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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Slaoui, F. H., Georges, S., Lagace, P. J., & Do, X.-D. (2003). The Inverse Problem of Schlumberger Resistivity Sounding Measurements by Ridge Regression. Electric Power Systems Research, 67(2), 109-114. External link
Valiquette, D., Landry, M., Roy, M., & Do, X.-D. (1999). 3D calculation method for assessing thee voltage distribution across breaks of HV circuit breakers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 14(3), 954-959. External link
Marceau, R. J., Sana, A. R., Do, X.-D., Sirandi, M., Todde, C., McGillis, D., & Brochu, J. (1999). Alimentation des grandes agglomérations : quelques idées novatrices : alimentation électrique des grandes métropoles. REE. Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique (1), 59-67. Unavailable
Wamkeue, R., Kamwa, I., Do, X.-D., & Keyhani, A. (1999). Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares for Maximum Likelihood Identification of Synchronous Machine Parameters From on-Line Tests. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 14(2), 159-166. External link
Wamkeue, R., Kamwa, I., & Do, X.-D. (1999). Short-circuit test based maximum likelihood estimation of stability model of large generators. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 14(2), 167-174. External link
Ouhrouche, M. A., Do, X.-D., Le, Q. M., & Chaine, R. (1998). EMTP based simulation of a self-excited induction generator after its disconnection from the grid. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 13(1), 7-14. External link
Wamkeue, R., Kamwa, I., & Do, X.-D. (1998). Numerical modeling and simulation of unsymmetrical transients on synchronous machines with neutral included. Electric machines and power systems, 26(1), 93-108. External link
Kamwa, I., Wamkeue, R., & Do, X.-D. (1997). General approaches to efficient d-q simulation and model translation for synchronous machines: a recap. Electric Power Systems Research, 42(3), 173-180. External link
Marceau, R. J., Sirandi, M., Soumare, S., Do, X.-D., Galiana, F., & Mailhot, R. (1996). A review of signal energy analysis for the rapid determination of dynamic security limits. [Une synthèse de la méthode d'analyse de I'énergie du signal pour la determination rapide des limites de securité dynamique]. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 21(4), 125-132. External link
Belhadj, C., Mohamedi, R., Lefebvre, S., Lagacé, P.-J., & Do, X.-D. (1996). Voltage stability modelling and real-time monitoring using expert system for operation assistance. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 11(2), 1037-1045. External link
da Silva, L. E. B., Torres, G. L., Saturno, E. C., da Silva, A. P. A., & Do, X.-D. (1995). Simulation of a neural-net controller for motor-drives. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 38(4-6), 311-322. External link
Murere, G., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (1995). A generalized harmonic balance method for emtp initialization. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 10(3), 1353-1359. External link
Bounou, M., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (1995). Improving the quality of an optimal power flow solution by Taguchi method. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy System, 17(2), 113-118. External link
Vailles, C., Malewski, R., Do, X.-D., & Aubin, J. (1995). Measurements of dielectric stress in ehv power transformer insulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 10(4), 1757-1763. External link
Do, X.-D., & Ba-Njel, A. E. B. (1985). Évaluation des facteurs de surtensions en régime permanent relatifs à la manoeuvre des lignes en cascade par la méthode exacte. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-85-20). Restricted access
Vuong, M. H., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (2002, January). Detection and estimation of topology and parameter errors from real-time measurements [Paper]. IEEE Power Engineering Society. Summer Meeting, Chicago. External link
Vuong, M. H., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (2002, January). Detection and identification of topological errors from real-time measurements reconciliation [Paper]. 2002 IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, USA. External link
Sana, A.-R., McGillis, D., Marccau, R. J., Do, X.-D., & Olivier, G. (2000, March). Asymmetrical operation of corridor with one single line [Paper]. 2000 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering: Navigating to a New Era, Halifax, NS, Canada. External link
Sana, A. R., Marceau, R. J., McGillis, D. T., Todde, C., & Do, X.-D. (1999, June). On the asymmetrical operation of transmission systems [Paper]. CIGRE Symposium on Working Plant and Systems Harder, London, UK. External link
Chouchane, T., Do, X.-D., & Hornsey, R. (1998, May). Contribution on the exact initialisation of electric circuits [Paper]. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Waterloo, Ont., Canada. External link
