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Blostein, N., Banerjee, R., Bédard, S., Shahrampour, S., De Leener, B., Mohamed, F. B., Middleton, D., Krisa, L., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023, May). Multimodal pediatric spinal cord template [Paper]. QBIN Scientific Day 2023, Laval, Qc, Canada. External link
Shahrampour, S., De Leener, B., Middleton, D., Jonnavithula, K., Alizadeh, M., Pediyakkal, H. F., Krisa, L., Flanders, A., Faro, S., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mohamed, F. (2019, May). Development of a standardized normative pediatric spinal cord structural template : demonstration of an automatic estimation of spinal cord cross sectional area measurements (SCCSA) [Paper]. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada. External link
Shahrampour, S., Middleton, D., Alizadeh, A., Krisa, L., Naghizadehkashani, S., Faro, S., Flanders, A., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mohamed, F. (2023, April). Measurement of magnetization transfer ratio in typically developed pediatric spinal cord : clinical feasibility, assessment of normative data and age correlation [Poster]. ASIA annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Unavailable
Shahrampour, S., Alizadeh, M., Middleton, D., De Leener, B., Krisa, L., Flanders, A. E., Faro, S. H., Cohen-Adad, J., Mulcahey, M.J., & Mohamed, F. B. (2023, June). Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging to quantify the macro and microstructural changes in normal and pediatrics with spinal cord injury [Poster]. ISMRM & ISMRT annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. External link
Shahrampour, S., De Leener, B., Middleton, D., Alizadeh, M., Krisa, L., Flanders, A., Faro, S., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mohamed, F. (2020, May). Development of pediatric spinal cord white matter atlas : preliminary analysis [Poster]. 58th ASNR annual meeting. External link
Shahrampour, S., De Leener, B., Middleton, D., Alizadeh, M., Krisa, L., Flanders, A., Faro, S., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mohamed, F. (2020, August). Development of pediatric spinal cord white matter atlas : preliminary analysis [Presentation]. In 2020 Joint annual meeting ISMRM & ISMRT. External link