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Belgharbi, H., Poree, J., Damseh, R., Perrot, V., Milecki, L., Delafontaine-Martel, P., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (2023). An Anatomically Realistic Simulation Framework for 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy. IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 3, 1-13. Lien externe
Xing, P., Porée, J., Rauby, B., Malescot, A., Martineau, E., Perrot, V., Rungta, R. L., & Provost, J. (2023). Phase Aberration Correction for in vivo Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a Spatiotemporal Complex-Valued Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 12 pages. Lien externe
Belgharbi, H., Porée, J., Damseh, R., Perrot, V., Milecki, L., Delafontaine-Martel, P., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (2022). 3D Simulated Microbubble Flow in a Mouse Vascular Network [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe
Jiang, X., Perrot, V., Varray, F., Bart, S., & Hartwell, P. (2022). Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer for Arterial Wall Dynamics Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 69(1), 291-298. Lien externe
Blais, S., Porée, J., Ramos-Palacios, G., Desmarais, S., Perrot, V., Sadikot, A., & Provost, J. (2021). Equivalent time active cavitation imaging. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(19), 22 pages. Lien externe
Jiang, X. J., Perrot, V., Varray, F., Chan, M.-L., Govind, B., Bart, S., & Hartwell, P. (janvier 2021). Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers for Blood Vessel Motion Tracking [Communication écrite]. 34th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2021), Gainesville, Florida, USA. Lien externe
Ekroll, I. K., Perrot, V., Liebgott, H., & Avdal, J. (2021). Tapered Vector Doppler for Improved Quantification of Low Velocity Blood Flow. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 68(4), 1017-1031. Lien externe
Perrot, V., Ekroll, I. K., Avdal, J., Saxhaug, L. M., Dalen, H., Vray, D., Lovstakken, L., & Liebgott, H. (2021). Translation of Simultaneous Vessel Wall Motion and Vectorial Blood Flow Imaging in Healthy and Diseased Carotids to the Clinic: A Pilot Study. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 68(3), 558-569. Lien externe