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Bourgault, M., Drouin, N., Sicotte, H., & Daoudi, J. (2010). Moderating effect of team distributedness on organizational dimensions for innovation project success. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 6(4), 14-33. External link
Petit, M.-C., Sicotte, H., & Bourgault, M. (2005). Investigating the enabling mechanisms for ensuring quality of communication in newly "virtualized" project teams. In Morel-Guimaraes, L., & Khalil, T. M. (eds.), Management of technology : Key success factors for innovation and sustainable development (pp. 109-121). Unavailable
Sicotte, H., Ricard, L., Rebolledo, C., & Bourgault, M. (2003). Vendre quoi à qui? Ou la saga du marketing des nouveaux produits dans les firmes de haute technologie. Gestion, 28(2), 64-76. External link