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Frih, I., Tu, G., Ma, Y., Achiche, S., Laymouna, M. A., Chehab, M., Thériault, L., Lemire, B., Nait El Haj, M., & Lebouché, B. (2022, July). Lessons learned from the development and implementation of MARVIN : a bilingual artificial intelligence Chatbot for people living with HIV [Poster]. 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022), Montreal, Canada, and virtually. External link
Laymouna, M., Ma, Y., Lessard, D., Engler, K., Therrien, R., Schuster, T., Vicente, S., Achiche, S., Haj, M. N. E., Lemire, B., Kawaiah, A., & Lebouché, B. (2024). Needs-assessment for an artificial intelligence-based Chatbot for pharmacists in HIV care: results from a knowledge–attitudes–practices survey. Healthcare, 12(16), 1661-1661. Available
Ma, Y., Achiche, S., Pomey, M.-P., Paquette, J., Adjtoutah, N., Vicente, S., Engler, K., Laymouna, M., Lessard, D., Lemire, B., Asselah, J., Therrien, R., Osmanlliu, E., Zawati, M. H., Joly, Y., & Lebouché, B. (2024). Adapting and Evaluating an AI-Based Chatbot Through Patient and Stakeholder Engagement to Provide Information for Different Health Conditions: Master Protocol for an Adaptive Platform Trial (the MARVIN Chatbots Study). JMIR Research Protocols, 13, 54668. External link
Ma, Y., Achiche, S., Tu, G., Vicente, S., Lessard, D., Engler, K., Lemire, B., chatbots Patient Expert Committee, M. A. R. V. I. N., Laymouna, M., de Pokomandy, A., Cox, J., & Lebouché, B. (2024). The first AI-based Chatbot to promote HIV self-management: A mixed methods usability study. HIV Medicine, 13720 (23 pages). External link
Ma, Y., Engler, K., Vincente, S., Achiche, S., Lemire, B., Rodrigez Cruz, A., Thériault, L., Soussou, S., Régazzoni, B., Tu, G., Nait Ei Haj, M., de Pokomandy, A., Cox, J., Zahedi Niaki, N., & Lebouché, B. (2022, April). Utilisabilité et acceptabilité d'un Chatbot basé sur l'intelligence artificielle pour faciliter l'autogestion des antirétroviraux chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH [Poster]. 11ème conférence internationale francophone de Alliance francophone des acteurs de santé contre le VIH et les infections virales chroniques ou émergentes (AFRAVIH 2022), Marseille, France. External link
Ma, Y., Sanmiguel, D., Lessard, D., Thériault, L., Achiche, S., Arora, A., Mate, K., Lemire, B., Hijal, T., Schuster, T., Kildea, J., De Pokomandy, A., Cox, J., Kronfli, N., Klein, M., & Lebouché, B. (2020, July). Chatbot MARVIN: Development study of an Intelligent Conversational Agent to Promote HIV Patients' Engagement in Care and Management of ART Adherence Barriers [Poster]. 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020: Virtual). External link
Ma, Y., Bock, G., Cherni, G., Lemire, B., Therrien, R., Thériault, L., Lessard, D., Engler, K., & Achiche, S. (2020, November). Meet Marvin, the CHATBOT : using artificial intelligence to engage HIV patients in their antiretroviral therapy [Presentation]. In Workshop on Healthy Living with HIV. External link