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Arfa, K., Roy, G., & April, G.-É. (2013, June). Multifunction Hardware Experimentation Laboratories [Paper]. Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference (CEEA), Montreal, Canada. External link
April, G.-É., Arfa, K., & Olivier, G. (2010, June). Basic electricity courses revisited [Paper]. Canadien Engineering Education Association Inaugural Conference, Kingston. External link
Youmssi, A., Kayem, G. J., Sirois, F., Olivier, G., Arfa, K., & Ngouadjo, L. (2010, May). A controlled high pulsed electric field generator for non-thermal tropical liquid food processings [Paper]. IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA. Unavailable
Youmssi, A., Kayem, G. J., Sirois, F., Olivier, G., Arfa, K., & Ngouadjo, L. (2010, June). Modelisation of pulsed electric fields for tropical liquid food industrial processing [Paper]. 17th World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Québec. External link
Youmssi, A., Kayem, G. J., Sirois, F., Olivier, G., Arfa, K., & Ngouadjo, L. (2010, May). Sterilisation of liquid food by pulsed high voltages and analysis owing to distribution theory [Paper]. IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA. Unavailable