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Nombre de documents: 14

Article de revue

John, R. C., Pelton, A., Young, A. L., Thompson, W. T., Wright, I. G., & Besmann, T. M. (2002). Corrosion of metals in hot corrosive gases. Advanced Materials and Processes, 160(3), 27-31. Lien externe

Bale, C. W., Pelton, A., & Thompson, W. T. (1986). An Efficient Procedure for Computing Isothermal Predominance Diagrams. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 25(2), 107-112. Lien externe

Communication écrite

John, R. C., Pelton, A., Thompson, W. T., Young, A. L., & Wright, I. G. (octobre 2006). ASSET Technology Update for Analyzing and Predicting Corrosion in High Temperature Gases [Communication écrite]. Materials Science & Technology 2006 Conference and Exhibition, Cincinnati, OH. Lien externe

John, R. C., Pelton, A., Thompson, W. T., Young, A. L., & Wright, I. G. (avril 2005). Effects of exposure conditions upon corrosion by HCL and CL₂ Gases [Communication écrite]. NACE-Corrosion 2005, Houston, TX, United states. Lien externe

John, R. C., Young, A. L., Pelton, A., Thompson, W. T., & Wright, I. G. (janvier 2004). Energy savings for ethylene and other petrochemical processes by management of equipment corrosion and coke deposition [Communication écrite]. AIChE meeting, Austin, TX. Non disponible

John, R. C., Pelton, A., Young, A. L., Thompson, W. T., & Wright, I. G. Predicting Equipment Lifetimes With High Temperature Corrosion Data [Communication écrite]. 6e Colloque international sur la corrosion haute température, Île des Embiez, France. Non disponible

John, R. C., Young, A. L., Pelton, A., & Thompson, W. T. (janvier 2004). Sulfidation corrosion in the presence of oxidizing gases [Communication écrite]. NACE-corrosion 2004. Non disponible

John, R. C., Pelton, A., Spencer, P., Young, A. L., & Thompson, W. T. (avril 2003). Alloy carburization at temperatures of 1,200 - 2,100°F (650 - 1,150°C) [Communication écrite]. Corrosion 2003, San Diego, CA, United states. Lien externe

John, R. C., Pelton, A., Young, A. L., Thompson, W. T., Wright, I. G., Besmann, T. M., & Harper, M. A. (avril 2002). Update on an information system for high temperature corrosion [Communication écrite]. Nace International Corrosion Conference (Corrosion 2002), Denver, Col. USA. Lien externe

Thompson, W. T., Bale, C. W., & Pelton, A. Applications of F*A*C*T in high temperature materials chemistry [Communication écrite]. 9th IUPAC International conference. Non disponible

Pelton, A., Bale, C. W., Talley, P. K., & Thompson, W. T. (janvier 1994). Computer-assisted thermodynamic calculations and process simulation in steelmaking [Communication écrite]. Canada-Japan symposium on steelmaking and continuous casting, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible


Thompson, W. T., Bale, C. W., & Pelton, A. (1996). FACT (Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics) User's instruction manual. (4e éd.). Non disponible

Chapitre de livre

Thompson, W. T., Kaye, M. H., Bale, C. W., & Pelton, A. (2011). Pourbaix diagrams for multielement systems. Dans Uhlig's corrosion handbook (3e éd., p. 103-110). Lien externe

Thompson, W. T., Hayes, M. H., Bale, C. W., & Pelton, A. (2000). Thermodynamics of aqueous corrosion - Pourbaix diagrams for multi-element systems. Dans Uhlig's corrosion handbook (2e éd., p. 125-136). Non disponible

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