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Adouni, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Marouane, H. (2016). Role of gastrocnemius activation in knee joint biomechanics: gastrocnemius acts as an ACL antagonist. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 19(4), 376-385. Lien externe

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (mars 2015). Alterations in knee contact forces and contact centers during gait in normal, OA and varus-valgus altered subjects - A detailed lower extremity musculoskeletal model study [Communication écrite]. ORS 2015 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Lien externe

Adouni, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Marouane, H. (juillet 2014). Anterior cruciate ligament force markedly increases with gastrocnemius contraction : Analysis of the knee joint in gait and at different flexion angles [Communication écrite]. 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, Mass.. Non disponible

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (2014). Evaluation of Knee Joint Muscle Forces and Tissue Stresses-Strains During Gait in Severe OA Versus Normal Subjects. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 32(1), 69-78. Lien externe

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (2014). Partitioning of knee joint internal forces in gait is dictated by the knee adduction angle and not by the knee adduction moment. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(7), 1696-1703. Lien externe

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (août 2013). Computational biomechanics of the knee joint in gait - Osteoarthritic and asymptomatic subjects [Communication écrite]. 19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2013), Patras, Greece. Lien externe

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (2013). Consideration of equilibrium equations at the hip joint alongside those at the knee and ankle joints has mixed effects on knee joint response during gait. Journal of Biomechanics, 46(3), 619-624. Lien externe

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (janvier 2013). Consideration of hip moments along knee and ankle moments during gait affects mainly the force partitioning between muscles and not the knee response [Communication écrite]. 59th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, (ORS 2013), San Antonio, Texas. Lien externe

Adouni, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Marouane, H. (septembre 2013). Gastrocnemius activation level markedly influences ACL force [Communication écrite]. 37th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ABS 2013, Omaha, NE, USA. Non disponible

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (septembre 2013). Human knee joint muscle forces and tissue stresses-strains in gait : asymptomatic versus severe osteoarthritic subjects [Communication écrite]. 37th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ABS 2013, Omaha, NE, USA. Non disponible

Adouni, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Shirazi, R. (février 2012). Computational biodynamics of human knee joint in gait cycle: from muscle forces to cartilage stresses [Communication écrite]. 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, Californie. Non disponible

Adouni, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Shirazi, R. (2012). Computational Biodynamics of Human Knee Joint in Gait: From Muscle Forces to Cartilage Stresses. Journal of Biomechanics, 45(12), 2149-2156. Lien externe

Adouni, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Shirazi, R. (juillet 2012). Response analysis of human knee joint during gait [Communication écrite]. 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2012), Lisbon, Portugal. Publié dans Journal of Biomechanics, 45(Suppl. 1). Lien externe

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (février 2009). Knee closed-kinetic-chain squat exercises generate high cartilage contact stresses and low ligament forces [Communication écrite]. 55th annual meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada. Lien externe

Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (2009). Knee joint biomechanics in closed-kinetic-chain exercises. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 12(6), 661-670. Lien externe


Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Adouni, M. (2017). 3D active-passive response of human knee joint in gait is markedly altered when simulated as a planar 2D joint. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 16(2), 693-703. Lien externe

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., Adouni, M., & Hashemi, J. (mars 2016). 2D versus 3D estimation of knee joint muscle and contact forces in gait [Affiche]. ORS 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. Lien externe

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Adouni, M. (2016). Alterations in knee contact forces and centers in stance phase of gait: A detailed lower extremity musculoskeletal model. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(2), 185-192. Lien externe

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Adouni, M. (mars 2016). Determination of knee contact centers and contact forces during gait: Evaluation of existing techniques [Communication écrite]. ORS 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. Non disponible

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Adouni, M. (juillet 2016). A hybrid computational musculoskeletal model of the lower extremity in gait [Communication écrite]. 19th Canadian Society for Biomechanics (CSB 2016), Hamilton, ON, Canada. Lien externe

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., Adouni, M., & Hashemi, J. (juillet 2015). ACL force in gait markedly increases with steeper tibial posterior slope [Communication écrite]. 21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Prague, Czech Republic. Non disponible

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Adouni, M. (2015). Knee joint passive stiffness and moment in sagittal and frontal planes markedly increase with compression. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 18(4), 339-350. Lien externe

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., Adouni, M., & Hashemi, J. (mars 2015). Steeper tibial posterior slope is a risk factor in ACL injury - Gait simulation by a lower extremity model [Communication écrite]. ORS 2015 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Lien externe

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., Adouni, M., & Hashemi, J. (2014). Steeper posterior tibial slope markedly increases ACL force in both active gait and passive knee joint under compression. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(6), 1353-1359. Lien externe

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., Adouni, M., & Hashemi, J. (juillet 2014). Steeper Posterior Tibial Slope Markedly Increases Forces in Anterior Cruciate Ligament [Affiche]. 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, Mass.. Non disponible

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., Adouni, M., & Hashemi, J. (mars 2014). Steeper posterior tibial slope substantially increases ACL force both in gait and in isolated knee joint in compression at all flexion angles [Communication écrite]. 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana. Lien externe

Marouane, H., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Adouni, M. (septembre 2013). Compression force substantially increases the tibiofemoral joint passive stiffness and moment in sagittal and frontal planes [Communication écrite]. 37th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ABS 2013, Omaha, NE, USA. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:38:35 2025 EST.