carrier, G., Gardiner, P. F., Kennedy, G. G., Hazell, A. S., Mergler, D., Butterworth, R. F., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2002). Assessment of Bioaccumulation, Neuropathology, and Neurobehavior Following Subchronic (90 Days) Inhalation in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed to Manganese Phosphate. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 183(2), 135-145. External link

Keiloun, M., Yang, F., Chau, Y. K., Gagnon, F., Bouyahi, B., Rivard, M., Kennedy, G. G., Normandin, L., & Zayed, J. (2002). Exposure of Gas Station Attendants to Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) Used in Gasoline. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 141(1-4), 155-163. External link

Nkwenkeu, S. F., Kennedy, G. G., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2002). Oral Manganese Intake Estimated With Dietary Records and With Direct Chemical Analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 287(1-2), 147-153. External link

Thibault, C., Kennedy, G. G., Gareau, L., & Zayed, J. (2002). Preliminary Assessment of Atmospheric Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl and Particulate Manganese in Selected Urban Sites. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a, 65(7), 503-511. External link

Salehi, F., Carrier, G., Normandin, L., Kennedy, G. G., Butterworth, R. F., Hazell, A., Therrien, G., Mergler, D., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2001). Assessment of Bioaccumulation and Neurotoxicity in Rats With Portacaval Anastomosis and Exposed to Manganese Phosphate: a Pilot Study. Inhalation Toxicology, 13(12), 1151-1163. External link

St-Pierre, A., Normandin, L., Carrier, G., Kennedy, G. G., Butterworth, R., & Zayed, J. (2001). Bioaccumulation and Locomotor Effect of Manganese Dust in Rats. Inhalation Toxicology, 13(7), 623-632. External link

Chapdelaine, C., Millaire, J.-F., & Kennedy, G. G. (2001). Compositional Analysis and Provenance Study of Spindle Whorls From the Moche Site, North Coast of Peru. Journal of Archaeological Science, 28(8), 795-806. External link

Petrela, J., Camara, V. D., Kennedy, G. G., Bouyahi, B., & Zayed, J. (2001). Health Effects of Residential Exposure to Aluminum Plant Air Pollution. Archives of Environmental Health, 56(5), 456-460. External link

Kennedy, G. G., Tye, P., & St-Pierre, J. (2001). Loss-Free Counting With a Digital Spectrometer and a Software Program. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 248(2), 339-343. External link

Siddiqui, M. F. R., Loranger, S., Courchesne, F., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (2001). Manganese contamination in organic soil, bean and oat plants as related to traffic volume. Bangladesh journal of botany, 30, 43-51. Unavailable

Chapdelaine, C., Kennedy, G. G., & Uceda Castillo, S. (2001). Neutron Activation Analysis of Metal Artefacts From the Moche Site, North Coast of Peru. Archaeometry, 43(3), 373-391. External link

Kennedy, G. G., St-Pierre, J., Wang, K., Zhang, Y., Preston, J., Grant, C., & Vutchkov, M. (2000). Activation constants for Slowpoke and MNS reactors calculated from the neutron spectrum and K0 and Q0 values. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 245(1), 167-172. External link

Van Sluijs, R., Bossus, D., Blaauw, M., Kennedy, G. G., De Wispelaere, A., Van Lierde, S., & De Corte, F. (2000). Evaluation of Three Software Programs for Calculating True- Coincidence Summing Correction Factors. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 244(3), 675-680. External link

Pomme, S., & Kennedy, G. G. (2000). Pulse Loss and Counting Statistics With a Digital Spectrometer. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 52(3), 377-380. External link

Civit, T., Houdayer, A. J., & Kennedy, G. G. (2000). A Search for Trace Elements in Some Human Intracranial Tumors by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis. Biological Trace Element Research, 74(3), 203-210. External link

Zayed, J., Thibault, C., Gareau, L., & Kennedy, G. G. (1999). Airborne Manganese Particulates and Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) at Selected Outdoor Sites in Montréal. Neurotoxicology, 20(2-3), 151-157. Unavailable

