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Documents publiés en "2008"

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Nombre de documents: 7

Article de revue

Assawaroongruengchot, M., & Marleau, G. (2008). Coolant Void Reactivity Adjustments in Advanced CANDU Lattices Using Adjoint Sensitivity Technique. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 35(3), 377-394. Lien externe

Dahmani, M., Marleau, G., & Le Tellier, R. (2008). Modeling Reactivity Devices for Advanced CANDU Reactors Using the Code DRAGON. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 35(5), 804-812. Lien externe

Le Tellier, R., Marleau, G., Dahmani, M., & Hébert, A. (2008). Improvements of the Reactivity Devices Modeling for the Advanced CANDU Reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 35(5), 868-876. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Le Tellier, R., Marleau, G., & Hébert, A. (septembre 2023). Burn-up dependence of coolant void reactivity for ACR-1000 cell [Communication écrite]. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, Interlaken, Switzerland. Non disponible

Martin, N., Marleau, G., & Hébert, A. (novembre 2023). A preliminary study of the OECD/NEA 3D transport problem using the lattice code DRAGON [Communication écrite]. Symposium on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, Ottawa, Canada. Non disponible

Popov, A. V., Chambon, R. P., Le Tellier, R., Marleau, G., & Hébert, A. (septembre 2023). Models for coolant void reactivity evaluation in CANDU Generation II and III+ [Communication écrite]. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, Interlaken, Switzerland. Non disponible

Popov, A. V., Marleau, G., & Olekhnovitch, A. (octobre 2008). The third generation of heavywater moderated reactors [Communication écrite]. 16th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Aomori, Japan. Non disponible

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 01:59:34 2025 EST.