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Lanoue, F., Vadean, A., & Sanschagrin, B. (2011). Fretting fatigue strength reduction factor for interference fits. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 19(9), 1811-1823. Lien externe
Becker, M., Spooner, D., Huet, G., Sanschagrin, B., Vadean, A., & Camarero, R. (juin 2010). The designer's logbook: a best practice for engineering students, an insightful assessment medium for educators [Communication écrite]. 6th International CDIO Conference, Making Change Last : Sustaining and globalizing Engineering Educational Reform, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Lanoue, F., Vadean, A., & Sanschagrin, B. (2009). Finite element analysis and contact modelling considerations of interference fits for fretting fatigue strength calculations. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 17(10), 1587-1602. Lien externe
Huet, G., Sanschagrin, B., Gagnon, M., Spooner, D., Vadean, A., & Camarero, R. (juin 2008). The assessment of student teamwork to promote CDIO learning objectives [Communication écrite]. 4th International CDIO Conference, Ghent, Belgium. Lien externe
Spooner, D., Sanschagrin, B., Gagnon, M., Vadean, A., Camarero, R., Leblanc, T., & Poirier, D. (juin 2008). Fostering team dynamics across and engineering curriculum [Communication écrite]. 4th International CDIO Conference, Ghent, Belgium. Lien externe
Ben Daly, H., Cole, K. C., Nguyen, K. T., & Sanschagrin, B. (2007). Characterization of Molecular Orientation in Injection-Stretch-Blow-Molded Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Bottles by Means of External Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 104(2), 1319-1327. Lien externe
Pomerleau, J., & Sanschagrin, B. (2006). Injection molding shrinkage of PP: experimental progress. Polymer Engineering and Science, 46(9), 1275-1283. Lien externe
Boucekine, Y., Sanschagrin, B., & Derdouri, A. (mai 2006). Investigation of re-crystallization of injection molded TPO unpainted plaques [Communication écrite]. ANTEC 2006, Charlotte, NC, United States. Lien externe
Thomasset, J., Carreau, P., Sanschagrin, B., & Ausias, G. (2005). Rheological properties of long glass fiber filled polypropylene. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 125(1), 25-34. Lien externe
Messaoud, D. A., Sanschagrin, B., & Derdouri, A. (2005). Study on mechanical properties and material distribution of sandwich plaques molded by co-injection. Polymer Composites, 26(3), 265-275. Lien externe
Sanschagrin, B., Fortin, C., Vadean, A., & Lakis, A. A. (juillet 2005). Virtual product development within a fourth year option in the mechanical engineering curriculum [Communication écrite]. Canadian Design Engineering Network Conference, Kaninaskis, Alberta, Canada. Lien externe
Messaoud, D., Sanschagrin, B., & Derdouri, A. Study on mechanical properties and material distribution of sandwich plaques moldes by co-injection [Communication écrite]. Society of Plastics Engineers. Technical Conference, Nashville, TN. Non disponible
Messaoud, D. A., Sanschagrin, B., & Derdouri, A. Co-injection molding: effect of processing on material distribution and mechanical properties of short glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene test bars [Communication écrite]. ANTEC : Annual Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers. Lien externe
Daly, H. B., Cole, K. C., Ajji, A., Nguyen, K. T., & Sanschagrin, B. (mai 2002). Molecular orientation in injection-blow-molded bottles [Communication écrite]. ANTEC 2002. 60th SPE Annual Technical Conference, San Francisco, Ca., USA. Lien externe
Boudaouara, A., Bouti, A., & Sanschagrin, B. (mai 2002). Optimization of thermal sprue for hot runner molds [Communication écrite]. ANTEC 2002. 60th SPE Annual Technical Conference, San Francisco, Ca., USA. Lien externe
Diallo, M. L., Simonet, P., Frenette, B., & Sanschagrin, B. (2001). Resistance of plastic ophthalmic lenses : The effect of base curve on different materials during static load testing. Optometry and vision science, 78(7), 518-524. Lien externe
Becerra, R. A., & Sanschagrin, B. Roving impregnation with thermoplastic for pultrusion [Communication écrite]. ANTEC : Annual Technical Conference. Society of Plastics Engineers. Lien externe
