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Berzin, F., Vergnes, B., Lafleur, P., & Grmela, M. (2002). A theoretical approach to solid filler dispersion in a twin-screw extruder. Polymer Engineering and Science, 42(3), 473-481. External link
Béraudo, C., Fortin, A., Coupez, T., Demay, Y., Vergnes, B., & Agassant, J. F. (1998). Finite Element Method for Computing the Flow of Multi-Mode Viscoelastic Fluids: Comparison With Experiments. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 75(1), 1-23. External link
Della Valle, G., Buleon, A., Carreau, P., Lavoie, P. A., & Vergnes, B. (1998). Relationship Between Structure and Viscoelastic Behavior of Plasticized Starch. Journal of Rheology, 42(3), 507-525. External link
Della Valle, G., Buleon, A., Carreau, P., Lavoie, P., & Vergnes, B. (1997, October). Relations entre structure et comportement viscoélastique d'amidons plastifiés [Paper]. 32e Colloque Annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie, Nantes, France. Published in Cahiers de rhéologie, 15(4). Unavailable
Doyon, J.-F., Lafleur, P., Carreau, P., & Vergnes, B. (1994, May). Recycling of polyolefins: processability and degradation [Paper]. 52nd Annual Technical Conference ANTEC 94, San Francisco, CA, USA. Unavailable
Kay, D., Carreau, P., Lafleur, P., Robert, L., & Vergnes, B. (2003). A Study of the Stick-Slip Phenomenon in Single-Screw Extrusion of Linear Polyethylene. Polymer Engineering and Science, 43(1), 78-90. External link
Letwimolnun, W., Vergnes, B., Ausias, G., & Carreau, P. (2007). Stress Overshoots of Organoclay Nanocomposites in Transient Shear Flow. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 141(2-3), 167-179. External link
Lozano, T., Lafleur, P., Grmela, M., & Vergnes, B. (2003). Modeling Filler Dispersion Along a Twin-Screw Extruder. International Polymer Processing, 18(1), 12-19. External link
Lafleur, P., Gamache, E., Peiti, C., & Vergnes, B. (1999). Measurement of the coefficient of dynamic friction at extrusion processing conditions. Polymer Engineering and Science, 39(9), 1604-1613. External link