Kennedy, G. G., & St-Pierre, J. (1999). Comparison of the Relative and K0 Methods for the Standardization of NAA With Stable Low-Flux Reactors. Biological Trace Element Research, 71-72(1), 443-451. External link

St-Pierre, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (1999). Effects of Reactor Temperature and Sample Mass on the Activation of Biological and Geological Materials With a Slowpoke Reactor. Biological Trace Element Research, 71-72(1), 481-487. External link

Ardeleanu, A., Loranger, S., Kennedy, G. G., L'Espérance, G., & Zayed, J. (1999). Emission rates and physico-chemical characteristics of Mn particles emitted by vehicles using Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) as an octane improver. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 115(1/4), 411-427. External link

Zayed, J., Vyskocil, A., & Kennedy, G. G. (1999). Environmental Contamination and Human Exposure to Manganese - Contribution of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl in Unleaded Gasoline. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 72(1), 7-13. External link

Normandin, L., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1999). Potential of Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) as a Bioindicator of Manganese Arising From the Use of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl in Unleaded Gasoline. Science of The Total Environment, 239(1-3), 165-171. External link

Sierra, P., Chakrabarti, R., Tounkara, R., Loranger, S., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1998). Bioaccumulation of manganese and its toxicity in feral pigeons (Columbia livia) exposed to manganese oxide dust (Mn3O4). Environmental Research, 79(2), 94-101. External link

St-Pierre, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (1998). Determination of Phosphorus in Polymers by INAA. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 234(1-2), 51-54. External link

Lin, Z. Q., Schemenauer, R. S., Schuepp, P. H., Barthakur, N. N., & Kennedy, G. G. (1997). Airborne metal pollutants in high elevation forests of southern Québec, Canada, and their likely source regions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 87(1), 41-54. External link

Zayed, J., L'Espérance, G., Loranger, S., Pfeifer, G. D., & Kennedy, G. G. (1997). Exposure to respirable and total manganese and the contribution of MMT (methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl) used in unleaded gasoline. AIHA journal. Unavailable

Godfroy, L., Larachi, F., Kennedy, G. G., Grandjean, B., & Chaouki, J. (1997). On-line flow visualization in multiphase reactors using neural networks. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 48(2), 225-235. External link

Kennedy, G. G., & St-Pierre, J. (1997). Parameterization of detector efficiency for the standardization of NAA with stable low flux reactors. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 215(2), 235-239. External link

Zayed, J., Mikhail, M., Loranger, S., Kennedy, G. G., & L'Espérance, G. (1996). Exposure of taxi drivers and office workers to total and respirable manganese in an urban-environment. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 57(4), 376-380. External link

Loranger, S., Tétrault, M., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1996). Manganese and other trace-elements in urban snow near an expressway. Environmental Pollution, 92(2), 203-211. External link

Lin, Z. Q., Hendershot, W. H., Kennedy, G. G., Dutilleul, P., & Schuepp, P. H. (1996). Total elements in forest soils affected by acid deposition in southern Québec. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 76(2), 165-171. External link

Lin, Z. Q., Barthakur, N. N., Schuepp, P. H., & Kennedy, G. G. (1996). Uptake and translocation studies in balsam fir seedlings with Mn-54 and Zn-65 radioisotopes applied to soil surfaces. Journal of Environmental Quality, 25(1), 92-96. External link

Larachi, F., Chaouki, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (1995). 3-D mapping of solids flow fields in multiphase reactors with RPT. AICHE Journal, 41(2), 439-443. External link

Chapdelaine, C., Kennedy, G. G., & Uceda Castillo, S. (1995). Activación neutrónica en el estudio de la producción local de la cerámica ritual en el sitio moche, Peru. Bulletin institut français des études andines, 24, 183-212. External link

Loranger, S., Zayed, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (1995). Contribution of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) to atmospheric Mn concentration near expressway - dispersion modeling estimations. Atmospheric Environment, 29(5), 591-599. External link

Sierra, P., Loranger, S., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1995). Occupational and environmental exposure of automobile mechanics and nonautomotive workers to airborne manganese arising from the combustion of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT). American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 56(7), 713-716. External link

