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Jedrzejczak, A., Batory, D., Cichomski, M., Miletic, A., Czerniak-Reczulska, M., Niedzielski, P., & Dudek, M. (2020). Formation of anatase and srilankite mixture as a result of the thermally induced transformation of the a-C:H:TiOx coating. Surface and Coatings Technology, 400, 9 pages. External link
Miletic, A., Panjan, P., Čekada, M., Kovačević, L., Terek, P., Kovač, J., Dražič, G., & Škorić, B. (2021). Nanolayer CrAlN/TiSiN coating designed for tribological applications. Ceramics International, 47(2), 2022-2033. External link
Terek, P., Kovačević, L., Miletic, A., Škorić, B., Kovač, J., & Drnovšek, A. (2020). Metallurgical Soldering of Duplex CrN Coating in Contact with Aluminum Alloy. Coatings, 10(3), 303 (17 pages). External link
Varela, L. B., Tavares Avila, P. R., Miletic, A., Bousser, E., Mendez, J. M., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2024). Residual stress depth profiles self-developed in cathodic arc deposited Ti-Al-N coatings prepared at different constant substrate bias values. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 42(4), 043104 (22 pages). External link