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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Bertrand, L., Lefebvre, S., Bernier, S., Villiard, D., Leblanc, M. J., & Proulx, S. (2005, October). Virtual FTIR spectrometer and 3D visual display for a course in molecular spectroscopy [Paper]. 9th International Topical Meeting on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics, Marseille, France (2 pages). External link
Bertrand, L., Lefebvre, S., & Proulx, S. (2005, October). Virtual laboratories in optics: applications to a course on lasers [Paper]. 9th International Topical Meeting on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics, Marseille, France (3 pages). External link
Cournoyer, A., Baulaigue, P., Bures, J., Bertrand, L., & Occelli, R. (2002). Mathematical formulations for the Schlieren detection method applied to the measurement of photodeformation. Applied Optics, 41(6), 1128-1144. External link
Bescond, C., Moreau, A., Levesque, D., Wong, F., & Bertrand, L. (2001, July). Laser ultrasonic determination of the elastic constants of damaged propellant [Paper]. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), Brunswick, Maine. External link
Bescond, C., Massabki, M., & Bertrand, L. (2000). Characterization of anisotropic materials with the laser-ultrasonic technique using the in plane and the out of plane measurements of the sample surface displacement. AIP conference proceedings, 509(1), 1457-1464. External link
Hammoutène, A., Bescond, C., Bertrand, L., Monchalin, J. P., & Neron, C. (1999). 1-D laser ultrasonic process modelling for nondestructive inspection of composites. AIP Conference Proceedings, 463(1), 460-462. External link
Tréanton, V., Bescond, C., Hénault, A., & Bertrand, L. (1999). 2D-model for adhesion testing in laser ultrasonics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 463(1), 481-483. External link
Hénault, A., & Bertrand, L. (1999). Scattering of laser-generated ultrasonic waves in steel. AIP Conference Proceedings, 463(1), 463-465. External link
Massabki, M., Bescond, C., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1999). Thermal, optical and mechanical characterization of a composite by all-optical techniques. AIP Conference Proceedings, 463(1), 430-432. External link
Jeanneau, P., Bertrand, L., Forget, B. C., & Fournier, D. (1998, August). Tomography with mirage effect [Paper]. AIP conference proceedings, Rome (Italy). External link
Hammoutene, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1997, July). Laser-ultrasonic optical characterization of nonmetals [Paper]. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, San Diego, CA, USA. External link
Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1998). Temporal Deconvolution of Laser-Generated Longitudinal Acoustic Waves for Optical Characterization and Precise Longitudinal Acoustic Velocity Evaluation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103(2), 771-784. External link
Balageas, D. L., Jaroslavsky, N., Dupont, M., Lepoutre, F., Gonthier, J.-C., & Bertrand, L. (1998). Ultrasound generation in composites via embedded optical fibers. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 17, 691-698. External link
Hammoutene, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996, July). Analysis and correction of the source parameter effects for optimizing the laser ultrasonic mechanical characterization [Paper]. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Brunswick, ME, USA. External link
Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1997). Effects of optical penetration and laser pulse duration on laser generated longitudinal acoustic waves. Journal of Applied Physics, 82(4), 1532-1538. External link
Cournoyer, A., Baulaigue, P., Lazarides, E., Blancher, H., Bertrand, L., & Occelli, R. (1997). Erratum: Photothermal measurements with a Jamin interferometer. Applied Optics, 36(30), 8050-8050. External link
Marchand, H., Cournoyer, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1997). Phase optimization for quantitative analysis using phase fourier transform photoacoustic spectroscopy. Optical Engineering, 36(2), 312-320. External link
Coumoyer, A., Baulaigue, P., Lazarides, E., Blancher, H., Bertrand, L., & Occelli, R. (1997). Photothermal measurements with a Jamin interferometer. Applied Optics, 36(21), 5252-5261. External link
Hammoutene, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996). Laser-ultrasonic Poisson's ratio assessment of non-conducting isotropic materials with temporal convolutions effects corrected. Progress in Natural Science, 6(4), S382-S385. Unavailable
Hammoutene, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996). Laser-ultrasonic poissons ratio assessment of nonconducting isotropic materials with temporal convolutions effects corrected. Progress in Natural Science, 6, 382-385. Unavailable
Bertrand, L., Pottier, L., Fournier, D., & Pelzl, J. (1996). Micron scale diffusivity measurements in natural and hopg graphites. Progress in Natural Science, 6, 277-280. Unavailable
Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996). Optical characterization by temporal deconvolution of 1-D laser-ultrasonics signals part 2: Experiment. Progress in Natural Science, 6(4), S363-S369. Unavailable
Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996). Optical characterization by temporal deconvolution of 1-d laser-ultrasonics signals. 1. Theory. Progress in Natural Science, 6, 357-362. Unavailable
Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996). Optical characterization by temporal deconvolution of 1-d laser-ultrasonics signals. 2. Experiment. Progress in Natural Science, 6, 363-369. Unavailable