Sana, A.-R., Marceau, R. J., Todde, C., Do, X.-D., Mahseredjian, J., Joos, G., & Hornsey, R. (1998, May). The exploitation of asymmetry in electric power transmission networks [Paper]. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 1998), Waterloo, Ont., Canada. External link
Wamkeue, R., Kamwa, I., & Do, X.-D. (1996, September). Current-controlled modeling of synchronous machines with application to stator and rotor decrement test analysis [Paper]. 5th IMACS International conference, St-Nazaire, FRA. Unavailable
Wamkeue, R., Kamwa, L., & Do, X.-D. (1996, September). A detailed model of grounded synchronous machines for saturated unsymmetrical transients [Paper]. 5th IMACS International conference, St-Nazaire, FRA. Unavailable
Ndayizamba, J., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (1996, August). Efficient and flexible thyristor controlled series capacitor simulation in EMTP-TACS [Paper]. Power Systems Computation Conference, Dresden, Germany. External link
Belhadj, C., Mohamedi, R., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (1996, May). Integrated power system global controller using expert system [Paper]. 1996 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE'96, Calgary, Can. External link
Ouhrouche, M. A., Do, X.-D., Le, Q. M., & Chaine, R. (1996, September). Self-excitation phenomenon and unbalanced operations of an induction generator [Paper]. 5th IMACS International conference, St-Nazaire, FRA. Unavailable
Ndayizamba, J., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (1996, September). Torsional interaction in flexible ac transmission systems with a thyristor controlled serie capacitor [Paper]. 5th IMACS International conference, St-Nazaire, FRA. Unavailable
Marceau, R. J., Soumare, S., Sirandi, M., & Do, X.-D. (1996, August). Transient stability transfer limit estimation using the signal energy of different network quantities: a comparative study [Paper]. Power Systems Computation Conference, Dresden, Germany. External link
Marceau, R. J., Soumare, S. A., Sirandi, M., & Do, X.-D. (1995, September). Comparative study of various analytical criteria for the estimation of stability limits [Paper]. 1995 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montréal, Québec. External link
Ouhrouche, M. A., Do, X.-D., Le, Q. M., & Chaine, R. (1995, September). EMTP based study of self-excitation phenomenon in an induction generator [Paper]. 1995 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montréal, QC, Canada. External link
Marceau, R. J., Kandil, N., Do, X.-D., Vuong, G. T., & Sood, V. (1995, September). Investigation on the use of artificial neural networks for rapid transient stability simulation [Paper]. 1995 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montréal, Québec. External link
Kandil, N., Marceau, R. J., Do, X.-D., Vuong, G. T., & Sood, V. (1995, June). A novel approach to transient stability simulation using neural networks [Paper]. Stockholm Power Tech International Symposium on Electric Power Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden. Unavailable
da Silva, L. E. B., Torres, G. L., Saturno, E. C., da Silva, A. P. A., & Do, X.-D. (1995, November). Simulation of a neural net controller for motor drives [Paper]. ICNN'95 - International Conference on Neural Networks, Perth, WA, Australia. External link
Marceau, R. J., Sirandi, M., Soumare, S. A., Do, X.-D., & Mailhot, R. (1995, September). Strategies of speed-up of the processes of search for limits of transmit and safety [Paper]. 1995 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montréal, Québec. External link
Sana, A.-R., Mahseredjian, J., Do, X.-D., & Dommel, H. (1993, July). Treatment of discontinuities in time-domain simulation of switched networks [Paper]. 4th IMACS TC1-Conference, Montréal, Québec. Published in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 38(4-6). External link
Belhadj, C., Lefebvre, S., Do, X.-D., & Mohamedi, R. (1994, August). Control of voltage stability using expert system [Paper]. IFAC International Conference on CAD/CAM: Robotics and Factories of the Future, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Unavailable
Mohamedi, R., Belhadj, C., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (1994, September). Expert system for steady state voltage stability [Paper]. 1994 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Halifax, Can. External link
Belhadj, C., Chouchane, T., Do, X.-D., & Lefebvre, S. (1993, September). An expert system guide for load flow planning [Paper]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 1993), Vancouver, BC, Canada. External link
Mahseredjian, J., Lefebvre, S., & Do, X.-D. (1993, August). A new method for time-domain modelling of nonlinear circuits in large linear networks [Paper]. Power Systems Computation Conference 1993, Avignon, France. External link