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Garcia-Ac, A., Segura, P. A., Viglino, L., Furtos, A., Gagnon, C., Prévost, M., & Sauve, S. (2009). On-line solid-phase extraction of large-volume injections coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the quantitation and confirmation of 14 selected trace organic contaminants in drinking and surface water. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216(48), 8518-8527. External link
Lajeunesse, A., Blais, M., Barbeau, B., Sauvé, S., & Gagnon, C. (2013). Ozone oxidation of antidepressants in wastewater – Treatment evaluation and characterization of new by-products by LC-QToFMS. Chemistry Central Journal, 7(1). Available
Roy-Lachapelle, A., Solliec, M., Sauvé, S., & Gagnon, C. (2021). Evaluation of ELISA-based method for total anabaenopeptins determination and comparative analysis with on-line SPE-UHPLC-HRMS in freshwater cyanobacterial blooms. Talanta, 223, 121802 (9 pages). External link
Roy-Lachapelle, A., Solliec, M., Sauvé, S., & Gagnon, C. (2019). A data-independent methodology for the structural characterization of microcystins and anabaenopeptins leading to the identification of four new congeners. Toxins, 11(11), 619 (21 pages). Available