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Brailovski, V., Terriault, P., & Trochu, F. (2002). Thermal snap switch. (Patent Application no. CA2314955). External link
Crampon, M.-A., Sawan, M., Brailovski, V., & Trochu, F. (1999). New Easy to Install Nerve Cuff Electrode Using Shape Memory Alloy Armature. Artificial Organs, 23(5), 392-395. External link
Desrosiers, C., Letenneur, M., Bernier, F., Piché, N., Provencher, B., Cheriet, F., Guibault, F., & Brailovski, V. (2024). Automated porosity segmentation in laser powder bed fusion part using computed tomography: a validity study. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 21 pages. External link
Desrosiers, C., Letenneur, M., Bernier, F., Cheriet, F., Brailovski, V., Piché, N., & Guibault, F. (2022, February). Correlative laser confocal microscopy study and multimmodal 2D/3D registration as ground truth for x-ray inspection of internal defects in LPBF manufacturing [Paper]. 11th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (ICT 2022), Wels, Austria. External link
Kreitcberg, A., Inaekyan, K., Turenne, S., & Brailovski, V. (2019). Temperature- and time-dependent mechanical behavior of post-treated IN625 alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 3(3), 75 (18 pages). Available
Kreitcberg, A., Brailovski, V., & Turenne, S. (2017). Effect of heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 625 alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 689, 1-10. External link
Kreitcberg, A., Brailovski, V., & Turenne, S. (2017). Elevated temperature mechanical behavior of IN625 alloy processed by laser powder-bed fusion. Materials Science and Engineering A, 700, 540-553. External link
Kreitcberg, A., Brailovski, V., Turenne, S., Chanal, C., & Urlea, V. (2016, May). Influence of thermo- and HIP treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of IN625 alloy parts produced by selective laser melting: A comparative study [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC 2016), Graz, Austria. External link
Mohammadian, N., Turenne, S., & Brailovski, V. (2019). Electropolishing of laser powder bed-fused IN625 components in an ionic electrolyte. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 3(4), 86 (20 pages). Available
Mohammadian, N., Turenne, S., & Brailovski, V. (2018). Surface finish control of additively-manufactured Inconel 625 components using combined chemical-abrasive flow polishing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 252, 728-738. External link
Terriault, P., Trochu, F., & Brailovski, V. (1998, June). Tensorial generalization of a phenomenological material law for shape memory alloys [Paper]. International workshop on nondestructive testing and computer simulations in science and engineering, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. External link
Trochu, F., Brailovski, V., & Terriault, P. (1996). Shape memory alloys : fundamentals and modeling. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-97-01). Restricted access