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Nombre de documents: 7


Abac, A. G., Abbott, R., Abe, H., Abouelfettouh, I., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adamcewicz, C., Adhicary, S., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Aguiar, O. D., Aguilar, I., Aiello, L., Ain, A., ... Collaboration, K. (2024). Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run. Physical Review D, 110(4), 042001 (21 pages). Lien externe


Fletcher, C., Wood, J., Hamburg, R., Veres, P., Hui, C. M., Bissaldi, E., Briggs, M. S., Burns, E., Cleveland, W. H., Giles, M. M., Goldstein, A., Hristov, B. A., Kocevski, D., Lesage, S., Mailyan, B., Malacaria, C., Poolakkil, S., von Kienlin, A., Wilson-Hodge, C. A., ... Collaboration, K. (2024). A Joint Fermi-GBM and Swift-BAT Analysis of Gravitational-wave Candidates from the Third Gravitational-wave Observing Run. Astrophysical Journal, 964(2), 35-35. Lien externe


Mu, Y., Zhang, S., Yue, S. Z., Wu, Q. Y., & Zhao, Y. (2015). High efficiency yellow organic light-emitting diodes with optimized barrier layers. Solid-State Electronics, 114, 87-89. Lien externe


Zhao, Y., Hemour, S., Liu, T., & Wu, K. (2018). Negative resistance-based electronic impedance tuner. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 28(2), 144-146. Lien externe

Zhao, Y., Frigon, J.-F., Wu, K., & Bosisio, R. (mars 2007). Numerical model of six-port and its applications [Communication écrite]. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Conference (ACES 2007), Verona, Italy. Lien externe

Zhao, Y., Wang, L., Frigon, J.-F., Nerguizian, C., Wu, K., & Bosisio, R. (mai 2006). UWB positioning using six-port technology and a learning machine [Communication écrite]. IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON 2006), Malaga, Spain. Lien externe

Zhao, Y., Viereck, C., Frigon, J.-F., Bosisio, R., & Wu, K. (2005). Direct Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulator Using Six-Port Technology. Electronics Letters, 41(21), 1180-1181. Lien externe

Liste produite: Thu Mar 13 02:51:10 2025 EDT.