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Nombre de documents: 12


Al-Sunni, F., Boukas, E.-K., & Al-Amer, S. H. (2003). Robustness Bounds for Sampled-Data Linear Time-Delay Systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 217(I6), 497-504. Lien externe


Boukas, E.-K. (2003). Control of Stochastic Systems With Time-Varying Multiple Time Delays: Lmi Approach. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 119(1), 19-36. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K. (2003). Stochastic Output Feedback of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems With Saturating Actuators. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 118(2), 255-273. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., & Liu, Z. K. (2003). Delay-dependent stability analysis of singular linear continuous-time system. IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications, 150(4), 325-330. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., & Liu, Z. K. (2003). Robust Stability and H-Infinity Control of Discrete-Time Jump Linear Systems With Time-Delay: an Lmi Approach. Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control, 125(2), 271-277. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., Liu, Z. K., & Al-Sunni, F. (2003). Guaranteed cost control of a Markov jump linear uncertain system using a time-multiplied cost function. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 116(1), 183-204. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., Shi, P., & Nguang, S. K. (2003). Robust H-Infinity Control for Linear Markovian Jump Systems With Unknown Nonlinearities. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 282(1), 241-255. Lien externe


Kenné, J.-P., Boukas, E.-K., & Gharbi, A. (2003). Control of production and corrective maintenance rates in a multiple-machine, multiple-product manufacturing system. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 38(3-4), 351-365. Lien externe


Mehdi, D., & Boukas, E.-K. (2003). Stability and stabilizability of dynamical systems with multiple time-varying delays: delay-dependent criteria. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2003(4), 137-152. Disponible


Shi, P., Boukas, E.-K., & Shi, Y. (2003). On Stochastic Stabilization of Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems With Delay in State. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 21(4), 935-951. Lien externe

Shi, P., Boukas, E.-K., Nguang, S. K., & Gu, X. P. (2003). Robust Disturbance Attenuation for Discrete-Time Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems With Uncertainties. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 24(2), 85-101. Lien externe

Shi, P., Boukas, E.-K., Shi, Y., & Agarwal, R. K. (2003). Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Discrete Time-Delay Systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 157(2), 435-451. Lien externe

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