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Cohen-Adad, J., Triantafyllou, C., & Wald, L. L. (2014, May). Effect of spatial smoothing and cardiac gating on physiological noise in spinal cord fMRI [Paper]. 22nd Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Milan, Italy. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Zhao, W., Wald, L. L., Buchbinder, B., & Oaklander, A. L. (2012, October). Preliminary clinical utility of advanced spinal-cord MRI [Paper]. 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Boston, MA. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Polimeni, J. R., Helmer, K. G., Benner, T., McNab, J. A., Wald, L. L., Rosen, B., & Mainero, C. (2012). T2* mapping and BO orientation-dependence at 7T reveal cyto- and myeloarchitecture organization of the human cortex. NeuroImage, 60(2), 1006-1014. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Mareyam, A., Keil, B., Polimeni, J. R., & Wald, L. L. (2011). 32-Channel RF coil optimized for brain and cervical spinal cord at 3 T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 66(4), 1198-1208. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Helmer, K. G., Belnner, T., Wald, L. L., Nielsen, A. S., Kinkel, R. P., Rosen, B. R., & Mainero, C. (2011, November). Characterization of cortical pathology using T2* mapping at 7T [Paper]. Tykeson Fellows Conference, Dallas, Texas. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Helmer, K. G., Benner, T., Polimeni, J. R., McNab, J. A., Wald, L. L., Rosen, B. R., & Mainero, C. (2011, June). Cortical surface and depth analysis of T2* in the human brain [Paper]. 17th OHBM annual meeting, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Buchbinder, B., Wald, L. L., & Oaklander, A. L. (2011, May). Evidence of Wallerian degeneration in the human spinal cord using in vivo high-resolution DTI and magnetization transfer [Paper]. 19th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Montréal, Québec. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Descoteaux, M., & Wald, L. L. (2009, June). Assessing the quality of HARDI data using bootstrap on Qu-Ball reconstruction [Paper]. 16th OHBM annual meeting, Barcelona, Spain. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Mareyam, A., Polimeni, J. R., & Wald, L. L. (2009, June). Improving diffusion and functional MRI of the brain and spinal cord using a new 32ch coil [Paper]. 16th OHBM annual meeting, Barcelona, Spain. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., McNab, J. A., Benner, T., Descoteaux, M., Mareyam, A., Wedeen, V. J., & Wald, L. L. (2010, May). Improving high-resolution Q-Ball imaging with a head insert gradient : bootstrap and SNR analysis [Paper]. 18th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. External link
Duval, T., Levy, S., Stikov, N., Campbell, J., Mezer, A., Witzel, T., Keil, B., Smith, V., Wald, L. L., Klawiter, E., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017). g-Ratio weighted imaging of the human spinal cord in vivo. NeuroImage, 145(A), 11-23. External link
Duval, T., Witzel, T., Keil, B., Wald, L. L., Smith, V., Klawiter, E. C., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2015, May). Impact of noise bias with parallel imaging for axon diameter estimation with q-space MR [Paper]. ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. External link
Duval, T., Levy, S., Mezer, A., Witzel, T., Keil, B., Smith, V., Wald, L. L., Klawiter, E. C., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2015, May). In vivo mapping of myelin g-ratio in the human spinal cord [Paper]. ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Canada. External link
McNab, J. A., Witzel, T., Bhat, H., Heberlein, K., Cohen-Adad, J., Tisdall, M. D., & Wald, L. L. (2012, June). In vivo human brain measurements of axon diameter using 300 mT/m maximum gradient strengths [Paper]. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, Chine. External link
Mareyam, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Blau, J. N., Polimeni, J. R., Keil, B., & Wald, L. L. (2010, May). A 32 cannel receive-only 3T array optimized for brain and cervical spine imaging [Paper]. 18th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. External link
McNab, J. A., Polimeni, J. R., Cohen-Adad, J., & Wald, L. L. (2010, May). Improving sensitivity in low SNR diffusion imaging using optimal SNR coil combinations [Paper]. 18th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. External link
Setsompop, K., Kimmlingen, R., Eberlein, E., Witzel, T., Cohen-Adad, J., McNab, J. A., Keil, B., Tisdall, M. D., Hoecht, P., Dietz, P., Cauley, S. F., Tountcheva, V., Matschl, V., Lenz, H., Bhat, H., Heberlein, K., Potthast, A., Thein, H., Van Horn, J. D., ... Wald, L. L. (2013). Pushing the limits of in vivo diffusion MRI for the human connectome project. NeuroImage, 80, 220-233. External link
Setsompop, K., Cohen-Adad, J., Gagoski, B. A., Raij, T., Yendiki, A., Keil, B., Wedeen, J., & Wald, L. L. (2012). Improving diffusion MRI using simultaneous multi-slice echo planar imaging. NeuroImage, 63(1), 569-580. External link
Setsompop, K., Cohen-Adad, J., McNab, J. A., Gagoski, B. A., Wedeen, V. J., & Wald, L. L. (2010, May). Improving SNR per unit time in diffusion imaging using a blipped-CAIPIRINHA simultaneous multi-slice EPI acquisition [Paper]. 18th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. External link
Tisdall, M. D., Witzel, T., Tountcheva, V., McNab, J. A., Cohen-Adad, J., Kimmlingen, R., Hoecht, P., Eberlein, E., Heberlein, K., Schmitt, F., Thein, H., Wedeen, V. J., Rosen, B. R., & Wald, L. L. (2012, May). Improving SNR in high b-value diffusion imaging using Gmax=300 mT/m human gradients [Paper]. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Melbourne, Australie. External link
Yu, F., Huang, S. Y., Machado, N., Bireley, J. D., Duval, T., Cohen-Adad, J., Wald, L. L., & Klawiter, E. C. (2017, April). Evaluation of axonal and myelin integrity with advanced MRI methods in multiple sclerosis [Paper]. ASNR 55th annual meeting, Long Beach, California. Unavailable