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Marcoux-Valiquette, P., Darviot, C., Wang, L., Grosset, A.-A., Hasanzadeh Kafshgari, M., Birela, M., Patskovsky, S., Trudel, D., & Meunier, M. (2021). Multiplexed plasmonic nano-labeling for bioimaging of cytological stained samples. Cancers, 13(14), 3509 (10 pages). Available
Marcoux-Valiquette, P. (2020). Marquage immunoplasmonique multiplexé sur échantillons histologiques pour le diagnostic du cancer [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Wilson, A., Mazzaferri, J., Bergeron, É., Patskovsky, S., Marcoux-Valiquette, P., Costantino, S., Sapieha, P., & Meunier, M. (2019, February). In vivo laser targeted gene therapy of retina ganglion cells (Conference Presentation) [Presentation]. In SPIE BiOS, San Francisco, California. External link
Wilson, A. M., Mazzaferri, J., Bergeron, E., Patskovsky, S., Marcoux-Valiquette, P., Costantino, S., Sapieha, P., & Meunier, M. (2018). In Vivo Laser-Mediated Retinal Ganglion Cell Optoporation Using KV1.1 Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles. Nano Letters, 18(11), 6981-6988. External link