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Nombre de documents: 10


Abouaomar, A., Filali, A., Taïk, A., & Cherkaoui, S. (2024). Machine Learning Applications in CR-IoV. Dans Bukhari, S. H. R., Rehan, M. M., & Rehmani, M. H. (édit.), Cognitive Radio-based Internet of Vehicles (p. 21-49). Lien externe

Abouaomar, A., Taik, A., Filali, A., & Cherkaoui, S. (2023). Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Open RAN Slicing in 6G Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 61(2), 126-132. Lien externe

Abouaomar, A., Cherkaoui, S., Mlika, Z., & Kobbane, A. (2022). Service Function Chaining in MEC: A Mean-Field Game and Reinforcement Learning Approach. IEEE Systems Journal, 16(4), 5357-5368. Lien externe

Abouaomar, A., Mlika, Z., Filali, A., Cherkaoui, S., & Kobbane, A. (octobre 2021). A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Service Migration in MEC-enabled Vehicular Networks [Communication écrite]. 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2021), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Lien externe

Abouaomar, A., Cherkaoui, S., Mlika, Z., & Kobbane, A. (décembre 2021). Mean-field game and reinforcement learning MEC resource provisioning for SFC [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBAL 2021), Madrid, Spain. Lien externe

Abouaomar, A., Cherkaoui, S., Mlika, Z., & Kobbane, A. (2021). Resource Provisioning in Edge Computing for Latency Sensitive Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(14), 11088-11099. Lien externe

Abouaomar, A., Cherkaoui, S., Kobbane, A., & Dambri, O. A. (décembre 2019). A Resources Representation for Resource Allocation in Fog Computing Networks [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2019), Waikoloa, Hi, USA (6 pages). Lien externe

Abouaomar, A., Kobbane, A., & Cherkaoui, S. (décembre 2018). Matching-Game for User-Fog Assignment [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2018), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (6 pages). Lien externe


Dambri, O. A., Abouaomar, A., & Cherkaoui, S. (avril 2019). Design Optimization of a MIMO Receiver for Diffusion-based Molecular Communication [Communication écrite]. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2019), Marrakesh, Morocco (6 pages). Lien externe


Filali, A., Abouaomar, A., Cherkaoui, S., Kobbane, A., & Guizani, M. (2020). Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey. IEEE Access, 8, 197017-197046. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:22:36 2025 EST.