Cournoyer, A., & Bertrand, L. (1996). Photothermal spectrometry of thermodynamical properties in the vicinity of the glass-transition of polymers. Progress in Natural Science, 6, 265-268. Unavailable
Henault, A., Cournoyer, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996). A study of dynamic thermal expansion using a laser-generated ultrasound 1-d model. Progress in Natural Science, 6(4), S370-S373. Unavailable
Hénault, A., Cournoyer, A., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1996). A study of dynamic thermal-expansion using a laser-generated ultrasound 1-d model. Progress in Natural Science, 6, 370-S373. Unavailable
Monchalin, J.-P., Neron, C., Vaudreuil, G., Blouin, A., Drolet, D., Bouchard, P., Choquet, M., Heon, R., Paioleau, C., Bertrand, L., Dubois, M., & Enguehard, F. (1995, May). Inspection of composite materials by laser-ultrasonics [Paper]. Enercomp '95 International Conference on Composite Materials and Energy, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Dubois, M., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1994, July). A two-layer model for the laser generation of ultrasound in graphite-epoxy laminates [Paper]. Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation : 21st symposium, Snowmass Village, Col, USA. External link
Dubois, M., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1994). Analytical one-dimensional model to study the ultrasonic precursor generated by a laser. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 50(2, pt.B), 1548-1551. External link
Cournoyer, A., Lévesque, D., Piché, L., & Bertrand, L. (1994). Application of photothermal methods to the measurements of glass transition and viscoelasticity of polymers. Journal de physique. IV, 4(7), 241-244. External link
Di Renzo, M., Ellis, T. H., Domingue, A., Bertrand, L., Sacher, E., & Stangel, I. (1994). Chemical reactions between dentin and bonding agents. Journal of Adhesion, 47(1-3), 115-121. External link
Grimal, O., Masson, D. P., Bertrand, L., & Yelon, A. (1994). Evidence of weak phonon coupling to the Si-H stretching modes in a-Si:H. Physical review. B, Condensed matter, 49(15), 10242-10247. External link
Gonthier, J.-C., Dubois, M., Enguehard, F., & Bertrand, L. (1994). Influence of the pulse energy distribution on the efficiency of ultrasound generation by laser. Journal de physique. IV, 4(7), 685-688. External link
Stangel, I., Sacher, E., Ellis, T., & Bertrand, L. (1994). Letter to the Editor : comment on "Chemical characterisation of the resin-dentin interface by micro-Raman spectroscopy". [Discussion or Letter]. Journal of Dental Research, 73(3), 584-585. External link
Dubois, M., Enguehard, F., Bertrand, L., Choquet, M., & Monchalin, J.-P. (1994). Modeling of laser thermoelastic generation of ultrasound in an orthotropic medium. Applied Physics Letters, 64(5), 554-556. External link
Dubois, M., Enguehard, F., Bertrand, L., Choquet, M., & Monchalin, J.-P. (1994). Numerical and experimental studies of the generation of ultrasound by laser. Journal de physique. IV, 4(7), 689-692. External link
Dubois, M., Enguehard, F., Choquet, M., Monchalin, J.-P., & Bertrand, L. (1993, August). Numerical Modeling of Laser Generation of Ultrasound in Orthotropic Materials [Paper]. 13th symposium on quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Brunswick, Maine, United States. Unavailable
Dubois, M., Enguehard, F., Bertrand, L., Choquet, M., & Monchalin, J.-P. (1994, January). Optical penetration depth determination in a graphite-epoxy laminate by photoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy [Paper]. 8th International Topical Meeting on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Pointe à Pitre, Guadeloupe. Published in Journal de physique. IV, 4(C7). External link
Dubois, M., Enguehard, F., Choquet, M., Monchalin, J.-P., & Bertrand, L. (1993, August). Photoacoustic spectrometry applied to graphite-epoxy laminates [Paper]. 13th symposium on quantitative nondestructive evaluation, Brunswick, Maine, USA. Unavailable
Enguehard, F., Lafond, E., Souche, D., Dubois, M., Gonthier, J.-C., & Bertrand, L. (1994). Photoacoustics and laser-ultrasonics applied to the characterization of a ZnO ceramic sample. Journal de physique. IV, 4(7), 697-700. External link
Martel, R., Paquin, P., & Bertrand, L. (1990). Relationship between amplitude and phase measurements of photoacoustic signal in the infrared region and water concentration in condensed milk. Journal of Dairy Research, 57(3), 393-400. External link
Bertrand, L. (1988). Advantages of Phase Analysis in Fourier Transform Infrared Photoacoustic Spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy, 42(1), 134-138. External link
Cielo, P., Rousset, G., & Bertrand, L. (1986). Photoacoustic and photothermal evaluation of stratified materials. Applied optics, 25(8), 1327-1334. External link
Choquet, M., Rousset, G., & Bertrand, L. (1985, January). Phase analysis of infrared fourier transform photoacoustic spectra [Paper]. International Conference on Fourier and Computerized Infrared Spectroscopy, Ottawa, ON, Canada. External link
Rousset, G., Bertrand, L., & Mongeau, B. (1985, January). Quantitative photoacoustic spectroscopy of thick sample by a new data analysis [Paper]. International Conference on Fourier and Computerized Infrared Spectroscopy, Ottawa, ON, Canada. External link
Bertrand, L., Monchalin, J.-P., & Corriveau, R. (1983). Photoacoustic measurement of water vapor and CO2 absorption coefficients at HF laser wavelengths. Applied optics, 22(20), 3148-3149. External link
Bertrand, L. (1983). Mesure de CO dans l'air ambiant par méthode photoacoustique. (Technical Report n° EP-R-83-04). Available
Bertrand, L. (1982). Développement et application d'un laser chimique HF/DF. (Technical Report n° EP-R-82-40). Available