Larouche, J., Morais, J., Picard, M., Lambert, C., Spénard, J., Landriault, H., Kennedy, G. G., & Poitras, P. (1995). Release of 5-ASA from pentasa in patients with Crohn's disease of the small intestine. Alimentary pharmacology therapeutics, 9(3), 315-320. External link

Lin, Z. Q., Schuepp, P. H., Schemenauer, R. S., & Kennedy, G. G. (1995). Trace-metal contamination in and on balsam fir (abies-balsamea (l) mill) foliage in southern quebec, canada. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 81(1-2), 175-191. External link

Lin, Z. Q., Barthakur, N. N., Schuepp, P. H., & Kennedy, G. G. (1995). Uptake and translocation of Mn-54 and Zn-65 applied on foliage and bark surfaces of balsam fir [abies-balsamea (l) mill] seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 35(4), 475&-475&. External link

Godfrey, L., Larachi, F., Chaouki, J., Grandjean, B., & Kennedy, G. G. (1995). Visualization of the flow in multiphase reactors in real time. Récents progrès en génie des procédés, 9(41), 185-191. Unavailable

Brault, N., Loranger, S., Courchesne, F., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1994). Bioaccumulation of manganese by plants - influence of MMT as a gasoline additive. Science of The Total Environment, 153(1-2), 77-84. External link

Larachi, F., Kennedy, G. G., & Chaouki, J. (1994). Gamma-ray detection system for 3-D particle tracking in multiphase reactors. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section. A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 338(2-3), 568-576. External link

Zayed, J., Gerin, M., Loranger, S., Sierra, P., Bégin, D., & Kennedy, G. G. (1994). Occupational and environmental exposure of garage workers and taxi drivers to airborne manganese arising from the use of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl in unleaded gasoline. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 55(1), 53-58. External link

Loranger, S., Demers, G., Kennedy, G. G., Forget, E., & Zayed, J. (1994). The pigeon (columba-livia) as a monitor for manganese contamination from motor-vehicles. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 27(3), 311-317. External link

Forget, E., Courchesne, F., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1994). Response of blue spruce (picea-pungens) to manganese pollution from MMT. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 73(1-4), 319-324. External link

Belhadfa, A., Houdayer, A. J., Hinrichsen, P. F., Kajrys, G., St.-Pierre, J., Kennedy, G. G., Crine, J. P., & Burns, N. (1989). Impurities in semiconductive compounds used as HV cable shields. IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation, 24(4), 709-712. External link

Technical Report

Galinier, J.-L., & Kennedy, G. G. (1983). Correction du spectre d'émission gamma d'une source de thulium-170 pour la fonction de réponse du détecteur. (Technical Report n° EP-R-83-21). Restricted access


Jaćimović, R., de B.C. Menezes, M. Â., Kennedy, G. G., & Vermaercke, P. (2017, September). Losses of Cr content in plant samples using digestion procedures with acids [Paper]. 7th International K0-Users Workshop, Montréal, QC, Canada. Published in Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 315(3). External link

Marleau, G., Kennedy, G. G., & Chilian, C. (2010, November). Training new operators for the SLOWPOKE reactor at École Polytechnique : Theory and practice [Paper]. Technical Meeting on Low-Power Critical Facilities and Small Reactors, Ottawa, Canada. Unavailable

Chilian, C., & Kennedy, G. G. (2009, March). A strategy for managing ageing components of a slowpoke reactor [Paper]. RRFM 2009 : 13th international topical meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management, Vienna, Austria. Unavailable

Kennedy, G. G., Pedroni, L., & Aubertin, M. (2006, November). Density measurements during sedimentation of mine water treatment sludge and mine tailings using dual-source gamma-ray transmission [Paper]. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Auckland, New Zeland. External link

Pedroni, L., Dromer, J.-B., Aubertin, M., & Kennedy, G. G. (2006, March). Properties of treatment sludge during sedimentation and consolidation tests [Paper]. 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, St-Louis, MO. External link

