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Clouatre, L., Parthasarathi, P., Zouaq, A., & Anbil Parthipan, S. C. (mai 2022). Local Structure Matters Most: Perturbation Study in NLU [Communication écrite]. 60th Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Computational-Linguistics (ACL 2022), Dublin, IRELAND. Lien externe
Faramarzi, M., Amini, M., Badrinaaraayanan, A., Verma, V., & Anbil Parthipan, S. C. (février 2022). PatchUp: A Feature-Space Block-Level Regularization Technique for Convolutional Neural Networks [Communication écrite]. 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022). Lien externe
Lafleur, D., Anbil Parthipan, S. C., & Pesant, G. (juillet 2022). Combining reinforcement learning and constraint programming for sequence-generation tasks with hard constraints [Communication écrite]. 28th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2022), Haifa, Israel. Lien externe
Wan, Y., Rahimi-Kalahroudi, A., Rajendran, J., Momennejad, I., Anbil Parthipan, S. C., & van Seijen, H. (juillet 2022). Towards Evaluating Adaptivity of Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Methods [Communication écrite]. 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), Baltimore, MD. Lien externe
McRae, P.-A., Parthasarathi, P., Assran, M., & Anbil Parthipan, S. C. (avril 2022). Memory augmented optimizers for deep learning [Affiche]. 10th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2022). Lien externe