Daly, H. B., Sanschagrin, B., Nguyen, K. T., & Cole, K. C. (1999). Effect of polymer properties on the structure of injection-molded parts. Polymer Engineering and Science, 39(9), 1736-1751. Lien externe
Ben Daly, H., Cole, K. C., Sanschagrin, B., & Nguyen, K. T. (1999). An Experimental technique for the characterization of molecular orientation through the thickness of plastic products. Polymer Engineering and Science, 39(10), 1982-1992. Lien externe
Charrier, J.-M., & Sanschagrin, B. (mai 1999). Integrated use of educational software for product/process design [Communication écrite]. Antec '99. Volume III, New York City, USA. Lien externe
Cole, K. C., Ben Daly, H., Sanschagrin, B., Nguyen, K. T., & Ajji, A. (1999). A New Approach to the Characterization of Molecular Orientation in Uniaxially and Biaxially Oriented Samples of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate). Polymer, 40(12), 3505-3513. Lien externe
Ben, D. H., Nguyen, K. T., Sanschagrin, B., & Cole, K. C. (1998). The build-up and measurement of molecular orientation, crystalline morphology, and residual stresses in injection molded parts : A review. Journal of injection molding technology, 2(2), 59-85. Non disponible
Ben, D. H., Nguyen, K. T., Cole, K. C., & Sanschagrin, B. (septembre 1998). Determination of the biaxial orientation in injection-blow-moulded bottles [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on Orientation of Polymers: Application to Films and Fibres, Boucherville, Qc. Non disponible
Cole, K. C., Ben Daly, H., Sanschagrin, B., Nguyen, K. T., & Ajji, A. (avril 1998). New approach to the characterisation of molecular orientation in uniaxially and biaxially stretched samples of petp [Communication écrite]. Antec '98. Volume II, Atlanta, Ga.. Lien externe
Daly, H. B., Cole, K. C., Sanschagrin, B., & Nguyen, K. T. (avril 1997). Determination of molecular orientation in molded samples of PEEK, HDPE and LCP [Communication écrite]. 1997 55th Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC, Toronto, Can. Lien externe
Charrier, J.-M., & Sanschagrin, B. (avril 1997). Education/training software for schools and industry [Communication écrite]. Antec 97. Volume III, Toronto. Lien externe
Daly, H. B., Cole, K. C., Sanschagrin, B., & Nguyen, K. T. (avril 1997). Experimental technique for the characterization of molecular orientation through the thickness of plastic products [Communication écrite]. 1997 55th Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC, Toronto, Can. Lien externe
Bélanger, B., Sanschagrin, B., & Fisa, B. (1997). Injection molding and properties of highly filled copper-polyamide 11 composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 10(6), 532-542. Lien externe
Mamat, A., Trochu, F., & Sanschagrin, B. (1995). Analysis of shrinkage by dual kriging for filled and unfilled polypropylene molded parts. Polymer Engineering and Science, 35(19), 1511-1520. Lien externe
Chen, C., Nguyen, K. T., Sanschagrin, B., & Piché, L. (mai 1994). Characterization of controlled-degradation polypropylene [Communication écrite]. 52nd Annual Technical Conference ANTEC 94, San Francisco, CA, USA. Non disponible
Provost, A. Y., Nguyen, K. T., Sanschagrin, B., & Connolly, R. (mai 1994). Effect of pressure on the crystallization kinetics of poly(ethylene terephthalate) [Communication écrite]. 52nd Annual Technical Conference ANTEC 94, San Francisco, CA, USA. Non disponible
Arpin, B., Lafleur, P., & Sanschagrin, B. (1994). A personal computer software program for coathanger die simulation. Polymer Engineering and Science, 34(8), 657-664. Lien externe
Kamanayo, G., Trochu, F., & Sanschagrin, B. (1994). Prediction of shrinkage by dual kriging for injection-molded polypropylene plaques. Advances in Polymer Technology, 13(4), 305-314. Lien externe
Mamat, A., Trochu, F., & Sanschagrin, B. (mai 1994). Shrinkage analysis of injection molded polypropylene parts [Communication écrite]. 52nd Annual Technical Conference ANTEC 94, San Francisco, CA, USA. Non disponible
Sean, S. T., Sanschagrin, B., Kokta, B. V., & Maldas, D. (1991). Effects of processing variables on the mechanical properties of compression molded polystyrene-wood fiber composites. Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie, 184(1), 157-166. Lien externe