Dromer, J.-B., Aubertin, M., Kennedy, G. G., Pedroni, L., & Bussière, B. (2004, October). A new testing system to investigate teh sedimentation and consolidation of sludge and slurry [Paper]. 57th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 5th joint CGS-IAH Conference, Québec City. Unavailable

Kennedy, G. G., & Winfield, D. J. Challenges in updating a generic safety analysis report after 22 years of technological and regulatory progress [Paper]. International conference on research reactor utilization. External link

Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. Evaluation of some plant and animal species for monitoring atmospheric manganese [Paper]. International workshop on biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution (with emphasis on trace elements) - BioMap II. External link

Ousmoi, M., Kennedy, G. G., & Chapdelaine, C. (1998, October). Neutron activation analysis of ancient Amerindian ceramics and clays [Paper]. Canadian Nuclear Society 19th annual conference, Toronto, Ontario (Canada). Published in Annual Conference Proceedings. Canadian Nuclear Society, 19(2). Unavailable

Lin, Z. Q., Schuepp, P. H., Barthakur, N. N., Kennedy, G. G., & Schemenauer, R. S. (1995, May). On pathways of Mn and Zn deposited in sub-alpine forests in southern Québec, Canada [Paper]. 3rd International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Paris (France). Unavailable

Kennedy, G. G., & St. Pierre, J. (1997, November). Quality assurance in NAA with low-flux reactors using the K0 method [Paper]. 1997 American Nuclear Society (ANS) winter meeting. Published in Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 77. Unavailable

Kennedy, G. G., & Marleau, G. (1997, June). Refuelling the SLOWPOKE-2 reactor at École Polytechnique: Procedure and proposed experiments [Paper]. 1997 Canadian Nuclear Society Conference, Toronto, Can. Unavailable

Kennedy, G. G., St-Pierre, J., Guo, J., Gitzhofer, F., & Boulos, M. (1995, April). Boron determination in SiC using two INAA techniques [Paper]. 3rd International Workshop on Short-Time Activation Analysis, High-Rate Gamma Spectroscopy, and X-Ray Techniques, Vienna, Austria. Published in Journal of trace and microprobe techniques, 14(1). Unavailable

Larachi, F., Godfroy, L., Grandjean, B. P. A., Kennedy, G. G., & Chaouki, J. (1995, June). On-line flow visualization in multiphase reactors using neural networks [Paper]. IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, Cancun, Mexico. Unavailable

Ardeleanu, A., Loranger, S., Gareau, L., Zayed, J., L'Espérance, G., & Kennedy, G. G. (1995, November). Physico-chemical characteristics of particles emitted from vehicles using gasoline with methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl [Paper]. 2nd world Conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Vancouver (Canada). Unavailable

Kennedy, G. G. (1994, April). A software counting loss correction method for neutron activation analysis with short-lived radionuclides [Paper]. 3rd International conference on methods and applications of radioanalytical chemistry (MARC-III). Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, 193(2). External link

Kennedy, G. G., & Dai, N. (1992, June). Depth profiling of wood preservatives with neutron activation and beta spectroscopy [Paper]. 2nd international symposium on nuclear analytical chemistry (NAC-II), Toronto, Ontario. Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, 180(1). External link

Zayed, J., Loranger, S., & Kennedy, G. G. (1994, May). Évaluation de la contamination et de l'exposition au manganèse suite à la combustion du methylcyclopentadienyle manganese tricarbonyle (MMT) dans l'essence sans plomb [Paper]. 6e colloque sur les substances toxiques. Unavailable

Kennedy, G. G., & St-Pierre, J. (1992, June). The neutron activation analysis laboratory at the École Polytechnique de Montréal [Paper]. 2nd international symposium on nuclear analytical chemistry (NAC-II), Toronto, Ontario. Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, 180(2). External link

Book Section

Boileau, M.-C., Argyropoulos, V., Kennedy, G. G., & Fortin, M. (2001). Une approche scientifique dans l'Étude de la céramique de tell'Atij. In Fortin, M. (ed.), Journées d'étude du Groupe de recherches en archéométrie du CELAT, 1997-1999 (pp. 121-135). External link

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