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Dong, Y., Waygood, O., Wang, B., Huang, P., & Naseri, H. (2022, June). Insight into the nonlinear effect of Covid-19 on well-being in China: Commuting, a vital ingredient [Abstract]. 7th International Conference on Transport and Health (ICTH 2022) (1 page). Published in Journal of Transport & Health, 25, Supple. External link
Dong, Y., Sun, Y., Waygood, O., Wang, B., Huang, P., & Naseri, H. (2022). Insight into the nonlinear effect of COVID-19 on well-being in China: Commuting, a vital ingredient. Journal of Transport & Health, 27, 101526 (15 pages). External link
Miladi, M., Waygood, O., Cloutier, M.-S., & Wang, B. (2022, June). Distractions or long waits? Impacts on risky crossing behavior [Abstract]. 7th International Conference on Transport and Health (ICTH 2022) (1 page). Published in Journal of Transport & Health, 25, Supple. External link
Naseri, H., Waygood, O., Patterson, Z., & Wang, B. (2024). Who is more likely to buy electric vehicles? Transport Policy, 155, 15-28. Available
Naseri, H., Waygood, O., Patterson, Z., Alousi-Jones, M., & Wang, B. (2024). Travel mode choice prediction: developing new techniques to prioritize variables and interpret black-box machine learning techniques. Transportation Planning and Technology, 2411611. External link
Naseri, H., Waygood, O., Patterson, Z., & Wang, B. (2024). Which variables influence electric vehicle adoption? Transportation, 38 pages. External link
Naseri, H., Waygood, O., Wang, B., & Patterson, Z. (2023). Interpretable Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Electric Vehicle Buying Decisions. Transportation Research Record, 14 pages. External link
Naseri, H., Waygood, O., Wang, B., & Patterson, Z. (2022). Application of Machine Learning to Child Mode Choice with a Novel Technique to Optimize Hyperparameters. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(24), 16844 (19 pages). External link
Naseri, H., Waygood, O., Wang, B., Patterson, Z., & Daziano, R. A. (2022). A Novel Feature Selection Technique to Better Predict Climate Change Stage of Change. Sustainability, 14(1), 23 pages. External link
Wang, B., Waygood, O., Ji, X., Asl Javadian, M., Pan, L., & Feinberg, M. (2024). Do one's moral foundations impact how they respond to information on climate change emissions? A vehicle choice experiment. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 106, 90-111. External link
Wang, B., Waygood, O., Ji, X., Naseri, H., Loiselle, A. L., Daziano, R. A., Patterson, Z., & Feinberg, M. (2023). How to effectively communicate about greenhouse gas emissions with different populations. Environmental Science & Policy, 147, 29-43. External link
Waygood, O., Wang, B., Daziano, R. A., Patterson, Z., & Braun Kohlová, M. (2022). The climate change stage of change measure: vehicle choice experiment. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(7), 1210-1239. Available
Waygood, O., Boisjoly, G., Manaugh, K., Sener, I. N., Wang, B., Sun, Y., Friman, M., & Olsson, L. E. (2021). Do you miss your friends? Life satisfaction during the second wave of Covid-19. Journal of Transport & Health, 22, 101171 (1 page). External link
Wang, B., Waygood, O., Daziano, R. A., Patterson, Z., & Feinberg, M. (2021). Does hedonic framing improve people's willingness-to-pay for vehicle greenhouse gas emissions? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 98, 17 pages. External link