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Kim, Y.-M., Assali, S., Jung, Y., Burt, D., Zhang, L., Joo, H.-J., Koelling, S., Chen, M., Luo, L., Atalla, M. R. M., Ikonic, Z., Tan, C. S., Moutanabbir, O., & Nam, D. (2022). Evolution of Gesn Lasers Towards Photonic Integration into Practical Applications. Meeting abstracts, MA2022-02(32), 1167-1167. External link
Tan, J. Z. J., Burt, D., Kim, Y.-M., Joo, H.-J., Chen, M., Shi, X., Zhang, L., Tan, C. S., Lim, K. Y. T., Quek, E., Huang, Y.-C., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., & Nam, D. (2022). Gesn Bonding Technology for Integrated Laser-on-Chip Photonics. Meeting abstracts, MA2022-02(32), 1177-1177. External link
Burt, D., Joo, H.-J., Kim, Y., Jung, Y., Chen, M., Luo, M., Kang, D.-H., Assali, S., Zhang, L., Son, B., Fan, W., Moutanabbir, O., Ikonic, Z., Tan, C. S., Huang, Y.-C., & Nam, D. (2022). Direct bandgap GeSn nanowires enabled with ultrahigh tension from harnessing intrinsic compressive strain. Applied Physics Letters, 120(20), 7 pages. External link
Joo, H.-J., Kim, Y., Burt, D., Jung, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, M., Luo, M., Parluhutan, S. J., Kang, D.-H., Lee, C., Assali, S., Son, B., Ikonic, Z., Moutanabbir, O., Cho, Y.-H., Tan, C. S., Huang, Y.-C., & Nam, D. (2022). Gesnoi Laser Technology for Photonic-Integrated Circuits. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2022-02(32), 1168-1168. External link
Jung, Y., Burt, D., Zhang, L., Kim, Y., Joo, H.-J., Chen, M., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., Tan, C. S., & Nam, D. (2022). Optically pumped low-threshold microdisk lasers on a GeSn-on-insulator substrate with reduced defect density. Photonics Research, 10(6), 6 pages. External link
Joo, H.-J., Kim, Y., Burt, D., Jung, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, M., Parluhutan, S. J., Kang, D.-H., Lee, C., Assali, S., Ikonic, Z., Moutanabbir, O., Cho, Y.-H., Tan, C. S., & Nam, D. (2021). 1D photonic crystal direct bandgap GeSn-on-insulator laser. Applied Physics Letters, 119(20), 201101 (6 pages). External link
Joo, H.-J., Kim, Y., Burt, D., Yung, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, M., Parluhutan, S. J., Kang, D.-H., Lee, C., Assali, S., Ikonic, Z., Moutanabbir, O., Cho, Y.-H., Tan, C. S., & Nam, D. (2022, January). 1D photonic crystal GeSn-on-insulator nanobeam laser [Paper]. Silicon Photonics XVII, San Francisco, CA, USA (9 pages). External link
Chen, M., Jung, Y., Burt, D., Kim, Y., Joo, H.-J., Zhang, L., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., Tan, C. S., & Nam, D. (2022, May). Low-Threshold Lasing in GeSnOI Microdisk Lasers with Reduced Defect Density [Paper]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2022), San José, CA, USA (2 pages). External link
Burt, D., Jooa, H.-J., Kim, Y., Jung, Y., Chen, M., Luo, M., Kang, D.-H., Assali, S., Zhang, L., Son, B., Fan, W., Moutanabbir, O., Ikonic, Z., Tan, C. S., Huang, Y.-C., & Nam, D. (2022, January). Tensile-strained direct bandgap GeSnOI micro/nanostructures by harnessing residual strain [Paper]. Silicon Photonics XVII. External link