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Milano, F., Chevrier, A., De Crescenzo, G., & Lavertu, M. (2023). Injectable Lyophilized Chitosan-Thrombin-Platelet-Rich Plasma (CS-FIIa-PRP) Implant to Promote Tissue Regeneration: In Vitro and Ex Vivo Solidification Properties. Polymers, 15(13), 2919 (15 pages). Available
Milano, F., Chevrier, A., De Crescenzo, G., & Lavertu, M. (2021). Robust Segmentation-Free Algorithm for Homogeneity Quantification in Images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30, 5533-5544. External link
Ahunon, L., Milano, F., Chevrier, A., & Lavertu, M. (2020). A novel image analysis algorithm reveals that media conditioned with chitosan and platelet-rich plasma biomaterial dose dependently increases fibroblast migration in a scratch assay. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 6(6), 15 pages. External link