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El Kheir, W., Naasri, S., Marcos, B., Virgilio, N., Paquette, B., Faucheux, N., & Lauzon, M.-A. (2024). CXCL12 impact on glioblastoma cells behaviors under dynamic culture conditions: Insights for developing new therapeutic approaches. PLOS One. External link
Pares, L., Naasri, S., Delattre, L., Therriault, H., Liberelle, B., De Crescenzo, G., Lauzon, M.-A., Faucheux, N., Paquette, B., & Virgilio, N. (2024). Macroporous chitosan/alginate hydrogels crosslinked with genipin accumulate and retain glioblastoma cancer cells. RSC Advances, 14(48), 35286-35304. Available
Delattre, L., Naasri, S., Solano, A. G., Therriault, H., Bergeron-Fortier, S., Moreau, V., Liberelle, B., De Crescenzo, G., Lauzon, M.-A., Faucheux, N., Paquette, B., & Virgilio, N. (2024). The role of pore size and mechanical properties on the accumulation, retention and distribution of F98 glioblastoma cells in macroporous hydrogels. Biomedical Materials, 31 pages. External link
Kheir, W. E., Dumais, A., Beaudoin, M., Marcos, B., Virgilio, N., Paquette, B., Faucheux, N., & Lauzon, M.-A. (2023). Impact of simulated brain interstitial fluid flow on the chemokine CXCL12 release from an alginate-based hydrogel in a new 3D in vitro model. Frontiers in Drug Delivery, 3, 1227776 (18 pages). Available
Safi, C., Solano, A. G., Liberelle, B., Therriault, H., Delattre, L., Abdelkhalek, M., Wang, C., Bergeron-Fortier, S., Moreau, V., De Crescenzo, G., Faucheux, N., Lauzon, M.-A., Paquette, B., & Virgilio, N. (2022). Effect of Chitosan on alginate-based macroporous hydrogels for the capture of glioblastoma cancer cells. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 5(9), 4531-4540. External link
El Kheir, W., Marcos, B., Virgilio, N., Paquette, B., Faucheux, N., & Lauzon, M.-A. (2022). Drug delivery systems in the development of novel strategies for glioblastoma treatment. Pharmaceutics, 14(6), 37 pages. External link
Solano, A. G., Dupuy, J., Therriault, H., Liberelle, B., Faucheux, N., Lauzon, M.-A., Virgilio, N., & Paquette, B. (2021). An alginate-based macroporous hydrogel matrix to trap cancer cells. Carbohydrate Polymers, 266, 9 pages. External link
Gascon, S., Giraldo Solano, A., El Kheir, W., Therriault, H., Berthelin, P., Cattier, B., Marcos, B., Virgilio, N., Paquette, B., Faucheux, N., & Lauzon, M.-A. (2020). Erratum: Characterization and Mathematical Modeling of Alginate/Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles Releasing the Chemokine CXCL12 to Attract Glioblastoma Cells. Pharmaceutics, 12(12), 1153 (2 pages). Available
Gascon, S., Solano, A. G., El Kheir, W., Therriault, H., Berthelin, P., Cattier, B., Marcos, B., Virgilio, N., Paquette, B., Faucheux, N., & Lauzon, M.-A. (2020). Characterization and Mathematical Modeling of Alginate/Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles Releasing the Chemokine CXCL12 to Attract Glioblastoma Cells. Pharmaceutics, 12(4), 356 (21 pages). External link
Lauzon, M.-A., Drevelle, O., & Faucheux, N. (2017). Peptides derived from the knuckle epitope of BMP-9 induce the cholinergic differentiation and inactivate GSk3beta in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 4695 (14 pages). Available
Lauzon, M.-A., Drevelle, O., Daviau, A., & Faucheux, N. (2016). Effects of BMP-9 and BMP-2 on the PI3K/Akt pathway in MC3T3-E1 preosteoblasts. Tissue Engineering Part A, 22(17-18), 1075-1085. External link
Paquette, B., Safi, C., Naasri, S., Giraldo Solano, A., Therriault, H., Liberelle, B., Faucheux, N., Lauzon, M.-A., & Virgilio, N. (2023, September). Eliminate cancer cells infiltrated in the brain by attracting them into a macroporous hydrogel trap [Abstract]. CARO-COMP Joint Scientific Meeting (CARO-COMP 2023), Montréal, Québec, Canada (1 page). Published in Radiotherapy and Oncology, 186(Suppl.1). External link
Giraldo, A., Faucheux, N., Virgilio, N., Lauzon, M.-A., Gascon, S., Therriault, H., & Paquette, B. (2020, September). 78: Development of a trap to attract and eliminate cancer cells infiltrated into the brain [Abstract]. CARO Virtual Scientific Meeting in partnership with the CAMRT "Equity in Radiation Oncology: Patients Providers and Practice". Published in Radiotherapy and Oncology, 150. Available