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Nombre de documents: 13


Beaudoin, G., Lasri, A., Zhao, C., Liberelle, B., De Crescenzo, G., & Zhu, X.-X. (2021). Making Hydrophilic Polymers Thermoresponsive: The Upper Critical Solution Temperature of Copolymers of Acrylamide and Acrylic Acid. Macromolecules, 54(17), 7963-7969. Lien externe

Boucher, C., Liberelle, B., Jolicoeur, M., Durocher, Y., & De Crescenzo, G. (2009). Epidermal Growth Factor Tethered Through Coiled-Coil Interactions Induces Cell Surface Receptor Phosphorylation. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 20(8), 1569-1577. Lien externe


Delattre, L., Naasri, S., Solano, A. G., Therriault, H., Bergeron-Fortier, S., Moreau, V., Liberelle, B., De Crescenzo, G., Lauzon, M.-A., Faucheux, N., Paquette, B., & Virgilio, N. (2024). The role of pore size and mechanical properties on the accumulation, retention and distribution of F98 glioblastoma cells in macroporous hydrogels. Biomedical Materials, 31 pages. Lien externe

Dégardin, M., Liberelle, B., Oliverio, R., Baniahmad, S. F., Darviot, C., Largillière, I., Henry, O., Durocher, Y., Banquy, X., Meunier, M., & De Crescenzo, G. (2023). Coiled-coil-based biofunctionalization of 100 nm gold nanoparticles with the trastuzumab antibody for the detection of HER2-positive cancer cells. Langmuir, 39(34), 12235-12247. Lien externe


Gaudreault, J., Liberelle, B., Durocher, Y., Henry, O., & De Crescenzo, G. (2021). Determination of the composition of heterogeneous binder solutions by surface plasmon resonance biosensing. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 3685 (16 pages). Disponible


Liberelle, B., Bartholin, L., Boucher, C., Murschel, F., Jolicoeur, M., Durocher, Y., Merzouki, A., & De Crescenzo, G. (2010). New Elisa Approach Based on Coiled-Coil Interactions. Journal of Immunological Methods, 362(1-2), 161-167. Lien externe


Oliverio, R., Liberelle, B., Patenaude, V., Moreau, V., Thomas, E., Virgilio, N., Banquy, X., & De Crescenzo, G. (2024). Cofunctionalization of acroporous dextran hydrogels with adhesive peptides and growth factors enables vascular spheroid sprouting. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 14 pages. Lien externe

Oliverio, R., Liberelle, B., Murschel, F., Garcia-Ac, A., Banquy, X., & De Crescenzo, G. (2022). Correction to : Versatile and High-Throughput Strategy for the Quantification of Proteins Bound to Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(9), 13680-13680. Lien externe


Paquette, B., Safi, C., Naasri, S., Giraldo Solano, A., Therriault, H., Liberelle, B., Faucheux, N., Lauzon, M.-A., & Virgilio, N. (septembre 2023). Eliminate cancer cells infiltrated in the brain by attracting them into a macroporous hydrogel trap [Résumé]. CARO-COMP Joint Scientific Meeting (CARO-COMP 2023), Montréal, Québec, Canada (1 page). Publié dans Radiotherapy and Oncology, 186(Suppl.1). Lien externe


Roth, A., Murschel, F., Latreille, P.-L., Martinez, V. A., Liberelle, B., Banquy, X., & De Crescenzo, G. (2019). Coiled Coil Affinity-Based Systems for the Controlled Release of Biofunctionalized Gold Nanoparticles from Alginate Hydrogels. Biomacromolecules, 20(5), 1926-1936. Lien externe


Solano, A. G., Dupuy, J., Therriault, H., Liberelle, B., Faucheux, N., Lauzon, M.-A., Virgilio, N., & Paquette, B. (2021). An alginate-based macroporous hydrogel matrix to trap cancer cells. Carbohydrate Polymers, 266, 9 pages. Lien externe

Savoji, H., Maire, M., Lequoy, P., Liberelle, B., De Crescenzo, G., Ajji, A., Wertheimer, M. R., & Lerouge, S. (2017). Correction to “Combining Electrospun Fiber Mats and Bioactive Coatings for Vascular Graft Prostheses”. Biomacromolecules, 18(2), 647-647. Lien externe

Savoji, H., Maire, M., Lequoy, P., Liberelle, B., De Crescenzo, G., Ajji, A., Wertheimer, M. R., & Lerouge, S. (2016). Combining electrospun fiber mats and bioactive coatings for vascular graft prostheses. Biomacromolecules, 18(1), 303-310. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 05:06:42 2025 EST.