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Nombre de documents: 11


Biardeau, X., Hached, S., Loutochin, O., Campeau, L., Sawan, M., & Corcos, J. (2017). Montréal electronic artificial urinary sphincters : our futuristic alternatives to the AMS800. Journal de l'Association des urologues du Québec, 11(10), E396-E404. Lien externe


Hassan, A., Ali, M., Trigui, A., Hached, S., Savaria, Y., & Sawan, M. (juin 2017). Stability of GaN150-based HEMT in high temperature up to 400°C [Communication écrite]. 15th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS 2017), Strasbourg, France. Lien externe

Hached, S., Trigui, A., Garon, A., Loutochin, O., Corcos, J., & Sawan, M. (2016). Novel electromechanic artificial urinary sphincter. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(2), 945-955. Lien externe

Hached, S., Garon, A., Sawan, M., Loutochin, O., & Corcos, J. (octobre 2016). Smart artificial urinary sphincters: Implementation challenges [Communication écrite]. 59th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2016), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (4 pages). Lien externe

Hached, S. (2015). Sphincter artificiel contrôlé et alimenté en énergie sans fil [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Hached, S., Saadaoui, Z., Loutochin, O., Garon, A., Corcos, J., & Sawan, M. (2015). Novel, wirelessly controlled, and adaptive artificial urinary sphincter. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(6), 3040-3052. Lien externe

Hached, S., Trigui, A., El Khalloufi, I., Sawan, M., Loutochin, O., & Corcos, J. (avril 2014). A Bluetooth-based Low-Energy Qi-compliant battery charger for implantable medical devices [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB 2014), Chung Li, Taiwan (4 pages). Lien externe

Hached, S., Loutochin, O., Corcos, J., Garon, A., & Sawan, M. (2014). Novel, remotely controlled, artificial urinary sphincter: A retro-compatible device. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 19(4), 1352-1362. Lien externe


Trigui, A., Ali, M., Hached, S., David, J. P., Ammari, A. C., Savaria, Y., & Sawan, M. (2020). Generic Wireless Power Transfer and Data Communication System Based on a Novel Modulation Technique. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 67(11), 3978-3990. Lien externe

Trigui, A., Hached, S., Ammari, A., Savaria, Y., & Sawan, M. (2019). Maximizing Data Transmission Rate for Implantable Devices Over a Single Inductive Link: Methodological Review. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 12, 72-87. Lien externe

Trigui, A., Hached, S., Mounaïm, F., Ammari, A. C., & Sawan, M. (2015). Inductive power transfer system with self-calibrated primary resonant frequency. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 30(11), 6078-6087. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Dec 11 04:10:33 2024 EST.