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Ouangrawa, M., Aubertin, M., Molson, J., Bussière, B., & Zagury, G. J. (2010). Preventing acid mine drainage with an elevated water table: Long-term column experiments and parameter analysis. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 213(1-4), 437-458. External link
Ouangrawa, M., Molson, J., Aubertin, M., Bussière, B., & Zagury, G. J. (2009). Reactive transport modelling of mine tailings columns with capillarity-induced high water saturation for preventing sulfide oxidation. Applied Geochemistry, 24(7), 1312-1323. External link
Ouangrawa, M. (2007). Étude expérimentale et analyse numérique des facteurs qui influencent le comportement hydro-géochimique de résidus miniers sulfureux partiellement saturés [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Ouangrawa, M., Molson, J., Aubertin, M., & Bussière, B. (2007, October). Predicting the performance of an elevated water table for preventing acid mine drainage [Paper]. 60th CGC and 8th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa, Ontario. Unavailable
Ouangrawa, M., Molson, J., Aubertin, M., Zagury, G. J., & Bussière, B. (2006, March). The effect of water table elevation on acid mine drainage from reactive tailings : a laboratory and numerical modeling study [Paper]. 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, St-Louis, MO. External link
Ouangrawa, M., Aubertin, M., Molson, J., Zagury, G. J., & Bussière, B. (2005, September). An evaluation of the elevated water table concept using laboratory columns with sulphidic tailings [Paper]. 58th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Saskatchewan, Canada. Unavailable