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Ajji, A., & Zhang, X. (2008, February). PE//PP Multilayer and nanocomposite films: some process-structure-performance relationships [Paper]. SPE-Polyolefins conference, Houston, TX, USA. External link
Guo, X. H., Zhang, X., Zhao, L. Y., Zhang, N. X., & Yi, Z. (2015). Synthesis and crystal structure of cadmium coordination polymer with 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid. Crystallography Reports, 60(6), 860-864. External link
Hernandez, R., Polizu, S., Zhang, X., Moore, J., Ayers, R., & Yahia, L. Porous NiTi Alloy Produced by Shs Process: Surface Characteristics and Corrosion Behavior [Paper]. SMST-2003: International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies. Unavailable
Shen, D., Guo, T., Kuang, F., Zhang, X., & Wu, K. (2012, May). A Novel Wideband Printed Diversity Antenna for Mobile Handsets [Paper]. IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring 2012), Yokohama, Japan (5 pages). External link
Xu, J., Shen, D., Zhang, X., & Wu, K. (2012, July). A novel miniaturized UWB antenna with 5.7 GHz band rejection function [Paper]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS 2012), Chicago, IL, USA (2 pages). External link
Zhang, X., & Kahawita, R. (1995). Ice-water convection in an inclined rectangular cavity filled with a porous medium. External link